Who is your character?
Lottikosz, draenei mage
Who are you?
My name is Ákos Berczi MD. I'm 25 years old and Hungarian. Ratkosz#2369
I enjoy raiding (not hardcore), farming transmogs and mounts. I play the AH a lot. Hate PVP ^^
Guild history
I've played in a couple of small guilds in Silvermoon, my main is in Hells Gate-Silvermoon.
I know Emily, she was my RL for a while. We've done some fun stuff, she introduced me to the guild where my main is atm, and to you guys. Some of you may know me as Ratkosz (Rat) or Lottikosz the MW monk, who runs nHFC in full heirloom gear.
About you
I live in eastern Hungary with my lovely wife. I'm a cardiac surgeon . I started playing WOW 2014 Sept., when I got a free copy from blizzard (Diablo3 powa). Cleared HM heroic guildless in pug raids, then trasferred from Sunstrider-H to Silvermoon-A, made some friends there, plus always hated PVP (they never let me mine ^^). Cleared BRF heroic in semi guild runs, then I met Emily's guild. Cleared HFC heroic on main and looking for some fun atm. Right now I wanna use the lvl100 boost to try out a mage, and join you guys with this toon as social, but will see. As for raiding I can bring my fury warri 726lvl for some fun, but wanna keep him in Silvermoon for now.
I'm told to say they are brilliant, and don't name this toon Ratshitalt. XD Actually I do have a lovely gnome blood DK. leveled him all the way to 100, and like 690ilvl, but must admit I hate tanking. (PS: he does have a nice tranmog tho!)
[Social] Lottikosz, lvl 100 mage
Re: [Social] Magikosz, lvl 100 mage
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Re: [Social] Lottikosz, lvl 100 mage
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“A choice between killing and dying is no choice at all. You have to be realistic about these things"
Re: [Social] Lottikosz, lvl 100 mage