[Social] Iptamenos - Lvl 90 Frost Death Knight

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[Social] Iptamenos - Lvl 90 Frost Death Knight

Post by iptamenos » 07 Oct 2014, 20:59

Who is your character?
Character name : Iptamenos
Race : Human
Class : Death Knight

Who are you?
Hello my name is George i am 19 years old and i live in a small town near Athens in Greece.

The thing i like the most in World of Warcraft is basicaly that i meet mature people like me more often than the other MMO/RPG games. When you got communication you got everything. What i like most ? Hm taught decision but i will say the PvE is more intresting for me.In this part of application i have to add that i wanna go back hardcore raiding in Warlords of Draenor. I got much experience in raiding cause i play this game since i was 13 in Burning Crusade. My raiding carreer starts up to Lich King i've done the most bosses in both 10/25 man in on every single raid and many bosses on HC bosses in ICC. Then i stoped for a little time cause of study during Cataclysm and therefor start again raiding in MoP.I have done all bosses on flexible raids and up to nazgrim on 25man normal. It's not that prefer PvE i also play PvP but i find PvE more fancier !

Guild history
Guild is the most important think i believe. Not the guild as single players but the guild who acts like a team. I always going where my friends was i didn't wan't to loose them , i always want to do something together but most of em stoped playing sadly. Nowdays i am on a guild it call ''The Restless'' a raiding/social guild but i dind't have my chance to learn guild members better nor improve my gear.

I always was hearing about your guild and one of your officers named beastaly give me all the information that i want to know i and i a want to thank him again for his precious help.

About you
I am study computer science in one of the best engineering college in greece. I don't smoke i don't drink alchohol think very dificult for a kid in my age nowdays i live to cycle . My bikes are more expensive than my car i have to say but it's my passion :P i am in a relationship for a long time now and i am very proud of it. I see many moovies aswell if you wanna ask me about every cinema moovie don't be shy i know everything ;)

HAHA i wan't prepared to answer a quetion like this in my app ! :P Don't freak guys i like gnomes i like the way they are but i never have one because humans are powerfull ! i hope to change one of my alts to gnome just for fun in nearly future :D

Thanks a lot for reading my application!

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Re: [Social] Iptamenos - Lvl 90 Frost Death Knight

Post by Zarell » 07 Oct 2014, 21:19

Thank you for your application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Social] Iptamenos - Lvl 90 Frost Death Knight

Post by Zarell » 09 Oct 2014, 07:55

Hey Iptamenos

Sorry for the long wait, the pandas has been slow :)

You application has been accepted, poke an officer in game for guild invite.

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Re: [Social] Iptamenos - Lvl 90 Frost Death Knight

Post by Jimmble » 24 Oct 2014, 14:47

