[Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

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[Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Buhar » 17 Sep 2014, 18:23

Who is your character?

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... r/advanced

Who are you?

My name is Luuk, I'm 18 years old, and will turn 19 in just over a week.
I'm from the Netherlands, and am currently in the second year of my ICT & Game Design school.


I started playing in the end of Cataclysm, I created my first character the same week as Dragon Soul was released.

I managed to clear up to Spine HC around 2 months before Mists was released, but sadly enough my guild stopped raiding. I went to a new guild with some friends, and cleared the raid just 1 week before Mists was released. During this time I was playing both a Blood Death Knight, as feral Druid.

Since we where short ranged dps, I swapped my druid over to Balance, to fir the guild better.
In Mists we where pretty quick in getting down MSV and the first part of HoF, however we where struggling with Garalon a lot. We lost some members, and once again, stopped raiding. During this time I was still swapping between Druid and Death Knight every few weeks, depending on what we needed.

I then joined Revolution, where I started off with playing my druid. After a few weeks in they asked me to raidlead their second team. They had a lot of people that wanted to join, however no one wanted to take the responsibility and lead. I ended up playing in both teams at the same time, aswell as doing RBG's, which resulted in a 6 day/week schedule. After about a month it became too much, and I decided to sit out as much as I could in the main team. We eventually where only one boss behind on the main team, and decided to go 25 man, rather then stay with 2 10 man teams. We killed Ji-Kun and Jin'Rokh on heroic. I swapped back to my druid once we went 25 man.

In SoO I've cleared everything on my druid, and didn't bother playing my DK again.

In short :

Cata :
DS - Cleared

MoP :
MSV - 4/6 HC
HoF - 1/6 HC
ToeS - 4/4 Normal + Hardmode
ToT - 2/12 HC
SoO - 14/14 HC

Raid role

During the raids I always put keeping myself and the raid alive above topping the DPS meters.
I'd rather do, let's say, 10k less dps and make sure I survive, then die and cause a wipe. Besides that I've learned to look at the positioning and mistakes others make aswell, as I used to be raid-leading. This means I'm usually not afraid to call out certain abilities, places we have to go or people that have to do something special , if required.

I check the MMO-Champion forums a lot, as there are usually a lot of good people on there. Whenever I'm insecure about my talents, reforges or gems, I make sure to Check out Lappe, since I think he's one of, if not the best, balance druid in the game. This usually only happens when there are multiple theories going around, and there is a lot of discussion going on about what is the best.

Talent choices

Normal preferred Talents :

T1 : Displacer Beast, it allows me to move to locations, even if nobody else is there yet.
T2 : Ysera's Gift, With the NS + HT Macro and healthstones, I don't see the reason for a third insta-cast self heal.
T3 : Usually Typhoon, as it brings the most cc. barely any exceptions
T4 : Incarnation, Highest DPS gain.
T5 : Usually Ursol's vortex, great in combination with Solar Beam.
T6 : HotW, I prefer the static DPS increase, combined with being able to "save the raid" by casting some OP 1 mill crit heals, or tanking the boss for ~30 sec. to reset stacks.

Glyphs :
I always run the Glyph of Rebirth, as I feel like it's extremely helpful and will assure the person you just ressed doesn't instantly die again.

I also use Glyph of Stampede, I prefer it over Glyph of Stampeding Roar usually, although there are some situations where I have to swap.

Last spot is between Glyph of Hurricane and Glyph of the Guided Stars. If I don't need slows and can have my Starfall freely hit anything it wants, I'll run the other Stampeding Roar glyph.

Thok : Exactly the same. There is no need for any CC, and I prefer being able to use Displacer beast, just in case I get one of the later fixates. Being able to pop HotW and cast some heals in the last phase (not needed anymore, but it surely was during progression) can really help secure the kill.

Rebirth + both Stampeding Roar glyphs

Siegecrafter Blackfuse : Again, exactly the same. The only thing I'd like to add is I'm using the EMP Generator tinker, rather then rocket boots, to get some extra cc in. having Ursol's where the mines spawn make it a lot easier.

