(RG1) Honorfist Arms Warrior

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Posts: 4
Character name: Honorfist
Location: Greece

(RG1) Honorfist Arms Warrior

Post by Iolaus » 30 Jul 2017, 18:59

Who is your character?
Honorfist EU-Moonglade, Arms warrior. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... /honorfist

Who are you?
Im Panos, 26 years old from Greece.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

In Legion expansion I have cleared on mythic the Emerald Nightmare raid, Trial of Valor (only havent been there on Guarm kill due to real life issues) and Nighthold 9/10 Mythic.

Raid Role
My role in the raid team is dps. Im simming my character often to always be updated with whats better for him item-wise and talent-wise. Also im always keeping an eye and discussing things about the spec and reading the guides posted on the warrior discord. Personal research as well and testing on the dummy of course too.

Your Spec
Arms warrior. Stromkar is on 60 traits and very close to 61 now. As for rotation priorities it depends on the talents picked for the fight.

With rend build we have this:
Rend if not applied
CS if SD buff down
Execute if Ayala’s Stone Heart proc
MS if SD buff up OR no EP debuffs
Rend if <2.4s remaining on debuff

With WW FoB/trauma build we have this rotation:
CS if SD buff down
Execute if Ayala’s Stone Heart proc
MS if SD buff up OR no EP debuffs
WB can be used in place of CS.
MS on cooldown, but can hold it for SD if we get EP debuffs either from the execute phase itself or Ayalas procs.

As for stats: Mastery is always the king for Arms warrior with haste coming after it till the breakpoint of 20% haste which is the major one (20% with In for the Kill talent +10% haste after CS use). With tier 20 Haste breakpoint should be reached as soon as possibe and then focus on bulding up mastery.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Fury weapons are as well in a good shape at the moment sitting on 52 traits. Im comfortable on switching for some if needed, but I have to admit that Arms is my love! :) As of alts, I have a death knight and a hunter. I can raid with them but their gear and artifact levels arent as close to my warrior on who id prefer to raid. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... e/faragrim. My hunter was a member of The raven council too some months ago with the name Iolaus. Ive changed servers in order to join a friends guild Uprising. His name now is Pollux https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... tel/pollux.

I have an active microphone-headset which working perfectly and im comfortable using it for raid encounters and raiding communication. Im pretty happy as well to use this forums for discussions and communicating about guild matters and boss tactics. My battletag is: Ninjarobot#2763

Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... metric=dps

Your UI

Guild History
Ive been at Dark glare-the shatar from HFC untill 2 months ago when I chosed to move to Uprising, a guild that many wow friends are in there like Heckful a restoration shaman that will also apply for The raven council. Ive left Dark glare mainly because my job started being a bit more heavy but also secondarily because the enviroment started being a bit toxic in raids to people who might do a mistake or two on a fight. I cant really accept any shouting and toxicity in raid not only on me but to other as well. I believe that shouting and such behaviour only brings the teams morale and will down. Whilst nobody shouted at me in Dark Glare I disliked the shouting and similar behaviour that was happening to other ppl so I went away and moved to Uprising Steamwheedle Cartel wheree most of my friends were. As of recent events many ppl wanted to take a break and were not happy with the guilds mythic progression so that caused the guild to fall apart and now some of us are in search for a new home and mythic raiding guild. The connected realms Moonglade, Sha tar and Steamwheedle cartel are also pretty much dead in terms of population which made recruiting a very hard task for Uprising.

Raid availability
I can comfortably make all the raiding days and times unless high emergency situations occur like health and important family emergencies. If anything like this happens Ill always pre-inform the guild if I cant attend. I always want to update the raid leader about things like that on time because its not polite to let other people waiting for me.

I made a search back in the day when i wanted my alt hunter to join a guild as a social member and found via wowprogress The raven council. Upon joining in as a social member I saw that the enviroment is really good and it is contained by good people. The only person that ive been spoken the most is Jimmble but im looking forward to meeting more gnomes! :D Ive also reffered my restoration shaman friend Heckful (also from Uprising guild) to apply to The raven council.

About you
Gamer, teacher and swimmer. :) I really like playing WoW with friends and meeting new people as well. Love raiding and playing other games as well like HotS, OW as well as single player games. I also love gnomes! <3

I will name change if needed if im accepted and transfer. My name probably doesnt meet the requirements for the RP realm. :)

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Re: (RG1) Honorfist Arms Warrior

Post by Herecles » 30 Jul 2017, 23:24

Hey mate

Thank you for your application.

Give us a few days to review it and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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Re: (RG1) Honorfist Arms Warrior

Post by Bowick » 06 Oct 2017, 02:21


Well done Honorfist! \o/

Hmm, now if only I could find the other trials... *sniffs around*
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: (RG1) Honorfist Arms Warrior

Post by Lupo » 06 Oct 2017, 03:08

But but..I'm sure he only knows how to BLADESTORM...where's me fecking veto

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Re: (RG1) Honorfist Arms Warrior

Post by Jimmble » 06 Oct 2017, 09:09

I'm totally sure he can also SMASH! All warriors can do SMASH! That's what they do!

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Re: (RG1) Honorfist Arms Warrior

Post by Netzach » 06 Oct 2017, 09:28

Congratulations Honorfist! Definately one of the nicest trials we got lately.
Lupo wrote:But but..I'm sure he only knows how to BLADESTORM...where's me fecking veto
Silly rouge, that's all you need to top charts as a warrior. Oh and loot, warrior loot.
