[RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
- Guest
[RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
Who is your character?
Zenmystica, Monk, Brewmaster / Mistweaver.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... ica/simple
Who are you?
My name is Ronald, 25 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. I work full time as a teamleader on a skilled IT servicedesk and play WoW in my spare time.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm applying to RG1
Everything when it was current content:
TBC up to a couple of bosses in BH.
Wotlk: Everything on 25 man hc except Anub and LK.
Cata: DS HC 10/25.
MOP: MSV, HOF 25 hc. Tes norm 10. Tot 10 hc (partially). SoO 25 hc
WOD: 7/7M HM, 9/10M BRF 13/13M HFC
Raid Role
I've always played a tank. Meaning I focus on trying to stay alive while keeping the boss on me, that's my main task. When I know I won't have to focus 110% on that (for example when the other tank is tanking) I tend to look around and call out (when allowed) abilities or problems. As in: Add loose, Watch out for that incoming fire patch etc. etc.
When avaiable I try to watch several guides about the class, boss fights and general tanking tips (you can always learn more). I check warcraft logs after the raid or the day after to see where I can improve, even on farm so I won't slack.
I normally keep my knowledge up by reading mmo-champ / wowhead announcements, play on PTR or Beta and try to be active on forums and discord channels.
Your Spec
I play a brewmaster at the moment and I'm the sort of tank who goes for 100% survivability, even on farm. I do try to do as much dps as possible but I get more enjoyment out of being ble to tank something which should actually kill you then doing x amount of dps. It's also a reason I don't like KRSI because that's more or less based on taking as less damage as possible, which is a main priority but I think it's different then trying to stay alive for as long as possible so the raid can finish a boss off. The longer I'm alive the more time they have to do that extra bit of dps before they start dying due to melee hits.
I more or less go for the cookie cutter spec, there is not much room atm to switch. So that means chi burst on most fights (extra healing when needed) and easier to keep up than zen sphere (even though I have a macro for it).
Dampen Harm or Diffuse magic depending on the fight. Magic on fights as Archi and Council, Harm on fights like Manno.
Chi explosion since serenity has been nerfed and is not that viable anymore. Rushing jade wind for aoe and xuen for ST dps.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a mistweaver offspec, mainly because it has been a very long time since I did some proper dps (so people rather bench me then let me dps, which I think is fair) and I think healing is more fun.
I wouldn't mind picking this up again, just need some practice, done it before so shouldn't be an issue at all.
At the moment I do not have a viable alt, which could be a problem considering your MT is a brewmaster from what I've heard. However when you agree to trial me, you are trialing a tank and not a brewmaster specificly. I have mained a prot warrior for 5 years, blood DK for 1 year and now a monk for over 3 years. I never stopped playing those classes either, I just can't find the effort at the moment to gear them up in pugs. I wouldn't mind doing that in guild alt runs.
My plan for legion is to switch to demon hunter or prot warrior anyway. Demon hunter because it's a great mix between prot warrior and BRF brewmaster monk. As we speak I'm doing some extensive testing on the beta on my demon hunter to see if I can play it on the same level as my monk and warrior. So far I think that will be the case, but need to make sure in mythic dungeons etc.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... ica/simple
Yes and I would love to be able to talk or at least communicate with my fellow tank. In my current guild I can't sadly.
Normally I'm very active on forums or other means of communication, I see no reason to change that now.
Combat Logs
All others are private due to selling boosts
Your UI
Old screenshot but it hasn't changed yet.
Guild History
Started in Barbarians Too high attendance (7/7 days). Awesome guild with very high progress but too much attendance.
After that I went Ragnaros to play with some friends. MoX, Ragnaros, left them because I went away for 3 weeks, when I got back I got replaced as warrior/death knight class leader and was put back on trial. They said they would do it to everyone, 'till this day I still don't know why they did it. Especially since I was in that guild for over a year.
Wiping as Intended, after a break from wow I Started to raid again, Was one out of 2 tanks in the guild, Short story: Guildmaster rage quits because it was too much pressure to lead a guild that size and on that level. We were in the top 400 of 25 man guilds.
Joined Anarchy on kilrogg, moved with them to Silvermoon, various reasons, one being unable to keep attendance.
Sublime - Silvermoon: Raided for a very long time, first on my Warrior and switched to my monk in march 2014 so I had experience tanking as a monk in WoD. There was one particular guy that talked **** to everyone. It become a toxic enviroment and officers didn't do anything about it so I left to play with a more casual guild (Immortalis on Argent Dawn). But it turned out that I was a terrible casual player.
Inifitum Praelium - Argent dawn: Realm first guild, horrible atmosphere. Left them for Obvious reasons.
Adept - Frostmane: Great guild but t18 has made people salty. I put a lot of focus on getting 4-set, which became a running joke. They wouldn't prio me though so that frustrated me (since I died a lot on manno/archi) untill they noticed I was right. Sadly the damage was done already. After that it didn't matter what I said, made a joke or w/e. Everything became a discussion. This spiralled out of control which made me miserable during raids and the team frustrated aswell. Hence why the officers decided to part ways (something I was planning to do aswell).
