Who is your character?
Xeliek, Fury Warrior,
Who are you?
30 Year Old Male, From South Africa, Living in London
Used to be co-raid and guild leader for 2nd ranked Guild on server (Twilights Hammer EU) during Mists of Pandaria, after which I quit playing until classic launched. See https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... mer/xeliek for retail progress. I started playing retail during WotLK, private during BC.
Raid Role
DPS - rate by damage dealt and less deaths. I have not yet had any other roles to measure against
Your Spec
Fury Warr, I use wowheads guides. Its been working out very well as I can easily beat other warrs even though I have worse gear
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I used to tank. Found it too boring. Used to tank,heal and dps main guild in retail days. But for now just dps
Mic, comfortable speaking and listening and to check up info on raids/guild
Combat Logs
No Combat Logs
Your UI
ElvUI, Details!, DBM etc. Will post pic on request
Guild History
DragonBorn - Twilights Hammer EU. Guild and raid co-leader. Top 2 on server before stopped playing.
Raid availability
Will check the raid times after the Holiday pause - but I am generally available after 19:00 UK time.
Raided MC with Kuhro
About you
I am a software architect in real life. So am a nerd at heart. I love gymming and spending time outdoors as well.