Who is your character?
The name of my character is Orie, I play a hunter and currently specced BM. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... rie/simple
Who are you?
Ronnie, 30+, I am from the Netherlands
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Applying to RG2
I am a really old school player. I raided mainly in Vanilla, The Burning Crusade and Wotlk and some Mist of Pandaria. I raided hardcore in the first 3 mentioned. Cleared everything in Vanilla apart from Naxx40, Cleared everything in TBC and cleared everything in Wotlk. After this I was pretty burned out cause I had to combine the raiding with a job that was far away from home and struggling to make raid times every day. So I skipped Cataclyms' raid content entirely. In MoP I raided some instances but nothing really too serious and Warlords just pissed me off how bad the expansion was so I didnt raid there much aswell. I would have liked to raid HFC but my gear was too far behind that I couldnt catch up. Lately I have been feeling hyped alot about Legion and would love to raid with you guys.
Raid Role
My raid role would be dps ofcourse. I prepare for raid by getting the best food/flask buffs and informing myself by searching several sources to get the best rotation and raid information.
Your Spec
Cant tell much about BM yet. I will play whatever spec of hunter is best suited for the raid or is the best dps.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have so many alts I couldnt say what is my main alt. If another class/role is required in a raid I'd be happy to fill that role if its necessary and gear it appropriately.
I have a very good headset that I use every day. My spoken english is really good and I am very comfortable speaking it. I also stream in English so I kinda have too.
Combat Logs
I dont have any relevant combat logs right now. I am starting a new adventure of raiding.
Your UI
I dont really wanna show my UI as of right now because not all addons are ready yet and I am not sure what too spec right now. I will provide one at a later point if you want. I am very picky about my UI and want it to be perfect when raiding. I try to raid with as less addons as possible cause I prefer a clean yet informative setup.
Guild History
I've been in Revelations in TBC and Ubiquity after that. Then moved around abit until I reached you guys. I am already part of your guild and I love it here. I just want to raid for Legion.
Raid availability
For now I am availeble every day all day! I dont have a job atm.
You probably already know of me I talk now and then in guild chat. I got Rain, Jimmble and Tufib on my friendlist if that counts
About you
As said I am from the Netherlands, in my free time(which I have alot of now) I love to stream and play World of Warcraft and Overwatch, I talk alot and laugh at my own jokes. I watch alot of good series like Stranger Things and the Night of. I watch some anime now and then. I love to hang out with ppl on discord or whatever voice program ppl use. I love to watch sports even though I dont do anything myself. I love ice cold beers. I hate losing and ppl who smell bad. Anything else you want to know you can ask.
I love gnomes!
[RG2] Orie, Hunter for Legion
Re: [RG2] Orie, Hunter for Legion
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.
Re: [RG2] Orie, Hunter for Legion
Thank you for your application and sorry for making you wait. The wheels turn so slowly during the summer, I'm afraid.
We are interested in giving you a trial after Emerald Nightmare opens up. But there is, sadly, a bit of a queue there that we're going to go through as quickly as possible for us.
However! If you want to your application can, while you wait, be handled as a SOCIAL application.
That way you will be able to join the guild much quicker and can hang out with us while you wait for your turn.
Thank you for your application and sorry for making you wait. The wheels turn so slowly during the summer, I'm afraid.
We are interested in giving you a trial after Emerald Nightmare opens up. But there is, sadly, a bit of a queue there that we're going to go through as quickly as possible for us.
However! If you want to your application can, while you wait, be handled as a SOCIAL application.
That way you will be able to join the guild much quicker and can hang out with us while you wait for your turn.
Re: [RG2] Orie, Hunter for Legion
Fahranya wrote:Hello.
Thank you for your application and sorry for making you wait. The wheels turn so slowly during the summer, I'm afraid.
We are interested in giving you a trial after Emerald Nightmare opens up. But there is, sadly, a bit of a queue there that we're going to go through as quickly as possible for us.
However! If you want to your application can, while you wait, be handled as a SOCIAL application.
That way you will be able to join the guild much quicker and can hang out with us while you wait for your turn.
Edit: I have been informed that you are ALREADY a social member. Err... carry on then.
Re: [RG2] Orie, Hunter for Legion
haha will do <3
Re: [RG2] Orie, Hunter for Legion
In guild app, trial pending.