Who is your character?
My Charater is Toyouke a Frost and Blood Deathknight - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... uke/simple
Who are you?
I am Steve from the UK I am an old man of 33 years of age.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I wish to apply for RG1 as will be able to attend 3 times a week.
Okay where do I start...
I started raiding in vanilla on emerald dream server. This was on a hunter called kuragari. With him I cleared MC and 1-2 bosses in BWL. After this I was asked to change to a warrior tank as i had an alt that was geared to tanked MC. On my Gnome warrior Matia I cleared MC,BWL and AQ40 as well as ZG and AQ20. I also managed to do 7 bosses in Naxx 40.
In TBC i carried on tanking on my warrior clearing All content apart from Sunwell. At this time my guild had taken a break from the game before Wotlk.
At this point I re rolled a DK and went horde. I Joined a friends guild on Sporegarr, which we cleared all content 10 man as we where a small guild of friends and didn't wish to do 25man i did manage to see some 25 man content in pugs at that point.
At this point i leveled my DK to max level in cata and got bored with the game and took a break. This carried on during panda until coming back in wod.
I started playing again in WoD. I joined silvermoon and leveled the DK which I am applying to this guild with. I started out in a social guild until the release of HFC. During that time I had done some semi guild runs of HM and pugged what i could of BRF and HM normal and Heroic on both. I joined a guild called winters heart and start raiding 3 times a week HFC. we cleared all of normal and heroic with 1 mythic boss before i left. I left due to be told I would get a tanking trial/next tanking spot that opened up in the guild. 3 had opened up each time I asked and they recruited them from outside the guild each time, which in the end i felt lied to. At this point I felt i had to leave. I joined a guild after called The Anonymous. This from what I see now broke up while i was away on holiday. I first thought that had removed me for going away on holiday but looking at wow progress they have been disbanded.
Raid Role
I have had 2 raid roles. First in winters heart it was as a dps frost DK with off spec tanking. My role was just dps and gorefiend grasp on adds as well as bosses with adds like manno and xhul. Also had to put anti magic zone down during Xhul phase 3. I would have to change between Nerco plague and Defile for some bosses. When i was tanking I have done the role of interrupt of iskar but never done the robot on Socrethar. I judge myself by the logs and swear at myself if i know i get something wrong in a fight. How I try to improve my dps is that ill check videos and website on DK dps and test them out in ebon hold on the target dummy. Can be there for up to 30 minutes getting down anything new I am trying to get in my head. After that i will then go try it in LFR and a normal pug. This i find gets me used to anything new I need to add to my rotation as well as practicing them on bosses.
Your Spec
Well as a Frost DK my main rotation is to pop diseases on the boss then howling blast until I get frost strike procs to spend my rune power on, also using death and decay or defile at aoe moments or to spend an unholy rune instead of having to use plague strike. Then once the boss is below 35% add soul reap to the rotation. This is as well as using blood tap and plague leech to free up runes. I would have to say my important talents are plague leech in order to free up runes as well a blood tap. I have to run with these instead of the others as like to control it rather then relying on rng. Gorefiends grasp is also important to have for most of the fights in HFC as it is very useful to bring adds or trash together in order to dps them down asap. Death pact is useful to have as it is a free health potion for times where my hp goes scary low. I like using both necro plague and defile depending on the boss. For bosses like tyrant xhul, iskar and hellfire assault i would use necro as the movement and when i ahve tested it my dps seems to be higher with it. With krom iron reaver for example defile is the better talent to take. My stats priority is Mastery and multistrike this is to increase the damage of my frost spells as this is my main form of damage as a frost DK. The Glyphs i have chosen atm is raise ally so i can res anyone with no rune power. Soul reaper in order to get a speed boost which i find useful for fights that i have to move around alot. Death grip this is get so i can grip someone into a pack if there is an add not where it is mean't to be.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I enjoying tanking which is my off spec and I have the same progress tanking as DPS. I would pug some stuff that the guild is not doing as a tank in order to keep tanking fresh in my mind just in case it is needed.
My alts are not geared enough in order to do mythic. The main one I and working on atm is 698 healing monk.
I Have a headset which i use alot when gaming as prefer to chat with it than type. I am happy to contribute to forums and stuff and normally check stuff like that daily.
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... st/#boss=0
There is a link to all my dps logs for heroic and you can check anything you wise on there. I am sorry there is nothing on there for my current IL as not been logging in pugs since my last guild broke up and been pugging since i got back after xmas.
Your UI
I don't think there is anything unusual there. I do have exorus install and use that alot for raiding.
Guild History
Guilds before WOD - Stormwatch, Aquila, Dawnraiders and carpe ominus. (from vanilla to Wotlk).
WoD guilds. I started off in gladius which is a social guild that was mean't to raid 1-2 times a week at the time. It started like that but with people leaving and guild leader taking a break it was just a social guild that pugged together. I left them after HFC came out in order to raid. Was a couple of months after HFC came out as didn't like pugging for progress. I then joined winters heart. They where about 6 bosses into heroic at the time and still doing full cleared of normal. I stayed with this guild until after clearing all normal hc and one mythic boss. I left as we lost 3 of our tanks and each time asked if i could step up as tank. The first time i was told i could have a trial but never got the trial and it was given to an officer. Then we lost another tank was told i would be given a trial, but they recruited a tank and gave the trial to them. I asked why and they said i would still get a trial but where unsure on having a DK as a tank. The they recruited another tank which was a DK. This made me leave as I felt lied to and not needed and they where just stringing me along. I then join the Anonymous as a blood tank. They where 12/13 HC and with them cleared HC as a tank and killed the first boss in Mythic. I then went away for the weekend a friends wedding and came back guildless so i thought i had been kicked. After this i decided to take a break till after xmas as i was going away for 2 weeks then thought i would start playing again then. I have since found out that the guild collapsed while I was gone. I then rejoined Gladius as my alts where there and friends. I have been pugging since then.
Raid availability
I can make the 3 days a week in order to raid and the timing is good for me.
Well I have been on alot of emi's alt and pug runs as toyouke or as hiroshami so I am sure there is some of you that already know me. And please don't judge me on the drunk runs
About you
I live in london and work as a Network engineer. Atm i am part time and work from home so able to log on alot if needed. I enjoy cooking and do all the cooking in my house. I have lived in asia before why all my charater names are japanese as i lived there for around 6 years. I do like to travel and try to go away atleast once a year. Can't think of anythng else but im sure there is more.
[RG1] Toyouke Lvl 100 Death Knight
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
- Contact:
Re: [RG1] Toyouke Lvl 100 Death Knight
Thank you for your application, gives us a while to review it.
Re: [RG1] Toyouke Lvl 100 Death Knight
Think we've reviewed it enough! (May have forgotten to close thread, sorry Toyouke).
<recruited following trial>
<recruited following trial>