After that I took a break for a few months and joined Deus Ex machina on Xavius. Personal stuff happend (would love to explain in private). Left them without notice (d*ckmove) and didn't ask them to take me back either. After that I went back on a break untill a month ago. Raiding is a way for me to get my head clear and have some fun, So I joined Endless but the synergy isn't there. Unable to communicate with my fellow tank since he never did with his previous one either, that's the main reason for me to end the trial there.
This is a **** load of guilds, i've been very unlucky and sometimes very picky with guilds. Been in a few random guilds aswell during breaks just for the perks or so that I didn't have to play alone. i've proven that I will stick around for a long time, even when things go bad but the synergy has to go both ways. I have to like the guild and the guild has to like me. Sadly that wasn't always the case.
I am, in any way, not a guildhopper. I prefer stability more than anything and it's better for my wallet aswell
The reason I want to join TRC is because I can see you have a similar mindset as me towards raiding: It has to be fun but serious at the same time, community is important and we at least acknowledge that real life actually exists. People on RP realms are generally less elitist and more polite, regardless if they RP or not (I don't for example). As I've heard from my friend who has encountered people from TRC throughout the years, you seem like a nice and serious bunch of people. Exactly what I seek in a guild.
Raid availability
I can raid all days, I forsee no problems with that.
I've heard from you through wowprogress and a friend of mine played on Defias Brotherhood. Lisalla I believe, not sure if you know him (doubt it). He refered you as proper and friendly players.
Don't think anyone could vouch for me sadly.
About you
Well I'm a very dedicated wow player, who can take critism when it's valid but I'm also someone who will tell you when you're wrong. I have been playing since around 2007 and had a few breaks. I have a girlfriend, love to go out and be social. You can find me in the gym quite often and I love to mess with people when I know they can take it.
TY for reading my wall of text! If you have any questions be free to ask them!
Zenmystica, Monk, Brewmaster / Mistweaver.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... ica/simple
Who are you?
My name is Ronald, 25 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. I work full time as a teamleader on a skilled IT servicedesk and play WoW in my spare time.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm applying to RG1
Everything when it was current content:
TBC up to a couple of bosses in BH.
Wotlk: Everything on 25 man hc except Anub and LK.
Cata: DS HC 10/25.
MOP: MSV, HOF 25 hc. Tes norm 10. Tot 10 hc (partially). SoO 25 hc
WOD: 7/7M HM, 9/10M BRF 13/13M HFC
Raid Role
I've always played a tank. Meaning I focus on trying to stay alive while keeping the boss on me, that's my main task. When I know I won't have to focus 110% on that (for example when the other tank is tanking) I tend to look around and call out (when allowed) abilities or problems. As in: Add loose, Watch out for that incoming fire patch etc. etc.
When avaiable I try to watch several guides about the class, boss fights and general tanking tips (you can always learn more). I check warcraft logs after the raid or the day after to see where I can improve, even on farm so I won't slack.
I normally keep my knowledge up by reading mmo-champ / wowhead announcements, play on PTR or Beta and try to be active on forums and discord channels.
Your Spec
I play a brewmaster at the moment and I'm the sort of tank who goes for 100% survivability, even on farm. I do try to do as much dps as possible but I get more enjoyment out of being ble to tank something which should actually kill you then doing x amount of dps. It's also a reason I don't like KRSI because that's more or less based on taking as less damage as possible, which is a main priority but I think it's different then trying to stay alive for as long as possible so the raid can finish a boss off. The longer I'm alive the more time they have to do that extra bit of dps before they start dying due to melee hits.
I more or less go for the cookie cutter spec, there is not much room atm to switch. So that means chi burst on most fights (extra healing when needed) and easier to keep up than zen sphere (even though I have a macro for it).
Dampen Harm or Diffuse magic depending on the fight. Magic on fights as Archi and Council, Harm on fights like Manno.
Chi explosion since serenity has been nerfed and is not that viable anymore. Rushing jade wind for aoe and xuen for ST dps.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a mistweaver offspec, mainly because it has been a very long time since I did some proper dps (so people rather bench me then let me dps, which I think is fair) and I think healing is more fun.
I wouldn't mind picking this up again, just need some practice, done it before so shouldn't be an issue at all.
At the moment I do not have a viable alt, which could be a problem considering your MT is a brewmaster from what I've heard. However when you agree to trial me, you are trialing a tank and not a brewmaster specificly. I have mained a prot warrior for 5 years, blood DK for 1 year and now a monk for over 3 years. I never stopped playing those classes either, I just can't find the effort at the moment to gear them up in pugs. I wouldn't mind doing that in guild alt runs.
My plan for legion is to switch to demon hunter or prot warrior anyway. Demon hunter because it's a great mix between prot warrior and BRF brewmaster monk. As we speak I'm doing some extensive testing on the beta on my demon hunter to see if I can play it on the same level as my monk and warrior. So far I think that will be the case, but need to make sure in mythic dungeons etc.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... ica/simple
Yes and I would love to be able to talk or at least communicate with my fellow tank. In my current guild I can't sadly.
