Fallout 3

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Alikh » 30 Oct 2008, 14:10

Jaera wrote:i am looking forward to trying it, will get it on steam.
Found it a bit expensive on steam though. At least 10 pounds more expensive than play.com. I bought it for about the same price as on steam at a retail store, because I wanted it right away. :P
Play.com can be very slow for NL.

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Elhaz » 30 Oct 2008, 14:21

Kolos wrote:Oh my god, they didn't call it Wasteland 2!

Anyway, WoW was an online version of warcraft and it was not about building stuff, but rather playing the little characters in the warcraft world, so it was only logical to name it 'world of' warcraft, because well, you don't do the same stuff as in the warcraft games.

Similarly, if fallout 3 would've been about some strategy game where you manage the world of fallout or something, maybe they could've called it 'world of fallout'.
Or, if some mmorpg of fallout comes out, call it 'fallout online'?

The gist of the fallout games hasn't changed though. You play a vault dweller that goes into the wide apocalyptic world, gets a dog (and maybe a car) and has adventures. The game is the same! The main character is the same (although not the same person), the system is even the same (gurps-like). The engine looks different (wow it's threedee!). That's it.

Go ahead, don't like it that there's not a 2d fallout 3, but to say that simply because of that, you would pirate the game rather than buy it, is a bit much. I buy the games that I think are masterpieces on its own (no matter its legacy).
I will buy it if it is worth it. And if you think i will download it simply because it isn't 2d, you are horribly mistaken. I am downloading it because i am expecting to get lousy Oblivion(I've bought Oblivion once and i will not buy it again) with guns FPS not Fallout. But once i play it through i will form my final opinion.

Oh, and so this won't get too serious: Pirate Cat won't pay for his downloads :P
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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Alikh » 30 Oct 2008, 14:29

Elhaz wrote:Oh, and so this won't get too serious: Pirate Cat won't pay for his downloads :P

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Elhaz » 31 Oct 2008, 11:12

Well, it's ok. Pretty much Oblivion with guns. Guess i have to buy it for the xbox to enjoy it to the fullest, as i am experiencing very low framerates even on medium settings.
It really gets frustrating to play with 1-5 fps in a fire fight. I can't hit even a super mutant! Ofcourse VATS(seriously, who the hell in Bethesda came up with that name?) saves the day, but when i am out of action points there's nothing much to do, but stand there and wait till i have enough points to do something again(yeah, it's like TB combat, but now people can beat me when it is my turn...). Megaton was nice, but it was even nicer to blow it up(i'm playing evil character).

So far it's been nice. I haven't got that feeling i'm playing Fallout though. I really like that my guns can break up and i need to repair them now and then.
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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Alikh » 31 Oct 2008, 12:25

Elhaz wrote:Well, it's ok. Pretty much Oblivion with guns. Guess i have to buy it for the xbox to enjoy it to the fullest, as i am experiencing very low framerates even on medium settings.
It really gets frustrating to play with 1-5 fps in a fire fight. I can't hit even a super mutant! Ofcourse VATS(seriously, who the hell in Bethesda came up with that name?) saves the day, but when i am out of action points there's nothing much to do, but stand there and wait till i have enough points to do something again(yeah, it's like TB combat, but now people can beat me when it is my turn...). Megaton was nice, but it was even nicer to blow it up(i'm playing evil character).

So far it's been nice. I haven't got that feeling i'm playing Fallout though. I really like that my guns can break up and i need to repair them now and then.
To enjoy it to its fullest, I think the best is having a good pc (with similar specs as the xbox360). I'm playing very smoothly and it looks great. I don't even have the latest gfx card.
Furthermore, you probably won't enjoy the fact that with VATS on an xbox, you have to scroll through the body parts rather than point-n-click. So, the experience on the pc is probably better than on an xbox.

I'm very pleased as to how it looks great and doesn't require the gfx card to run like that. I had even oblivion running slower I think. Kudos to the programmers on making it so fast running.

On VATS, I still don't understand what the problem is with the name. LARP, ILS, NUDIS, SAAQ, have problems with these as well? I think you're just whining about the name :P.

By the way, did you notice that you can stack actions in VATS and execute them all before it's their turn again? You can even switch targets in one 'turn' and e.g. shoot three guys before they can react as long as you had the action points for it.
I think it's pretty much a cross between bullet time in max payne and the targeting system in fallout 1/2. Bullet time made you pretty much godlike in max payne and it also gives you a very good edge in fallout 3. It might be a tad too easy at some points, but then again, it's fun too critting on those 'mobs'.
I bet it gets a hell of a lot more challenging when having to fight 3+ enemies and then you have to allocate those action points wisely.

