Who is your character?
Samasab, Warrior, Fury
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... od/samasab
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... od/Samasab
Who are you?
Sam, 34, The Netherlands
Raided during WOTLK and bit during Burning Crusade, mostly did Mythics this expansion, but cleared Castle Nathria for curved
Raid Role
DPS, probably Fury spec but both arms and Fury seem to be top tier atm (yay!)
Your Spec
Fury Warrior with Signet of Tormented Kings, and second legendary will probably be Kyrian Elysian Might (renowning atm) or Necrolord Glory once that covenant renown is up
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Can easily switch to Arms. Prot gear is not that up-to-date.
Comfortable with mic! Like a laugh but can be serious too.
Combat Logs
No yet but will use it to review performance/mistakes
Your UI
ElvUI with Hekili and some custom Weak Auras
Guild History
Eagles of Adamantite (friend Guild)
Keepers of Mrakness
Raid availability
Generally available
RL friends in guild. Xyphon (deputy raid leader) is one of m'
About you
Unity Developer, like PC games, mainly FPS, MMORPG's or ARPG's, extreme sports and movies in all kinds of genres. Yeah, that genre too.
[RG1] Samasab, Lvl 60, Warrior (already guild member)
Re: [RG1] Samasab, Lvl 60, Warrior (already guild member)
Well well well look what the cat dragged in! Nice to see your application Samasab!
Re: [RG1] Samasab, Lvl 60, Warrior (already guild member)
Approved for trial.