[Social] Eressëa, Lv100 Hunter

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Character name: Eressëa
Location: Belgium

[Social] Eressëa, Lv100 Hunter

Post by Eressëa » 16 Mar 2016, 12:12


Who is your character?

Eressëa, Night Elf Hunter

Here is the link to my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ABa/simple
I’m collecting Conquest Gear so my enchants are not up to date.

Who are you?

My name is Antonio, I’m 30 years old, and I live in sunny Belgium. I’m originally from Lisbon, in rainy Portugal.


Everything, really! Mostly PVE, but I also like BGs and keeping up with the lore. I like to run old content, collecting toys and mounts, etc. Heck, I even enjoy battle pets. Archeology, on the other hand…

Since I’m transitioning to a more casual playstyle, I’m not very focused on raiding these days. My intention is to prepare for Legion by exploring the current content, gathering some gold, and leveling up a couple of alts. Hopefully I can be part of the Raven Council by helping to make it a lively place, and you can definitely count on me to help any member fill out a spot for a dungeon, raid, or the odd, unpredictable adventure.

Guild History

Where to begin? I’ve been playing since around 2004. I started out in Argent Dawn, where I was a proud member of a raiding guild that cleared MC, BWL, ZG, and AQ25. Those were days of high adventure! Bragging rights from that era include my Rhok’delar and a nifty «Knight-Captain» title.

After a hiatus of several years (I came back to briefly sample WotLK), I decided to jump into WoD and moved my characters to Defias Brotherhood. After all, I enjoy WPVP and there was no one left in Argent Dawn from my previous years. The game had changed so much that this was a bit of a shock, but I joined the magnificent Storm Riders. The raid team was fun, but had limitations associated with the fact that the core members were very few. Still, we did 8/10 Normal BRF and 5/10 Heroic BRF. We were progressing along nicely in HFC (4/13) when the guild pretty much disintegrated. This was before 6.2.3, when it was becoming apparent that Blizzard was not going to release any more content until Legion.

And so Eressëa found herself homeless again.


*tumbleweed passes by*

I don’t know anyone in the guild. Part of the difficulty of adapting to WoD was the realization that it was really difficult to get to know new people. In the old days, after a fun 2 hour romp through Stratholme, you always ended up making some friends. Now the experience is a lot more volatile, with what 20min runs through dungeons, cross-realm hopping, and the like.

I heard about you in the WoW forums, and I immediately thought that this would be a really nice home for me.

About you

What more to say? I’m a veteran Vanilla player who misses the sense of community of those days. I’m very competent in my class, I’m always up for a challenge.


I once met a Gnome Mage called Blimundus. He was very rude to my pet so I fed him to the Dire Maul hyenas.
We don’t talk much these days. But I named one of my Submarines after him.

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Re: [Social] Eressëa, Lv100 Hunter

Post by Xanthi » 16 Mar 2016, 12:22

Thank you for your application, give us a while to review it.

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Re: [Social] Eressëa, Lv100 Hunter

Post by Bastille » 16 Mar 2016, 12:49

Your application has been approved, please ask one of our officers to invite you to the guild.
“A choice between killing and dying is no choice at all. You have to be realistic about these things"

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Re: [Social] Eressëa, Lv100 Hunter

Post by Xanthi » 04 Apr 2016, 03:11

