[RG1] Auyl, Warlock

A safe place for closed application.
Posts: 42
Character name: Auyl
Location: Sweden

[RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Alcolist97 » 02 May 2016, 00:04

Who is your character?
I play a Worgen Warlock named Auyl. The specs I run are based on the fight and what the team comp needs, so I swap between Destro and Affli quite a lot.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/D ... uyl/simple

Who are you?
Hello, my name is Jonas. I am a 18 year old guy from northern Sweden.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying to RG1.

These are all things I've done on my Warlock.
14/14 Normal SoO (Prior to 6.0 pre-patch)
11/14 Mythic SoO
1/7 Mythic Highmaul
6/10 Mythic BRF
13/13 Mythic HFC

Raid Role
My current role in a raid is a dps with wide options of what I am able to do (Fast target switching and burst, huge boss damage, good cleave..). I regularly check my own logs, for a more official notice on what I did during the different tries of a boss and how to improve. It is easier to compare different tries this way and lets me try different things and then check exactly what the difference ended up being, apart from comparing with myself I also check top logs (Matching fight times ofcourse) on what they did, how much damage each ability dealt to various things. On top of this I am, as I will explain in the "Communication" question, one to often call stuff that happens during an encounter.

My preparation is one of many hours.. First I meditate to soothing metal music as I brew tea, on low heat, from a homegrown herb, crossbred from a wide array of other herbs so that it is no longer clear really what it consists of anymore. I then drink the tea, just to spit it out because the taste is just horrible. After this I then check flasks, pots, food... Whatever I would need during a raid.
I check my performance on almost a try to try basis with my dps meters, checking what target I did so and so much damage to, what the damage of my abilities were, from what abilities I took so and so damage from. Based on this I can quickly figure out just what I need to improve on.

I also sim every now and then to figure out my personal stat weights based on my current gear. I read a lot on mmo-champions Warlock subforum aswell as the Warlock threads in /r/competitivewow in order to keep myself updated on the class in general.

Your Spec
The rotation to Destruction and Affliction (The two specs I play this tier) is pretty simple in my mind.

Destruction: The point of the spec right now it to be able to pump out as many buffed up Chaos Bolts as possible. So avoid from using embers too much when you don't have any procs. Keep Immolate up as much a possible. You want to always have the possibility to generate embers so avoid being ember capped as much as possible, use Conflag on cooldown but try to not use Backdrafts on Chaos Bolts. When moving then use conflag, if conflag is on cooldown it is OK to use Rain of Fire on your target. That is the only time you should ever use it. If there is a second target Havoc should almost always be on cooldown, a good trick is to use havoc a little while before the second target spawns. That way you can easily get 2 havocs on the same target in a short period of time. Chaos Bolt is almost always stronger than Shadowburn in most cases, sometimes you would want to use Shadowburn instead because it is more time efficient and can be better burst. Times you always want to use Shadowburn is when an add is about to die or when you are able to get alteast 2 shadowburns off so they spread to a havoced target. Use Dark Soul with the ring and when you get a lot of procs so that you can boost your Chaos BOlts even more.

Affliction: Affliction is the simpler of the two specs, in my opinion atleast. Keep all dots up on your target, really make sure that agony never falls of as it is most important. After agony comes corruption and then Unstable Affliction. Try to keep Haunt and Haunting Spirits up at all times. Sometimes it will fall off because you lack the shards, try to get it up as fast as possible or time it so you get the full duration of the ring and/or Hero with the buffs. Use Dark Soul in conjunction to the ring and with Haunt. Use Drain Soul when you don't have to reaply any dots. Every tick of Drain Soul makes all your dots on the target tick extra. You should also use Drain Soul on any target that is about to die as Drain Soul generates a soul shard when it is channeled on a target that dies.

As for Stat prio, all Warlock specs have a somwhat similar order. This helps a lot when trying to gear up more than one spec. I am going to ignore spellpower and Intellect as you get both of those no matter what.
In general as a Destruction the prio looks like: Mastery > Crit > Haste > Multistrike > Versatility.
In general as a Affliction the prio looks like: Haste >= Mastery > Multistrike > Crit > Versatility.
As you can see, 2 of the top 3 stats for both specs are the same. Mastery and Haste, with Mastery being in the top for both. This would mean that if you just stack Mastery everything will be fine, right? Well, kind of. Our Mastery increases the damage of most abilties by a 1-1 ratio, but this only pulls ahead in a multi-target scenario.
As an Affliction Warlock you are mostly going to do single target dps, where the only exception to that rule in this tier is Velhari and Council. In a Single target scenario, Haste pulls ahead immensely. More haste = more ticks, faster cast times = A lot of more damage from your dots.
For Destruction, albeit that Destruction is a multi-target spec, the Mastery needs the crit to back it up as Crit is also a flat damage increase to your Chaos Bolts and as I explained above, Destruction is all about pumping out as many buffed Chaos Bolts as possible.

