Who is your character?
Euphemía, Windwalker monk 678 ilvl
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ADa/simple
Who are you?
My name is Richard Birch, age 17 and from England.
To which raid group are you applying?
My main achievements in prior raiding was getting 8/14 heroic SoO (PRE 6.0) before mythic was released, and then completing 14/14 during first mythic raid to gain ahead of the curve on mythic garrosh.
I have since only Mained Monk for all of Siege and WoD.
My current progress in warlords is 7/7N 7/7 HC and 8/10N 6/10HC
Raid Role
My current role during my raids is either to fill the role of melee interrupter or any other mechanics in BRF that can be completed by a melee. (For example; soaking bombs in blast furnace with specific talents to take damage away from the raid and to damage the heat regulators, using touch of death to correctly time the death of adds in fights like flamebender for the wolves or kromag to break out the tank ASAP, and interrupting oregorger in the melee interrupt order.)
I always keep check of what talents high end monks are using on each fight to try and maximise my dps and offhealing for the whole raid. A good example to show this is on operator thogar in heroic, I switch out my talents to chi burst and chi torpedo thinking that the damage on the roll would clear the adds faster and give the raid an extra piece of healing for this high damage phase.
Your Spec
Windwalker monks rotation always varies from fight to fight as your always try to time your cool downs (Fists of fury, serenity, active trinkets) with your tigereye brew to maximise output dps for each cooldown instead of just poping tigereye brew when it hits 10 stacks and then have little energy with no cooldowns. However opening rotation is always the same as shown below.
Priority List: (used for reference in rotation below)
1. Fists of fury with tigereye brew
2. Tiger plam if buff is not up
3. Rising run kick off CD
4. Fists of fury
5. Chi wave/Chi burst on CD
6. Spinning crane kick/Rushing jade wind if more than 5 targets
7. Blackout kick
8. Tiger palm only if you have 1 chi and no other way of casting another ability
Use chi brew when needed to use fists of fury or when low on energy
Opening Rotation:
Check flask and food buff
Have full stacks of chi from expel harm before pull
1. (Optional depending on fight) cast Storm, Earth, and Fire on secondary and even tertiary targets and cast chi wave/chi burst
2. Roll to target when out of range (5 chi)
3. Cast Tiger palm (4 chi) , Rising sunkick (2 chi), blackout kick (0chi)
4. Cast chi brew twice (4chi) followed by fists of fury (1 chi)
(At this point in time, I usually have around 8-11 stacks of tigereye brew)
5. If tigerye brew >= 10 then cast serenity,Active trinket and follow priority list
6. If tigereye brew < 10 Follow priority list until tigereye brew is =10 stacks then follow step 5
1. Follow priority list when no Cds are available
2. When Cds are 20 seconds from being available then pool tigereye brew and use with Cds
3. If possible, pool tigereye brew for every fists of fury but this is not always possible.
Tier 1: I mainly use Celerity as it provides a bit more mobility throughout encounters but tigers lust is useful if you need a quick cleanse out of a snare if nimble brew is on cd, but the likely hood of being snared twice within such a short time unlikely.
Tier 2: All three talents here have their moments, with chi wave being the default single target choice, but on a boss like operator chi Burst gives a bigger damage output with a side bonus of healing. I also think that zen sphere is a good talent to use on fights with constant adds like furnace, as you can have bursts of damage and healing on the adds and melee.
Tier 3: Power strikes on WW? I don’t see it happening any time soon. The main pick here would be chi brew to give an easy way out of low energy situations or if you need chi instantly for FoF or another cd.
I would use Ascension fights where I take chi explosion to give me enough energy regeneration to keep up with the 4 chi cost of the AoE effect with chi explosion. (example fights: iron maidens/Twin ogron/tectus)
Tier 4: Leg sweep provides a bit of cc whereas charging ox wave useless in pve and ring of peace is also useless.
Tier 5: healing elixirs should only be picked if the healers are really struggling and you need to give yourself an extra bit of off heals. The main two choices though are dampen harm and diffuse magic.
I would choose dampen harm for fights like furnace, where I could use the ability and tank 3 bombs with taking next to no damage whereas I would generally pick diffuse magic.
Tier 6: I would sometimes use rushing jade wind on Beastlord but I find that the adds usually die to quickly for it to be as good as xuen in that fight. Xuen is my default choice for 90% of fights, however I would always pick chi torpedo over xuen for operator thogar and its has given me over 4 times the damage xuen did on the same fight.
Tier 7: Most of the time I would pick serenity to give me the massive power spike of free casting with active trinks and tigereye brew however, on fights like iron maiden and twin ogron I would always choose chi explosion.
This is because when using Storm, Earth, and Fire it doubles up the damage on the 4 chi explosion making it a huge dps boost throughout the fight.
I haven’t experimented with hurricane strikes to be able to judge it, but it seems quite weak compared to the other two choices.
Off-Specs and Alternative characters:
I have a brewmaster off-spec but have little confidence in my off-spec and would not be wiling to play it in raids.
I have a ilvl 648 fury warrior which I play casually but would not be suitable for raiding due to its ilvl and y knowledge of the class.
I have a functioning microphone (Razer megalodon) and headphones (Razer Kraken) and able to download any VOIP software.
I prefer to listen and follow instructions however, if I feel there is a problem in an encounter that hasn’t been said, I will speak up and find out if it is an issue or if I’m being a bit thick.
Combat Log
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... /3#v=0,d=0
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... 38#v=0,d=0
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... 20#v=0,d=0 (Iron maidens kill while being on boat duty)
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... /9#v=0,d=0
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/xJ ... w=rankings
Your UI
Guild History
I currently am in the guild named Inceptio and have been since it was started half way through Mop, I am old friends with the GM but since Wod was released, the guild has had a lot of drama and issues which affect raiding considerably leading to extremely slow progress on bosses with are deemed “easy” by the wow community.
Some raiders don’t try to improve on tactics and the ruling body of the guild (GM/Officers) don’ do anything about issues on fights or issues with certain players, leading to many of the guild kills to not be based on skill and execution but pure luck that the boss happened not to target the less able raiders.
This has irritated me to the point of leaving to find a new raiding guild in which I can progress at a reasonable rate.
Raid Availability
I have no problems with the current raiding days and times
I did not hear about the guild, but I researched guilds that looked of high quality with good leadership along with progressing at a steady rate.
player references: Nippz/Giolelo/Matty
About you
I’m the usual 17 year old student which loves to play games and work on computing projects in my spare time.
If I find I’m not playing at the same level as others, I then spend hours on finding out how I am doing my rotation wrong and try out different talent combinations in pug groups to prepare for guild runs and play at the necessary level required of me.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application and please give me feedback on how I came across. (I’ve never written an application before so it would be interesting to see how you viewed it )
[RG1] Euphemía WW monk Application
- Zarell
- Raven
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- WoW character race: Human
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Re: [RG1] Euphemía WW monk Application
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.
- Beastaly
- Ancient
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- Character name: Beastaly
- WoW character race: Blood Elf
- WoW character class: Death Knight
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Re: [RG1] Euphemía WW monk Application
We're sorry to inform you that your application has been declined.
Best of luck elsewhere,
We're sorry to inform you that your application has been declined.
Best of luck elsewhere,