[RG1] Havoc Demon hunter

A safe place for closed application.
Posts: 1
Character name: Sessrumnir
Location: Finland

[RG1] Havoc Demon hunter

Post by Drumnir » 25 Sep 2017, 19:02

Who is your character?
Sessrumnir, Havoc Demon hunter
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... Sessrumnir
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... sessrumnir

[Who are you?
My name is Jonathan and I am a swedish speaking finn from Turku,Finland. I am a 19 year old student in my last year of upper secondary school.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying to RG1 for mythic progression.

I've raided casually through out most of expansions notable achievements would be 7/7 HC Firelands, 8/13 Mythic HFC.

During Legion I've cleared EN Cutting edge, 2/3 ToV, 4/10Mythic Nighthold before taking a break. In ToS I have not yet had a progression guild so sadly I am missing curve. I mainly played my Resto Shaman but switched to DH for Nighthold progression.

Raid Role
In past guilds I've had either the role of a raid leader or tactics coordinator. For my class in specific I excel at single target DPS, but also able to perform cleave. Due to having good mobility and a immunity my class can do mechanics (Tomb of Soakgeras) with relative ease.

To keep up with tactics for my specific class I read up on the WoWHead guide, but mostly the class discord and chat with other raiders on community discords like Fragnance.

Your Spec
I am currently 64 traits into Havoc. For talents Demon Hunters have very linear talents with only utility really being changed in a raiding scene, cookiecutter spec for me would be: 2221311.

Rotation for Demon Hunters with the legendary shoulders is to sync up Meta with your other two minute cooldowns (Nemesis& Chaos Blades) for throughput. This is done by generating as much fury as possible and spending it. Our consistent DPS is based on Blade Dance, FelBlade and Chaos Strikes with Glaive Throw and Felrush for fillers.

Stat priority is heavily shifted towards Crit and Haste, but I simulate my gear regularly to make sure it is optimized.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a warlock, druid, rogue and shaman at 110, Druid and Shaman are only ones even slightly geared. Am capable of rerolling any of the classes with some time. Most notably my Shaman since it is what I used to progress on Pre-Nighthold.

I have a working mic+ headset, I have no issues communicating things during combat that are important to the encounter but try to keep my own chatter down to not distract during pulls. The use of forums is fine and will check them regularly for updates.
My battle.net is: Minguubbe#2963

Combat Logs
I review my own logs on a regular basis to see where to min-max and improvement in general.

Your UI
Only thing that changes in raid combat is that I have my raid frames up, above my chat window and the WeakAuras for boss combat. The addon next to my damage meter is also invisible.

Guild History
Previous guilds include Visage-Ravencrest, that disbanded after change of leadership, Inhaler Buddies-Ravencrest, me and a few friends decided to realm transfer to a up and coming guild called The Harvest- The Maelstrom, which unfortunately didn't work out and after that I took my break. I've been on DefiasBrotherhood in a guild called House of Yore on and off since late October 2015. HoY is a RP-Guild and with them we have only done casual normal/HC clears.

I'd like to join TRC because I was approached by Bowick and after reading through your wowprogress page and after chatting I think it would be a suitable guild for me that I'd gladly sink time into.

Raid availability
As I mentioned previously I am in my last year of Upper secondary school which means I will be having my finals in February-March, my attendance during this time will most probably not be 100% but otherwise the raid times are very good for me.

I found out about TRC via whisper from Bowick, but also seen the name here and there on the server. From TRC I am afraid there is no one who can vouch for me as a player, but my previous GM from Ravencrest whom I raided through HFC and EN with can.

About you
I enjoy Defias for its RP and the RP community as a whole that I've been a part of for the last two years. I enjoy browsing the internet for way too many hours finding memes varying from suitable for the public eye to very much the opposite.

For some reason I am incapable of fixign the color for the first three rows, sorry for that!

raid leader
Posts: 48
Character name: Brelyna
Specialization: raid leader

Re: [RG1] Havoc Demon hunter

Post by Brelyna » 25 Sep 2017, 19:16


Cheers for your application, give us some time to review it and we'll get back to you.

Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
WoW character race: Pandaren
WoW character class: Monk

Re: [RG1] Havoc Demon hunter

Post by Bowick » 26 Sep 2017, 12:10

Hello again!

We've discussed, and would certainly like to offer you a trial!
Starting on Thursday, if that works for you. :)
And you can whisper an officer whenever you're ready for a guild invite. (feel free to take your time if needed)

See you soon!
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
WoW character race: Pandaren
WoW character class: Monk

Re: [RG1] Havoc Demon hunter

Post by Bowick » 19 Oct 2017, 23:35


Good job Sess! :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