Normally I'm very active on forums or other means of communication, I see no reason to change that now.
Combat Logs
All others are private due to selling boosts
Your UI
Old screenshot but it hasn't changed yet.
Guild History
Started in Barbarians Too high attendance (7/7 days). Awesome guild with very high progress but too much attendance.
After that I went Ragnaros to play with some friends. MoX, Ragnaros, left them because I went away for 3 weeks, when I got back I got replaced as warrior/death knight class leader and was put back on trial. They said they would do it to everyone, 'till this day I still don't know why they did it. Especially since I was in that guild for over a year.
Wiping as Intended, after a break from wow I Started to raid again, Was one out of 2 tanks in the guild, Short story: Guildmaster rage quits because it was too much pressure to lead a guild that size and on that level. We were in the top 400 of 25 man guilds.
Joined Anarchy on kilrogg, moved with them to Silvermoon, various reasons, one being unable to keep attendance.
Sublime - Silvermoon: Raided for a very long time, first on my Warrior and switched to my monk in march 2014 so I had experience tanking as a monk in WoD. There was one particular guy that talked **** to everyone. It become a toxic enviroment and officers didn't do anything about it so I left to play with a more casual guild (Immortalis on Argent Dawn). But it turned out that I was a terrible casual player.
Inifitum Praelium - Argent dawn: Realm first guild, horrible atmosphere. Left them for Obvious reasons.
Adept - Frostmane: Great guild but t18 has made people salty. I put a lot of focus on getting 4-set, which became a running joke. They wouldn't prio me though so that frustrated me (since I died a lot on manno/archi) untill they noticed I was right. Sadly the damage was done already. After that it didn't matter what I said, made a joke or w/e. Everything became a discussion. This spiralled out of control which made me miserable during raids and the team frustrated aswell. Hence why the officers decided to part ways (something I was planning to do aswell).
After that I took a break for a few months and joined Deus Ex machina on Xavius. Personal stuff happend (would love to explain in private). Left them without notice (d*ckmove) and didn't ask them to take me back either. After that I went back on a break untill a month ago. Raiding is a way for me to get my head clear and have some fun, So I joined Endless but the synergy isn't there. Unable to communicate with my fellow tank since he never did with his previous one either, that's the main reason for me to end the trial there.
This is a **** load of guilds, i've been very unlucky and sometimes very picky with guilds. Been in a few random guilds aswell during breaks just for the perks or so that I didn't have to play alone. i've proven that I will stick around for a long time, even when things go bad but the synergy has to go both ways. I have to like the guild and the guild has to like me. Sadly that wasn't always the case.
I am, in any way, not a guildhopper. I prefer stability more than anything and it's better for my wallet aswell
The reason I want to join TRC is because I can see you have a similar mindset as me towards raiding: It has to be fun but serious at the same time, community is important and we at least acknowledge that real life actually exists. People on RP realms are generally less elitist and more polite, regardless if they RP or not (I don't for example). As I've heard from my friend who has encountered people from TRC throughout the years, you seem like a nice and serious bunch of people. Exactly what I seek in a guild.
Raid availability
I can raid all days, I forsee no problems with that.
I've heard from you through wowprogress and a friend of mine played on Defias Brotherhood. Lisalla I believe, not sure if you know him (doubt it). He refered you as proper and friendly players.
Don't think anyone could vouch for me sadly.
About you
Well I'm a very dedicated wow player, who can take critism when it's valid but I'm also someone who will tell you when you're wrong. I have been playing since around 2007 and had a few breaks. I have a girlfriend, love to go out and be social. You can find me in the gym quite often and I love to mess with people when I know they can take it.
TY for reading my wall of text! If you have any questions be free to ask them!
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
Thanks for your app just give us sometime to review it.
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
<As discussed, application on hold>
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
Your application has been approved as a Social member (as requested).
Whisper an officer in game whenever you're ready.
Your application has been approved as a Social member (as requested).
Whisper an officer in game whenever you're ready.
- (Yodakai)
- Posts: 2
- Character name: Yodakai
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
Cancelling it for now, thx for having me! Hope I can reaplly should it be needed
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
Okay I will close your thread for now if you want to reopen it or anything, add #emi2760
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
<Not recruited>
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
Hey sorry to inform you that we are going to have to decline your applicant due to lack of log evidence, our limited raiding hours, along with feedback provided by your old guilds, we can not currently afford to trial you.
I will not be disclosing what guilds or what was said, so please don't ask about it. If you would however like more in depth feedback on logs please post here and I will ask one of the monks to give you their feedback.
If you do not post in here by the 10th this thread will be locked and you will be unable to comment.
I will not be disclosing what guilds or what was said, so please don't ask about it. If you would however like more in depth feedback on logs please post here and I will ask one of the monks to give you their feedback.
If you do not post in here by the 10th this thread will be locked and you will be unable to comment.
- (Yodakai)
- Posts: 2
- Character name: Yodakai
Re: [RG1] Darkmystica, level 100 Brewmaster
<Not recruited>