[RG1] Zebon(akfarin) 110 Spriest/DemoLock V.2

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Posts: 7
Character name: Zebon
Location: Oslo, Norway

[RG1] Zebon(akfarin) 110 Spriest/DemoLock V.2

Post by Bichitor » 01 Feb 2017, 23:53

Who is your character?
Zebon, Shadow Priest. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... bon/simple

Who are you?
My name is Victor, i am from Norway and i am 20 years old.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying to RG1. i've been in RG2 for about 3-4 months and i've had a good time in RG2. but since i have a lot of time on my hands i feel like i can do alot more in a more progressive enviroment!

I've not raided seriously before Legion, i did clear some SoO and Highmaul with RG1 a while back under the characters Sneakytor and Kharelia but this was the friendship raids. in legion i have cleared 7/7 EN N/HC, 5/7 Mythic, 3/3 N ToV 2/3 hc Tov, 1/3 M ToV, 10/10 N NH and 4/10 HC NH. most of the higher kills have been with RG1 as a backup when people have been unavailable. so we've had some experience together before.

Raid Role
This expac, the Ranged DPS class has really grown on me. i prefer Lock/Spriest due to all the Utility they bring to a raid and their respective playstyles. i prepare for raids by checking the mechanics, stocking consumables watching videos and so on. i like to think im an above average skilled player. i have never raided at a cutting edge level before so i can't say for sure how i would perform. i spend a lot of time practicing on dummys so i can rely on muscle memmory in situations that are intensive or stressfull.
Discord has proven to be an amazing tool for keeping myself updated on my classes as well as simulations, resources, guides and opinions from high level players. im very active on my class discords and use it almost all the time to ask questions or find usefull information.

Your Spec
Shadow Priest doesn't have a very specific rotation you sortof play on the fly and its a very hectic spec. there is a priority list for abilities and since it doesn't serve as a rotation its more of a "if this is of cooldown use this and if both are off cd use this one first" kind of thing. in my experience Spriest is a spec you have to learn by trying and change up based on how it feels during an encounter, its a very dynamic spec with a lot of variables. stat prio are very straight forward 12k haste, 4 k crit, since both haste and crit falls of massively after said caps compared to mastery you stack mastery after those points. when it comes to talents there arent any talents that impact the playstyle in a massive way except for S2M which has proven to be usefull on specific bosses. so it changes based on the encounter, there are mainly 2 builds where the first favours sustained singletarget with strong add/priority target and the other favours AoE more without loosing too much ST Dmg.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
i have 1 Alt which is Zebonakfarin which is the toon you have played with before. he's close to be viable for raiding but not really there yet as i rerolled to my priest and have spent most of my time getting him up to speed instead!
armory link http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... rin/simple

im not a shy person and i have no problems communicating over forums or voicecoms.

Combat Logs
Warlock https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 330196/10/

Spriest https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... bracket=-1

Your UI

Guild History
i've always been in TRC since i started playing.

Raid availability
Im available at almost all times except for Friday evenings.

i know Arathana and Equinoctis, except for that i've talked a bit with Twiki, Xanzhara, Lana and Versaya

About you
im a very friendly talkative person, i am very open minded, i also handle criticism well. i love to learn new things and i like to think that one of my strengths as a player is going deep into classes getting information and mechanics down really well.

Posts: 7
Character name: Zebon
Location: Oslo, Norway

Re: [RG1] Zebon(akfarin) 110 Spriest/DemoLock V.2

Post by Bichitor » 01 Feb 2017, 23:58

also forgot to mention that i use DBM, Exorsus raid tools, RLoot, and SimulationCraft very actively to make sure im have character specific information that i can rely on aswell! im also using WA ofcourse which is probably one of the best addons ever made

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Re: [RG1] Zebon(akfarin) 110 Spriest/DemoLock V.2

Post by Bowick » 02 Feb 2017, 18:40

Hey Zeb!
We'll gladly try you out in RG1 (some more ;p).
Add my btag when you're online :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1] Zebon(akfarin) 110 Spriest/DemoLock V.2

Post by Netzach » 07 Mar 2017, 19:11

You passed a trial. Congratulations!
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Posts: 7
Character name: Zebon
Location: Oslo, Norway

Re: [RG1] Zebon(akfarin) 110 Spriest/DemoLock V.2

Post by Bichitor » 07 Mar 2017, 19:37

