Application for joining Mythic team

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Posts: 1
Character name: Xeblonia
Location: Denmark

Application for joining Mythic team

Post by Xeblonia » 16 May 2016, 17:56

Who is your character?
[Xeblonia, Warrior, Fury/Arms. ... nia/simple ]

Who are you?
[My name is Sebastian, im from Denmark. Im 16 years old, but im pretty gron of my age. Im very good at meeting new people, and i like to talk much]

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
[Im applying to the mythic team.]

[I started taking raiding seriously this expansion, where i have now achieved 13/13M, with multi kills on archimonde.]

Raid Role
[the thing i can do to the raid, is bringing good harmony and good mood. Im always prepared with food, flasks, enchants, gems, etc.]

Your Spec
[As im a warrior with 4 set, i dont have a steady rotation as fury. its all about rng. Same with arms. But mainly Bloodthirst, Wildstrike, Wildstrike, Raging blow, etc as fury. As arms, its Rend all targets up, Colossus Smash followed by Mortal strikes, again rng.]

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[Im mainly fury, practising arms atm. I like both specs, so im ok with switching to whatever is best for the raid]

[As i said in the spot above, i like to talk and meet new people. Im a little shy at start, but ill get there fast. Im up to date with forums, etc]

Combat Logs
[I dont have good logs on my warrior on mythic, as its a long time ago they were made. I believe it was around 716 ilvl. and before leg ring. Im now 733 with leg ring ... 92/latest/]

Your UI

Guild History
[Atm im raiding in Danes with benefits on BronzeDragonflight/Nordrassil on my main. They are raiding Wednesday and Monday so it wont do any harm to this]

Raid availability
[I can be there all time, there might be some exceptions, but if we get so far, ill talk with an officer about it. Its if i will be really sick, etc.]

[Saw you on warcraftLFG]

About you
[Again, im a little shy at start, but then ill turn into a "talking head". ]

[I think i got pretty god around all of it :)]

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Posts: 938
Character name: Xanthin

Re: Application for joining Mythic team

Post by Xanthi » 16 May 2016, 19:19

As a clarification, I presume you are applying for RG1

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: Application for joining Mythic team

Post by Emz » 17 May 2016, 13:16

Hey, we have reviewed your application and at the current time have decided to decline you unfortunately. Your application seems very rushed/half hearted, it also appears you have very little knowledge of the class you're are applying to our guild with.

If you'd like full feed back given about rotation etc please ask before Wednesday evening this thread will be locked after then.

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: Application for joining Mythic team

Post by Emz » 19 May 2016, 13:10

<Not recruited>
