Social Application - Esmae

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Character name: Esmae
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Social Application - Esmae

Post by Jeanie » 06 Jul 2021, 13:36

Hello all,

I am hoping you will consider my application to be a member of your guild, so here goes....!

Who is your character?
I have two mains, my primary main is Emsae. She is level 60 druid and a boomkin, because nothing makes a better sound than the damage done by a fluffy owl/bear type thing. She is clumsy, tries hard but needs to work on her DPS.

I also have a shadow priest night elf called Bridghed, she is level 60 and not yet started her covenant, the commitment is a killer!

Who are you?
My Name is Jeanie, I am 45 and live in Merseyside with my husband Villordsutch who has just recently been accepted. We have played together for years online, everything from Everquest, WOW and even Unreal Tournament.

I love questing and exploring, raiding is something I tried but didn't really gel with as the pressure and time commitment is intense. I work full time so like my gaming experience to be social, fun and low pressure. I love the lore side of Warcraft and can often be found wandering bout looking at random things because they looked interesting and could link to the books.

Guild history
I have been in Refugees for years, we were a really active guild for many years but over the last few years its dwindled down and only my husband and I are playing, don't get me wrong I love his company but its time for us to find a new Warcraft home with other people too.

My husband recommended you after doing his research.

About you
I have a dark sense of humour and enjoy a good belly laugh. I don't take things too seriously but when needed I can focus and get the job done in dungeons and raids if your brave enough to take in a random boomkin with an addiction to starfall that is.

I am really not very competitive but I love to learn from others.

For me Warcraft is a break from real life, work and everything normal. It has to be enjoyable, fun and done best with company.

I don't know much about gnomes but as a short person myself I am fairly sure you shouldn't pick a fight with one without a lot of thought and planning.

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Re: Social Application - Esmae

Post by Jimmble » 06 Jul 2021, 13:37



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Character name: Esmae
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Re: Social Application - Esmae

Post by Jeanie » 06 Jul 2021, 13:39

Have wings, will flap :lol:

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Re: Social Application - Esmae

Post by Cecîl » 07 Jul 2021, 00:06

Your application has been approved and you can poke any officer ingame for an invite 8)

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Re: Social Application - Esmae

Post by Trok » 07 Jul 2021, 10:58


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Re: Social Application - Esmae

Post by Aaraleth » 07 Jul 2021, 19:43

Jeanie wrote:
06 Jul 2021, 13:36
even Unreal Tournament
I used to love a bit of Unreal Tournament back in the day!