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Elhaz » 31 Oct 2008, 14:46

Well, i guess i have tracked down what suddenly started eating my framerates. I just need to get back to my computer. I wonder if i could try that xbox controller on computer, or does F3 pc version have that controller support?

And about that VATS... IMO it sounds little cheap reference to the old Fallouts(FEV vats anyone?), but ofcourse it is rather minor thing and nothing game breaking.

And ofcourse i've noticed that i can stack up actions in VATS. I've been folloving developing since they announced the game ;)
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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Elhaz » 01 Nov 2008, 13:59

So, pirate cat paid for his downloads afterall and bought F3 on xbox. Now that i played things a bit differently, i could achieve some of those things that i did last time(with different play style ofcourse). I think this might have some potential afterall... Going to still play this through couple of times and see what i can do differently.

Oh and: Fallout fanbase? :D
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Zarhan » 01 Nov 2008, 19:19

Interesting - I guess FO3 doesn't even need crack:

http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?s ... d=25596161

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Alikh » 01 Nov 2008, 21:09

Indeed it worked.

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Rezag » 04 Nov 2008, 10:00

I like it thought its strange to play alot with first person view instead of old further away but game content feels good freedom of choises :).

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Elhaz » 07 Nov 2008, 20:11

Well, played it through today. I still have loads of side quests to do, but i'll write up some thoughts here...

+ Weapon and gear maintenance is required to keep them effective
+ Radiation plays biger part than in older Fallouts
+ Loads of stuff to do
+ Good ol' T-51b power armor is here!
+ NPC's have unique personalities
+ Radio
+ Some skills merged and got rid of dump stats

- It's feels more "Oblivion with guns" than Fallout. Which is bad.
- Dialogue is sometimes very stupid and writing is sometimes very bad...
- Choices don't have really consequenses.
- Voice acting is sucky sometimes, plus why did they hire same voice actors that they had in Oblivion?
- Why do some armors make me better sneaker or make me better at unarmed combat for example? What are they enchanted? I do understand that power armors would make me stronger and stuff, but what about some leather armor makes me better at handling guns?
(- Where's my one sleeved leather jacket!?)
- RT combat is cumbersome and VATS is pretty much I WIN button
- Most of the humor is boring
- Wasteland is sometimes surpricingly crowded, where as in older ones it made you feel that you are pretty much all alone in the world.
- Why there is still water in toilets after 200 years of global nuclear war? Someone still does plumbing? And i find it weird that there's still so many places unlooted and nuka-cola vending machines still have power and soda in them...
- I can heal CRIPPLED limbs injecting it with stimpak...
- Mini nukes and nuclear powered cars which do explode when you shoot at them.
- No more combat log and nice messages
- Say goodbye to random encounters too
- You can't kick rats to groin anymore...
- Stupid minigames... Why can't we just have a skill check here?

I'm sure i missed something. Well, all in all, it is worth to try it out. Nothing groundbreaking though... Is it amusing? Yes. Is it worthy of name "Fallot 3" IMO no. If you value good dialogue, humor, good writing, coices and consequenses and older game mechanics(not limited to TB combat for the record)... Well, prepare to be disappointed... They got the 50's retro future feeling right and wasteland feels really a threatening place at nights, but the atmosphere is kinda ruined because it at times feels very crowded. Pretty much medicore wasteland action game with some RPG added to it.

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Jaera » 08 Nov 2008, 13:23

Imagewaiting for koloses hate filled reply :D

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Re: Fallout 3

Post by Thuren » 13 Nov 2008, 08:56

Having now played hours and hours of Fallout 3 on both XBOX360 and PC I have to say I love it.

The system is surprisingly playable on the 360, not cumbersome at all. VATS actually makes the combat easy and fun. When you try to aim with the 360 pad without VATS, you're in trouble. Then again, with the circle-strafing Raiders you're in trouble on the PC as well. So the platform doesn't matter.

Also, I think it deserves the name Fallout 3. I've always been a Fallout fanboy and I was very skeptical of this, but the game atmosphere is Fallout through and through. I wouldn't say it just "Oblivion with guns". I didn't like Oblivion that much, I found it restricting. In retrospect I think that's because I was comparing it to tabletop RPGs where you naturally have much more options for doing stuff. That's not a very fair comparison. Fallout 3 I compare to previous Fallouts, and maybe that's why it doesn't bug me as much. I mean, I still can't do all of the things that pop into my head, but then again, I never could before, either.

My final verdict is I like Fallout 3, and I consider the hours I've spent playing it hours well spent.

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