Who is your character?
Main character name: Melilpanda
Server: Sylvanas
Class: Pandaren MM Hunter
Armory link(s): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... a/advanced
Who are you?
Name: Ronnie
Age: 27
From?: the Netherlands
Are there any known issues that will affect your ability to raid at our current times (e.g. family/occupation)?: No. nothing I can think off. Maybe GF Aggro xD
total /played?: I’ve been playing since the launch of classic/vanilla wow. Time played on hunter: (have to check tonight) days Approx. total time played: 300+(hunterhours) days
PCspecs: I got a Alienware i7 Notebook 3.0 ghz, 12gb Ram, 2 gb video memory. And a i7 desktops 3.6ghz, 24gb Ram, 2 or 3 gb video memory as backup(not that I ever needed a backup pc in the past).
Other games that interests me outside of WoW are: Battlefield and ModdedMinecraft from time to time. And some HOS.
How well do you handle criticism?: I’m fine with constructive criticism. In my opinion it is part of the game when you’re part of a raid team and progressing through endgame content.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
– ONY clear, (anointed)
– MC clear, (anointed)
– ZG clear, (anointed)
– BWL clear, (eradicate)
– AQ20 clear, (eradicate)
– AQ40 untill c’tun , (eradicate)
– NAXX till second boss spiderwing and Instructor (eradicate)
– Karazhan clear, (nemesis)
– Gruul clear, (nemesis)
– Magth clear, (nemesis)
– Ssc clear, (nemesis, shadow conclave)
– Tk clear, (shadow conclave)
– Bt clear, (shadow conclave)
– sunwell till last boss (shadow conclave)
– naxx clear, (apathy on trollbane)
– ony clear, (apathy on trollbane)
– Sat 3d clear, (apathy on trollbane)
– skipped ulduar,
– skipped ruby sanctum,
– vault, (verdict on trollbane)
– totc, (verdict on trollbane)
– ic, (verdict on trollbane)
– Firelands (carried irl)
– dragon soul lfr
Mop: didn’t raid back then, only leveled some toons
What is your raiding experience in the current expansion?:
I started playing again 1 week before opening of highmaul, lvled up my hunter and prepaired it for the opening.
Cleared HC Highmaul before BRF came out. (maelstrom)
Cleared BRF HC. (maelstrom,)
Cleared BRF Mythic (endemic)
Cleared HFC Mythic (endemic) 11/12/2015
Raid Role
Just another ranged dps, that comes prepaired to raids and willing to do the poo hunter jobs blizzard gives us.
I spend like 1,5 hour on daily base reading up on class forums and guides. The sources I use are: summonstone, icy veins and mmo champion. I compare all the stuff I find with each other and try things out. I like the guide of azortharion the most.
Your Spec
Chimaera Shot on cooldown.
Kill Shot on cooldown
Aimed Shot when Rapid Fire is on or target above 80% hp.
Aimed Shot
Steady Shot
Make sure you do not Focus starve yourself
Max Snipertraining uptime
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Don’t realy play a offspec. Used to play BM during BRF what was fun. I have a lvl 100 DK what i play as unholy. And a lvl 100 pala what I play as holy. For the rest I have much more other toons but i guess that doesn’t matter.
I hava a working mic, and use push to talk. Mostly I’m quiet during raids, only talk/call out when i need to
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... est#boss=0
They are a bit outdated since we stopped raiding a couple of months ago.
If you have questions about some parses I am happy to discuss.
Your UI
Video/link to screenshot of UI during a raid: im at work atm. Can post it later on
Addons i use: I use ElvUI, Allot of WeakAura2 strings, Bigwigs, GTFO and I may have forgotten some. I pretty much use all the buttons around my w,s,a,d buttons and the extra buttons on my mouse.
I like playing with weakaura2. I think it’s a great insight to track your cd’s so you can focus more on what is happening around you during the bossfights.
Guild History
Anointed: raid team fall apart when guild leader went inactive.
Eradicate: Disbanded when TBC came out
Nemesis: Had to leave because I could not meet the raiding schedule anymore due irl stuff.
Shadow conclave: Disbanded when WotlK came out
Apathy: took a break during the long grind of sath3d, we killed it fairly quick and it took a long time for next content.
Verdict: Disbanded when Cata came out
Carried IRL: Disbanded
Maelstrom: I wanted to step up raiding and progress trough mythic content. And i had the feeling i would not achieve that in this guild:
Endemic: Current guild. Guild stopped raiding after 4/5 mythic archi kills.
I expect to find myself a team where players knows there classes, bossfights, come prepared ext. I want to play with equals or even better players than I am and I think I’ll find that here.
I’m well-educated in my class and I’m a competitive person. I always try to get the max out of my character. And in the current guild I am atm. is not raiding anymore
Raid availability
Yes, i should be able to make it to all the raids. Mosly i plan my RL around raiding.
Emi, Enix, Asmapal, or Memix whatever she calls herself nowdays xD.
About you
What experience do you have in team play (competitive teams in games, sport teams, etc)? What is important for a team?
Before I started to play wow I played Call of Duty where I was a teamleader of a clan, we played arranged matches with clanbase
As for sports, I’ve been playing as a youngster talent in a first division handball team for some time till I got some injury’s.
What I think is important for a team is working together, willing to work for each other, and put the team before yourself. And most important, respect each other and having fun
If there are any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me either ingame or by mail. Battletag = Melilpanda#2244
Thanks for your time,
(RG1) Melilpanda, MM hunter
Re: (RG1) Melilpanda, MM hunter
Thank you for your application, please give us time to review it.
Re: (RG1) Melilpanda, MM hunter
Apologies on the delayed response Melil, there's a bit of discussion due to overpopularity of hunters and our own situation moving from farm to more sensible kills prior to Legion.
The name obviously is a bit of a problem for RP rules & guidelines, but I think Emix has explained this to you. So pending a name change & quick mumble discussion, we would like to offer you a trial if you are still interested.
The confusion on the locked thread was an old member misclicking, so wasn't intentional. Usually feedback is given on every case.
The name obviously is a bit of a problem for RP rules & guidelines, but I think Emix has explained this to you. So pending a name change & quick mumble discussion, we would like to offer you a trial if you are still interested.
The confusion on the locked thread was an old member misclicking, so wasn't intentional. Usually feedback is given on every case.
Re: (RG1) Melilpanda, MM hunter
Due to lack of speed of feedback from TRC & interest from yourself, shall lock this thread for now. Should interest be renewed at a later date, re-apply and we will consider the application as a clean slate.
<not recruited>
<not recruited>