Guild Application

A safe place for closed application.

Guild Application

Post by Anduri » 03 Dec 2008, 22:39

1. Name, Race and Level:

Name: Anduri
Race: Kaldorei (Night Elf)
Level: One bar from level 31

2. Is this character your main character?
Have you had any other characters before this one?:

My Current main is Haladra, Human mage i also play on my Gnome Warrior Rixxi.
Halwa Human Rogue. Zerana Human Paladin all on Scarshield Legion Alliance Side.

I also got

Lìva (with a special I) Undead Death Knight and Nalinia Blood Elf Paladin. on Scarshield Legion Horde Side.

and my newly created Troll mage Zaljon on Defias Brotherhood Horde side.

I got too many characters......

3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?):

Mostly Social Aspect, but i do have RP, PvP and PvE experience.

4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?:

Nothing much, a nice bunch of people.

5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?:

uhm yea... it have nothing to do with Kythastra having a knife in my side.... "looks slightly nervous"

6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?:

Said person from above

7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).

Well my name is Nicholas, im from Denmark and 19 years old, im currently on a break from life and stuff so i got alot of spare time, but will start studying again after the summer vacation.

I have been living for my own the last two years.

I enjoy gaming (consol/PC, board, you name it) RP. Im into history, Stand up Comedy.
Been playing Warcraft since i was like 6 (Warcraft 2 is a classic and you know it!)

When it comes to Consol/PC games i prefer RTS, RPG and the odd FPS here and there (Battlefield, CoD4)

Nothing much to say to be honest, i guess im your typical gaming nerd.


PS: i can link armory if needed.

Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Re: Guild Application

Post by Zarhan » 03 Dec 2008, 22:44

Well, one thing that sort of sticks out...if you have "too many characters", what makes you so sure you have time for this one you intend to bring to us?

We are a casual/hybrid guild, and we don't penalize people for inactivity, but we do expect that when they ARE active that they spend that active time with us. So if we would only become a....1/7th if I counted right...of your WoW experience I'm not sure this is the right place for you.

So what is the case, are you planning to make Anduri your new main?


Re: Guild Application

Post by Anduri » 03 Dec 2008, 22:55

Wow quick reply.

Well i have normaly split up my chars into different mains.

Zerana is my PvP main (even before the insane pally buff) -hardly play on her right now since PvP is pretty much dead right now and i cba to level her

Haladra is my PvE main then one i raid with and do heroics.

Rixxi is bit of a mix between casual RP and PvE - is my current leveling project together with Anduri.

Lìva is one of my main RP characters and i have been thinking adding Anduri to that spot aswell as my Alliance RP Char and hoping i might get to play on her some more

rest of the characters are more something i fuss with when i am bored of the others or just feel like leveling a different character. i am normaly fairly active on forums and /guildchat.

Im pretty much looking for a reason to play on her and i hope that this guild might help on it. OOCly and ICly-wise

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Character name: Jaera
Location: UK

Re: Guild Application

Post by Jaera » 04 Dec 2008, 01:47

hi and thanks for the app, any plans to transfer the alliance chars on scarshield over here?


Re: Guild Application

Post by Anduri » 04 Dec 2008, 09:45

Jaera wrote:hi and thanks for the app, any plans to transfer the alliance chars on scarshield over here?

Im sorry, but im not that rich to transfer them all :P

I might be able to transfer one or two

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Re: Guild Application

Post by Tasha » 04 Dec 2008, 10:04


Just to let you know, I only bullied him slightly into applying, I thought he might like to meet some more shiny people on Defias :)

"Age is not important unless you're a cheese."


Re: Guild Application

Post by Anduri » 04 Dec 2008, 18:13

Hai Rammi :)

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Posts: 4910
Character name: Jaera
Location: UK

Re: Guild Application

Post by Jaera » 08 Dec 2008, 00:53

