Who is your character?
Applying as a healer, happy to play as Paladin, Monk or Shaman as needed with a preference for Paladin, then Monk, then Shaman.
https://raider.io/characters/eu/defias- ... hood/Talat Monk
https://raider.io/characters/eu/defias- ... ood/Cyrius Shaman
https://raider.io/characters/eu/antonidas/Tsyris Paladin (Still levelling)
Who are you?
Jim, 32, origionally from Bristol in the UK but now living up in Newcastle.
Raided up till WoTLK then took an extended break untill April 2020. Had a lot of fun with social/alt raids with the guild over the summer, keen to be part of progression raiding in shadowlands!
Raid Role
Healing stuff, staying out of the fire. A little bit of damage, but not when it conflicts with the first two. Online guides and videos for learning bosses, but theres no substitute for trying bosses yourself.
Your Spec
Ask again come shadowlands release and things have settled down!
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Happy to swtich to offspecs as required. Plan to level alts in shadowlands.
Yup, happy to use mic and forums.
Battle tag Syrius#2517
Combat Logs
None available
Your UI
Defualt raid frames, with copious amounts of mousover macros and weak auras.
Guild History
No previous guild since WoTLK, currently social member of TRC. Enjoyed my time here so far!
Raid availability
Anyone ive chatted with over the last few months. Riarn would probably say i was not entirely useless.
About you
When not working from home for 6 months at a time I research glaciers for a living.
Raiding Application - Syr
Re: Raiding Application - Syr
Thanks for the app, Syr. We'll give it a look and get back to you ASAP.
Re: Raiding Application - Syr
Yo Syr we offer you the trial we will see you in raid after a few days in pre patch(more details on that later)
Re: Raiding Application - Syr
Cheers, looking forward to it!