Rebirth, Stampede and Hurricane

Paragons : I swapped Typhoon for Fearie Swarm and Ursol's for Mighty Bash, so I was able to slow / stun the bloods where needed.

Rebirth, Stampede and Guided Stars

Garrosh : Was using the normal talents again.

Rebirth, Stampede and Hurricane

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I haven't played resto in PvE in a long time, so I think it would be better if I didn't even try.
I do have a Mistweaver Monk alt that I enjoy playing, but I haven't spend as much time finding out how to min/max my performance.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... r/advanced

I'll just drop an armory link to my DK here aswell, though I don't plan on playing him any time soon.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... n/advanced


I do have a microphone, and am comfortable speaking whenever needed, but also know when to keep my mouth shut to keep Mumble calm.

http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ZVM ... &source=39 is the last raid we had, there should be enough there :D

Your UI

Amazing paint skills

Green = trinket/gem procs
Red = main Def CD's
Yellow = Nature's Grace timer
Blue = Starsurge Procs

Although you can't see them now, I have my raid frames on the left, just above my recount.

Guild History
Starting off in a guild called Dutch Inc, my brother was in there at the time, so it was easy to start there. When they stopped raiding, I joined Combined Kingdom. Sadly enough they stopped raiding aswell. I then joined my current guild, Revolution. Been here for around 1.5 years, but after recent events and disagreements with the GM, I decided it was time to find a new home, to ensure I was in a reliable guild when WoD hit.

Raid availability

Yeah, unless something special happens, I should be able to make every raid.


I was searching for Alliance guilds that where around the same progress as my previous guild. Enna, who has applied just before me / will soon, linked me your guild page, and it looked fun.

About you



I'm usually up for a lot of stuff outside of raids aswell. Including CM's, old content, possibly even some PvP, aswell as other games.

I'm also able to stream during raids, as long as I turn my graphics down a notch, if so required.

Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
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Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Jimmble » 17 Sep 2014, 18:27

Hmm... didn't know lazor chikkins have a crosshair to aim at stuff. Maybe Lanaiba knows better!

Posts: 3252
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Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Bowick » 17 Sep 2014, 18:35

I heard it's for his Gnome-seeking Moonfires..
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

Posts: 28
Character name: Arathana

Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Buhar » 17 Sep 2014, 18:38

I can neither confirm nor deny that killing gnomes was my plan all along

Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
WoW character race: Pandaren
WoW character class: Monk

Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Bowick » 18 Sep 2014, 16:35

We'd like to offer you a raid trial, and if you're available tonight (19:45), then we can start today!
Just let us know if that works for you. :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai


Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by bubu » 18 Sep 2014, 17:10

Yeah, sounds good. I assume it will just be a fresh run?

I'll make sure to watch some of your kill vids, so I don't get surprised by your tactics. Should I add any1 else on Battle Tag for the invites?

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Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Alikh » 18 Sep 2014, 17:20

Fresh run yep.
Don't think we have any of the first half bosses on vid, but I wouldn't worry about those anyway.
It gets more important really at Garrosh and perhaps Klaxxi/Siegecrafter. For those we do have vids although I'd have to look them up.

If you have Bowie on btag, then that should be enough.

Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
WoW character race: Pandaren
WoW character class: Monk

Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Bowick » 18 Sep 2014, 18:25

We'll be aiming for Immerseus -> Siegecrafter tonight, with fairly standard 25 man tactics I believe!

If you don't have some of these installed already, please download..

- Mumble
- EPGP Lootmaster
- Angry Assignments

Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Drurian » 19 Sep 2014, 18:52

Anything which helps in the control/extermination of gnomes is good by my books
Image Image

Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Jimmble » 19 Sep 2014, 19:00

Dudu! Zis chikkin has aiming thingies!

Dark Raven
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Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Lanaiba » 20 Sep 2014, 09:35

Maybe i can share with him The Gnome Seeker v1.337 that i use. Mwhahahaha

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Re: [Raider] Buhar, lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Zarell » 29 Sep 2014, 09:36

