[RG1] Breigh, Enhancement Shaman

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Posts: 51
Character name: Breígh

[RG1] Breigh, Enhancement Shaman

Post by Breigh » 05 Apr 2016, 04:38

Who is your character?
Breigh the Enhancement shammy - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... igh/simple

Who are you?
Hi! My name is Mikolaj (Nickname Mik)

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying for RG1.

Highmaul 7/7HC
BRF 10/10HC
HFC 9/13M
all during current content.
I've been playing Enhancement since I started playing WoW at the end of SoO

Raid Role
I've always just been a Raider, noting more. I always come prepared with food, gems, enchants, etc. I mainly do most of the number crunching myself using SimCraft and trial and error however there are a lot of good sources online which help quite a bit.

Your Spec
Single target: Flameshock on target, Unleash Elements, Lightning bolt (with unleash fury buff), Lightning bolt (7+stacks without UF buff), Stormstrike/Windstrike, Lavalash, hardcast 4+ stack Lightning bolt, frost shock
Two target: no real change other than keeping flame shock on both targets (which happens automatically anyways), also use Liquid magma talent for 2+ targets (it can be good in very niche single target burst fights aswell)
Multi target: same a single target but swap in chain lightning for lightning bolt and fire nova is top priority. basically keep flame shock ticking, spread with lava lash and spam firenova (unleash elements and use buff on fire nova for increased damage
Single target stats: Haste > Mastery - Multi > Crit > Vers
AoE: Mastery > Haste > Multi > Crit > Vers
I am currently 731.
As for glyphs there really isnt much to talk about. they are mostly just "quality of life" additions more than anything but Glyph of Fire Elemental, Glyph of Chain Lightning and Glyph of Frost Shock are DPS increases in some cases.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a strong (not geared) elemental off spec and I can play resto to some extent.
as for alts I have a 707 rogue which is nothing special but heres an armory link... for reasons. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... tep/simple
been playing the rogue in my off time and I have to say I'm quite enjoying it. I got some 100 logs in Bracket% for multiple bosses but they have all been overtaken :cry:

I have like 3 working headsets so thats not an issue and im always ready to talk poo... I mean tactics... yeah tactics with the rest of the group. as for forums I've not really had much experience with them (none of my previous guilds used them) but I can see myself checking up on them quite often.

Combat Logs
here is a link to all of my logs, have a look at whatever you want :D
I use logs quite often during number crunching, they come in very useful and im able to determine how to do more DPS from them.

Your UI
here are multiple screenshots of my UI.
I made the UI myself from scratch using various add-ons and I have to say, im quite proud of it. it shows me everything I need to know from trinket procs, to timers on abilities, to raid debuffs, etc. I make sure I have enough space to see what I'm doing though... nothing worse than not being able to see that youre standing in fire :P

Guild History
<Mayhem Brotherhood> disbanded due to loot arguments
<Crisis> was only there for a friend after I came back to the game after a short break following the <Mayhem Brotherhood> disband
<Abhorsen> Disbanded when I was benched for the night, some sort of argument went down.
I want to join TRC because I'm looking for a steady group of friends I can raid with at a high level as well as the social aspect of being in a guild (trust me, being guildless during the past week has been killing me).

Raid availability
I am comfortable with those raid times as they dont clash with anything else and it's what I've always raided with.

nope, nothing to say here. I was just browsing through guilds who are recruiting enhancement shamans and just so happened to stumble across this one.

About you
I am a 17 year old Polish pleb who has been living in Scotland for a vast majority of my life. I am currently going to college (3 days a week) doing software development, I dont work (however this might change in the near future but I'll make sure it doesnt clash with raid times) and all I really do is play games all day.

I have a question regarding my trial period. is it fine to do it cross realm or am I required to switch prior to it?

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Re: [RG1] Breigh, Enhancement Shaman

Post by Xanthi » 05 Apr 2016, 05:08

Thank you for your application. Please give us a while to deliberate.

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Re: [RG1] Breigh, Enhancement Shaman

Post by Bowick » 05 Apr 2016, 11:26

Breigh wrote:I have a question regarding my trial period. is it fine to do it cross realm or am I required to switch prior to it?
Hi Breigh, just to answer your question: Yep, cross-realm raid trial is fine. :)
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Re: [RG1] Breigh, Enhancement Shaman

Post by KramT » 07 Apr 2016, 02:21

Hello! You have been accepted for trial, should start tomorrow invites go out at 7:45 poke Emi for invite.

Posts: 51
Character name: Breígh

Re: [RG1] Breigh, Enhancement Shaman

Post by Breigh » 07 Apr 2016, 18:05

will do!

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Breigh, Enhancement Shaman

Post by Emz » 24 Apr 2016, 23:07

