Guild application

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Guild application

Post by zrk » 02 Mar 2020, 11:44


Is this where we sign up for free beer and cookies?

I had a lovely chat with Carbulo about joining your guild.

I used to be in the guild Cameraderie. It was a casual raiding guild, and we just managed to kill Jaina before the curve. Then everyone quit to play classic. So far, I'm pretty much the only one who's come back. So I decided to look for a new raid team.
I've mained three classes through the years. Monk, mage and druid. Im currently focusing on monk and druid.
Seeing as how balance druid is on your wishlist, and I happen to be playing balance on my druid, I would be happy to raid as balance druid, though I kind of consider my monk to be the main these days. I main tanked Dazar HC as brewmaster, though I started tanking because we lacked a tank. I'll gladly do it when there is need, but I most enjoy playing as dps or healer.

I have played since TBC, so I know the game fairly well. Im not a toxic person, though I guess everyone thinks that about themselves. Still, I like it when the mood is chill and friendly. I have experience doing all roles. Dps, tanking and healing.

I've seen the Raven Council around for years, which is why I decided to ask to join this guild. It usually means a guild is solid when it endures.

I can't think of anything else to say... Your raid times suit me. I attend if I signed up in advance. I am happy to answer any questions.

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Re: Guild application

Post by Jimmble » 02 Mar 2020, 11:56


It looks like this is a raider app and the longlegs like if new applicants use the application template (they are the stick posts here) to be sure all the information is there.

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Re: Guild application

Post by Fahranya » 02 Mar 2020, 12:02

Thank you, Jimmble.

That is correct. If you could use the form linked above (preferably in a new thread) then we can process it ASAP and bring on the free beer and cookies!


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Re: Guild application

Post by Jimmble » 02 Mar 2020, 12:07

Yeah, but cookies are mine.


Re: Guild application

Post by zrk » 02 Mar 2020, 12:46

I read through the form, and it seems that this is a bit too hardcore for me. I don't do logs, and I don't give my name out on first dates. I guess I'll try to find something that's not quite so formal.
Sorry and thank you. May your future be full of easy kills and lucky rolls.

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Re: Guild application

Post by Jimmble » 02 Mar 2020, 12:52

Well, that's okay, I don't do logs either. Squishy Carbulo does them for me. And don't worry about the RL name, you can just write Hans from Germany Anton aus Tirol. Not like we call Fahranya by his real name which is... umm... Köttbullar?


Re: Guild application

Post by zrk » 02 Mar 2020, 13:25

Who is your character?
Zrk. Monk. ... erhood/zrk

Who are you?
41 yr old guy from Norway, and unless you're scandinavian you probably can't pronounce my name.

Some raid experience in all expansions since tbc, but not all raids. Casual about raiding, but dedicated about raids.

Raid Role
Have experience from raid in all roles. Most recently as mt in Dazar.

Your Spec
WW monk. Slippery eel with hard pewpew. My favorite thing to do is 2v1 blood dks in arena skirmish.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Have played a lot of brewmaster and some mistweaver. Currently mistweaver OS, but willing to change if there is need.

Also have a ton of alts, though only really play my balance druid these days. Would be happy to take it on raids.

Have mic and not afraid to use it. Forums are also ok. Twinducks#2103 is the tag.

Combat Logs
I don't do logs. I check wowhead and youtube mostly for how to maximize my characters, and for tactics and info I need on bosses.

Guild History
Most recent guild I was in was Camaraderie. Guild died when classic launched. Guild I've been in longest was Shrike. Started as pve guild in lich king, then became a pvp guild. No longer alive now.

Raid availability
I can generally make raids wednesdays and sundays.


About you
Im usually fun, except when Im not. Im male, and im getting old. I have a foul mouth, but the best intentions. Im pretty intellgent, but not so smart. I play the guitar on fps, and sometimes on discord. I sing too, when im feeling evil. i might try to 1up your joke, but its nothing personal. i dont mind being 1upped in turn.
this was an easy question.
i can do this all day.

I get nervous around forms

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Re: Guild application

Post by Cecîl » 02 Mar 2020, 13:43

Thanks for your application. We'll take a look at it and get back to you shortly.

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Re: Guild application

Post by Riarn » 02 Mar 2020, 21:56

Your application has been approved please poke officer for an invite :)

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Re: Guild application

Post by Jimmble » 04 Mar 2020, 20:36

