[Social] Thormyr, lvl 120 elemental shaman

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Dark Raven
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Character name: Thormyr

[Social] Thormyr, lvl 120 elemental shaman

Post by BiscuitJ » 24 May 2020, 23:50

Who is your character?
Thormyr, the dwarf elemental shaman and expert engineer

Who are you?
My name's Filip, I'm 33 years old and I live near Antwerp, Belgium

I like any and all PVE content. Dipping my toes in M+ but I'd really like a nice guild to dip with :shock:

Guild history
Last guild was Violent Noise on Defias Brotherhood hordeside where I was also just a social member :)

I came across Raven Council in the guild finder, liked the message and checked out the website and here I am

About you
I only recently came back to WoW after the birth of my daughter Emilie in march to kill time after putting her to bed :) Been playing on and off since vanilla and for now just looking for a fun crew to talk with while I do my dailies and world quests. Hopefully in time I can join in on some M+ or even raids. During the day I'm a web developer, in my spare time I mostly play WoW or Civ VI

Gnomes and dwarves are natural enemies. Like trolls and dwarves. Or Blood elves and dwarves. Or night elves and dwarves. Or dwarves and other dwarves. Damned dwarves, they ruined Ironforge! .. What were we talking about? Gnomes? Gnomes are cool I guess.

Hope to hear from you guys soon,

Best regards


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Re: [Social] Thormyr, lvl 120 elemental shaman

Post by Jimmble » 25 May 2020, 08:17

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Dark Raven
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Re: [Social] Thormyr, lvl 120 elemental shaman

Post by Sherelia » 26 May 2020, 01:13

ATNWERPEN YEAAAAA LESGO, GL on the apply ;) I'm sure theyre kind! btw. Don't guess on gnomes

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Dark Raven
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Re: [Social] Thormyr, lvl 120 elemental shaman

Post by Cecîl » 26 May 2020, 12:25

Hello your application has been approved please poke an officer for invite.

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Dark Raven
recruitment, guild bank
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Re: [Social] Thormyr, lvl 120 elemental shaman

Post by Cecîl » 26 May 2020, 16:26

< recruited >