The talents for Warlocks doesn't change too often, and when it does it is because we need extra utility in one area, and that one area is really only survivability. Tier 3 Talents are really the only ones worth changing as in all other tiers there is one obvious talent that pulls ahead of the others. The changes you do in Tier 3 is mostly between Soul Link and Sacrificial Pact. Use Soul Link for more survivability against sustained incoming damage where you use Sacrifial Pact to deal with Bursts of incoming damage, such as soaking Black Holes on Xhul'Horac.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Yes, helping the group kill a boss as fast as possible is what I strive for so changing to a spec that does a certain thing during the fight significantly better than my main spec is certainly something I will do. I will also be glad to do so if there is need for me to change specs for the fight because the comp we run requires something my other spec has.
No, I sadly do not have any alts that are viable options for me to raid with.

I have a fully functional microphone, and the funds to, if it somehow breaks, buy another one within a day. I am very vocal during encounters as I am generally one of the people calling stuff as the dance pattern, when adds are coming and so on in my current guild, and I have always been like that in previous guilds aswell.

I think that a forum is an important part of any good guild as it lets the members have another way to communicate with each other off raid hours. It also lets the members bond with simple forum games. As a result of these things, I am one to regularly check back for any updates on threads.

Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 540/latest Those are my latest logs. Keep in mind that even though they are the latest ones, some are pretty old as we've been focusing a lot on killing Archimonde and Mannoroth the latest couple of months.

Your UI
http://imgur.com/8Hzf3zm that is how my UI looks like. Feel free to check my twitch for my PoV of kills to see it all in action, see what pops up and when ( http://www.twitch.tv/alcolist ). Do you have a specific question about it, feel free to ask.
My core UI addon is LUI, I like how it gives a clean frame around the screen, that's based on the class colour.
My DPS meter is called Details!, it is a less used one but I prefer it to Skada as they show the same numbers (Based on my own testing) but Details! is a bit more customizable and shows some more minor stuff that I like.
I ofcourse use DBM in order to track boss abilities, adds, you name it. Just general timers.
Exorsus Raid Tools is also a big one, it's really handy for fights like Kromog or Kormrok where you have to have a certain soak position.
Angry Assignments, handy to have a little list of what to do during the fights. Especially useful during progress.
WeakAuras, I feel like this is an essential thing to have as a Warlock, especially as a Destruction Warlock where knowing what procs you have is a mayor deal of the damage output. I am usually the one who provides my raid with various weakauras, most of the more advanced ones are taken from browsing the webs though.
Bartender. Not much to say here really, lets me put the bars where I want them and easily rearrange any keybinds if I need to.
AffDots. Together with WeakAuras, this is so good to have as a Warlock. It gives you a neat little window where you can track dots, when to reapply dots, how many shards/embers you have. It is so very useful!

Guild History
I started playing mid 5.4 on a Blood Elf Mage but I felt like Mage wasen't for me. I took a break for a while and came back with the lvl 90 boost in late 5.4 and made my Worgen Warlock, Auyl. Been playing him since.
In MoP I didn't really find a guild to call home so I pugged a lot and soon noticed that the raid leaders in most pugs were horrible, this made me to start raid leading the pugs myself. With the pugs I raidleaded I managed to get a normal kill on Garrosh Hellscream, granting me the Curve achievement for SoO.
Shortly after the pre-patch hit, a couple of friends wanted to invite me for a Mythic progress run in SoO. I cleared 11/14 bosses that way. The guild who was doing those runs were <Mayhem Brotherhood> on Dragonblight.

