[RG2]Cheyenneh, MM Hunter

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[RG2]Cheyenneh, MM Hunter

Post by Nikki » 25 Sep 2017, 11:02

Who is your character?

Cheyenneh, Hunter, Marksman and Beast Mastery, My armory, My wowprogress

Who are you?
I am Nikki from the Netherlands

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

Currently I am applying to RG2


I started to raid in TBC, mainly MH, BT, GL and Kara, (mainly on my druid as OT), in wrath I raided on my priest in disc spec, Cleared Naxx, almost cleared Ulduar on HM, skipped trial and ruby sanctum(took a break) and cleared ICC. In cata I switched to shadow and cleared BWD on hc, did a bit of BoT than had a break and came back for DS, cleared that on heroic. In pandaland I switched back to holy, MSV 5/6 hc, HoF 6/6hc, ToES 4/4, SoO 7/14 hc than the guild fell apart. In WoD I started to main my hunter, got HM 7/7 hc, had to start looking around for a guild to raid with, skipped BRF mostly since I mainly was pugging, and started to raid HFC on mythic with Prime, xrealm (was still possible at that point) With prime I got to 11/13 mythic while it was content. I transferred realms to defias to join them permantently, since mythic would not be possible xrealm anymore, In the new expansion we cleared 5/7 mythic, we did not do much of trial, I switched to C2, was going through some personal issues, and we got to full clear hc and 3/10 mythic. ToS I did mostly on my priest, 8/9 HC, by that time many chances had been in the guild, many people left, and I just didnt enjoy raiding anymore, so I decided to step down and take a break to think what I wanted to do. Got AotC with my hunter, and have been focussing on her.

Raid Role

I read up on new fights from as many sources as I can find. I bring flasks, food, tomes and runes. After runs I check wow logs to see what I can do to improve myself. I am connected to hunters discord and I daily check IV mostly.

Your Spec

My main spec's artifact level is 65, my main rotation priority is to keep vulnerable up on my targets and blow them away with aimed shot. My stat prio is Mastery/Crit-->Haste-->Versa. My talent choices are different depending on the fight. The most switched talents are Lock and load and true aim, murder of crows and volley, trick shot and piercing shot. For this I always bring plenty of tomes so I can change it after each encounter. My gear also is heavy fight depending. I switch around with the gloves (st), the belt (mt) the boots (mt+st) and the ring (st).

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I am very comfortable with switching, I have a priest (mainly playing holy) and I am gearing my warlock currently but I need some more time before I am comfortable with switching to that one.


Yes, I have a microphone and I am very comfortable with using it, however, I only speak during encounters if its really necessary, I am not a fan of lots of talking during encounters as I might miss an important instruction being called out.
I would like to see forums being used to discuss tactics on a boss thats currently struggling to go down and would be happy to participate as well.

Combat Logs

Warcraft logs

Your UI

My ui
I have exrt, wa, dbm, and hardware wise I have a keyboard with designated macro keys.

Guild History

I moved to Defias to join Prime, my priest is still there currently, they are good people, however, there has been many changes people wise and I didnt feel like I fit in the current raid team. Currently I am in Sanity, went there as a social member (no way I am going to raid 7days a week lol), while looking around on my alts if there was a guild I felt I might want to raid with again. I didnt find any until I joined you a few days ago. I felt very welcome and it got my excitement up to join a raid team again.

Raid availability
Yes, I am available basically 7 days a week haha, and I am willing to raid up to 3 nights a week (social/alt raids excluded, i love those as well, but I dont count them in my willingness to raid nights).

I heard about you through /2 recruitment, filled in an application as social and here I am :)

About you
For this part I refer to My social application, hence all the info there is more or less the same.


I answered in green because, well, I am a hunter yes? :D
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Re: [RG2]Cheyenneh, MM Hunter

Post by Netzach » 25 Sep 2017, 11:45

Nikki wrote:I answered in green because, well, I am a hunter yes? :D
Hunter color is purple not green because every loot is hunter loot.

Good luck with your application!

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Dark Raven
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Re: [RG2]Cheyenneh, MM Hunter

Post by Nikki » 25 Sep 2017, 11:52

Netzach wrote:
Nikki wrote:I answered in green because, well, I am a hunter yes? :D
Hunter color is purple not green because every loot is hunter loot.

Good luck with your application!
I like your way of thinking! :p
“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.”

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Re: [RG2]Cheyenneh, MM Hunter

Post by Fahranya » 25 Sep 2017, 18:33

Thank you for your application. Give us a while to deliberate.
