Some of the information below are copied from my former application as a social
Edit: I am very sorry for the wall, for some reason I always tend to write extensive applications
Who is your character?
Currently maining: Télliera, Night Elf MM hunter ... a/advanced
Who are you?
My name is Povel, I'm a 22 year old swedish dude born and bred in Stockholm. Currently working with customer service at one of the swedish telecom carriers.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying for a spot in Raid Group 1.
Vanilla-TBC as a Gnome Rogue on Darksorrow Alliance in "Surface Tension"
ZG, MC, Onyxia, AQ20, parts of AQ40 and BWL. Had a few adventures in Kara & Gruul with a guild I made with a close friend of mine, sad to miss out of the real progression in this expansion though.
Wotlk as a Blood DK on Darksorrow Alliance in "Man Ska Vara Seriös"
Naxx-Ulduar, break and then some casual farm of ICC
Did progression as a Resto Druid in BoT/BWD/TotFW HC during the early weeks of Cata on Ragnaros Horde as a resto druid, then quit.
Came back casually for a few months during MoP but did not raid at all.
Warlord of Draenor:
Mained a protection warrior under the name Tellier (logs available further down)
Started a semi-casual guild after transfering to Defias Brotherhood [H] and did 6/7HC in HM . We lacked players and merged with Phaseroll before the release of BRF. With a some what stable roster we went into Mythic progression but halted after a few weeks due to lousy attendance and bad performance from key players.
It was at this point we started networking on the horde side and decided to merge with Imperious. The progression continued and we got to down 8/10M + 7/7M before the release of HFC. Boosted up a Brew (Bouncygirl) just for... well you know, cheesing almost every boss in BRF. Did split raiding as prot/brew depending on the encounter.
After HFC was released it seemed as nothing had happened, still struggling with attendance (it was summer after all) and it went slow. We cleared 13/13HC by the end of july. Most of us grew tired and differences between leaders became apparent. I transfered my warrior to Silvermoon right before my break and did 3/10M.
Came back in december and joined a few friends on Darksorrow Alliance. Joined their raid once or twice and did 9/13M but together we decided to pause. Before doing so, we spent a month or so doing 8/8 CMs on a few characters.
Raid Role
Since my return to the game 2 weeks ago I have decided to try and main my hunter. I have always tried to pay close attention to the top raiders, following their streams, Youtube and whatnot. A personal favorite since Cataclysm has been Devai, and I think this might've helped me ease into the new class.
The T17-T18 progression "race" was the first time that I've went all out for the game (aided by the fact that I was not employed during Q1-2 last year). I tried to get the guild commited to trying out the PTR-testing of HFC, spent hours watching other notable players explaining their thoughts and tactics regarding the new encounters. Being prepared when you face new content is always key to not spending unnecessary time when progressing.
I became aware of WarcraftLogs in the beginning of HM and quickly grew to like the sheer amount of information one can collect from the raw data and beautiful graphs. This was much to my advantage when trying to judge my own, but also my fellow raiders, performance and find areas where improvement was possible.
As such, I always try to spend an hour after a raid trying to decipher what I did wrong on a certain encounter and what other people before me have done better. Did I land the maximum amount of Chimaera Shots possible during X boss fight, could I try to position my self better in order to be on top of a priority add? Looking at the logs is (almost always) the best way to compare my own performance to the best players in the world.
Other than that I try to keep myself updated on future updates by browsing MMO-Champ, /r/CompetativeWoW and watching streams (still sad about Paragon and Devai signing out).
Your Spec
CS on CD > KS > Aimed Shot but leaving enough focus to keep CS on CD > Steady Shot
Depending on the predicted kill time, usage of the legendary ring and special tactic (someone ranking) the usage of Stampede, RF and Mirror will differ. On a fight like Gorefiend I would exclude Stampede on pull in order to have it up for the first feast. I'll try to align RF with the ring and (if equipped) use Mirror for stationary, bigger pack of adds (single target on CD).
Much of the information I've tried to absorb regarding hunters have been from Azortharion and kind souls on CompetativeWoW. I think there is much improvement to be made on my part when it comes to perfect usage of CDs aligning with the raids usage of the ring etc, just want to make that clear. I am by no means an excellent hunter, but while trying to be humble I do consider myself a good player. Improving your performance is a never ending journey!
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I will always play the spec that an encounter demands. Given the current meta of hunters, I sadly don't think this will be the case for my hunter until Legion though.
732 DPS Worgen Warrior (previously Tellier on Defias Brotherhood as prot and Telliera on Silvermoon). Mained until now, with a heavy focus on Prot during T17-T18 progression. Switched to DPS late summer 2015.
Protection Logs
DPS Logs
710 Balance NE Druid. Former tank alt, just rerolled balance in order to have atleast one ranged backup alt when needed. Still trying to get the hang of balance, even though it's about to change a lot in Legion.
Balance/Guardian Logs
704 Retri Paladin (4 tomes from legendary ring). Has been a casual alt, but I'm starting to like the feeling on the spec in HFC.
I also have every class at level 100, most of them on the HFC part of the Leg quest. Can always reroll if requested.
Yes, I have a working microphone but thinking about getting an even fancier one (currently... not fancy). Always been a forum lurker, I try to check if anything have been posted during breakfast and when getting home every day.
Combat Logs
Télliera Logs
Your UI
When in a raid and being fortunate enough to DPS I have a minimalist raid frame setup along the top-left side of my screen. Basically one column of horizontal bars along the side. Resolution seems bad for some reason (1200x1920 x2 setup).
During combat
Combat WA's, excluding HFC specific WA's
Guild History
Mentioned under "Experience" earlier in the application.
Raid availability
I should be able to keep very high attendance, I have set hours for work (09-16.30) and only work on weekdays. I have one one day that I know of in May that will make me unavailable (12th afaik) and I am in Greece between June 27th - 4th of July. Apart from that I am currently not aware of anything that might make me unavailable for raids.
I've seen you around on the forum, on wowprogress and warcraftlogs previously. Coming back and faction changing my hunter I just started looking around, haven't heard a bad word about the guild (even in the chat banter while playing as Horde). I cannot imagine that I wouldn't fit in, you all seem like nice people to me!
(Currently been playing with RG2 for 2 resets).
About you
I like to see myself as a fun guy, always up for having a nice time no matter what we're doing. Currently working with customer service during day time, started going to the gym a few months back putting an hour or two into that each day.
I seriously like to talk about anything, just hit me up with an interesting subject!
During weekends I enjoy catching up on the news, joining someone for a fun pug or doing whatever someone recommends ingame.
Missing the question about my thoughts regarding Gnomes.
[RG1] Télliera - 100 Hunter
[RG1] Télliera - 100 Hunter
Last edited by Telliera on 21 Apr 2016, 00:03, edited 2 times in total.
Re: [RG1] Télliera - 100 Hunter
Thank you for your application please give us some time to review it