Enter WoD. I ended up a core raider in <Mayhem Brotherhood> for Highmaul and some of BRF, but I quickly left because I didn't like the officers and the rate of which we progressed wasen't anywhere near what I wanted. (Barely killing HC bosses in Highmaul and struggling with HC Gruul in BRF.)
I then joined <Afterdawn>. Found a group of friends there that I enjoyed talking with, starting pushing for Mythic BRF and a bit of Mythic Highmaul (1/17 Mythic kills that tier with them). But they were having a lot of recruitment problems, and struggled to even do Mythic once a week. This caused the friends I had there to stop playing which in turn made me start searching for another guild.

So I joined my current guild, <Whats in the boX>, where one of my IRL friends were. During my trial period I got to help them kill Kromog on Mythic and then progress on Thogar. Sadly, Thogar never died that tier, making me finish Highmaul and BRF with 7/17 Mythic kills.
Hellfire Citadel comes out and I have now killed everyboss in HFC on Mythic with this guild. Unfortunately, the friends I had here left due to some Officer problems, and the combination of them leaving and me feeling like the group is not gonna have the progress that I want once Legion hits is what is causing me to search for a new guild to call home aswell. I am leaving the guild on good terms with my Guild Master and Raid Leader Kesandri-Dragonblight, you can have a chat with him about me if you want.

As for why I want to join TRC. Based on the text you have on wowprogress and what I've seen in your kill videos, I feel like I would fit in really good. The humour mixed in with the raiding and downing the hardest bosses that WoW have to offer is what this game is all about for me, and I feel like you guys think the same way!

Raid availability
I assume the raid times are all servertime, yes? Anyway, yes I can make it to all of the raid times. The only times that I can't then I should be able to call it in advance.

I first heard of you from my good friend Breigh who has recently started a trial period with you. He should be able to vouch for my abilties and for how I am as a person. Being from Whats in the boX, I have also raided with Herecles, I haven't talked much with him but he should be able to vouch for my abilities to some extent aswell.
I wasen't really planning to apply to you guys at first but your name came up on wowprogress while browsing it, and I loved how I could feel this is a jokers guild. Humour + good progress is a big thing for you guys and that's what made me apply.

About you
As I said above, my name is Jonas and I am a 18 year old guy from Sweden. Northern Sweden to be more exact. Right now I am doing my last year in "Gymnasiet", the Swedish version of Highschool. I will most likely be able to finish early with that as I have already completed a couple of courses, and start working as soon as possible! I am a very straight forward person and pretty much do what I want to do in order to get my goals done. I like people who can take a joke as I love handing those out, but I feel that finding people like that should be no problem in this guild. I don't like it when people beat around the bush about things, have you got something to tell me then, as the wise Shia Lebeouf would say: Just do it! I like it when people are upfront to each other, with all cards on the table so to say.

From quickly reading Breighs application out of curiosity from what he wrote, I can take it that trialing from another realm is something that can happen? That is if I manage to get accepted as a trial.

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Emz » 02 May 2016, 00:49

Hey, thanks for you application please give us some time to review it.

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Emz » 02 May 2016, 00:55

And yes you can trial cross realm it would be no problem :)

Posts: 42
Character name: Auyl
Location: Sweden

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Alcolist97 » 02 May 2016, 01:15

Thanks for the quick reply!
Will be looking forward to hear what you guys decide on. :)

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Emz » 02 May 2016, 15:29

Hey, is it possible you can give me your battle tag for quicker communication than forums :)

Posts: 42
Character name: Auyl
Location: Sweden

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Alcolist97 » 02 May 2016, 16:12

Yes. Alcolist#2747 ^^

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Emz » 03 May 2016, 13:50

Are you locked this week?

Posts: 42
Character name: Auyl
Location: Sweden

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Alcolist97 » 03 May 2016, 14:31

Yes, unfortunately.

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Emz » 03 May 2016, 14:50

Okay well stay unlocked for next week please. Going to accept you to trial just sign up on http://ravencouncil.com/phpRaider/index ... earID=2016

Posts: 42
Character name: Auyl
Location: Sweden

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Alcolist97 » 03 May 2016, 15:01

"Insufficient permissions
By default newly registered users don't have permission to use the raid signup tool.
If you are a guild member, contact an officer who will grant you the required permission."

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Emz » 03 May 2016, 15:14

Hmm I will poke someone tonight

Posts: 42
Character name: Auyl
Location: Sweden

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Alcolist97 » 03 May 2016, 15:56

Yeah, and thanks for accepting me as a trial. :)

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Auyl, Warlock

Post by Emz » 15 Jun 2016, 11:49

<Recruited >
