Nathrizarri, the DK tank

A safe place for closed application.

Nathrizarri, the DK tank

Post by nathrizarri » 29 Nov 2015, 02:40

Who is your character? ... rri/simple Human Blood Death Knight

Who are you?
Volkan, 25, Turkey. Pharmacist

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

WoW Classic -
Burning Crusade -
Wrath of the Lich King Kingslayer
Cataclysm Dragon Soul LFR
Mist Of Pandaria -
Warlords of Draenor 11/13 myth HFC, Curve BRF

Raid Role/Your Spec
I started with ICY veins and moved to summonstone for my foundation approach to my class. But the deeper I went thru my class I started to tweak things in my own way, and create different approaches from generalized perspective so currently I am not following any guide. I prioritize Multistrike>=Crit>Mastery on my gear, balance between MS/Crit is based on my current MS' impact on my rotation, If I feel I start to get too much runic power, more than I can spend, I switch Crit as priority to balance it up

If I become GCD downtimed alot, I switch to Outbreak Glyph with Plague Leech, if not, Plaguebearer with Vampiric blood glyph.

If encounter is Archimonde, I used to replace Regenerative magic glyph with AMS, giving me a little bit more absorb per Death Brand, nowadays I dont see this required and I stick with Regenerative, might change back if I start to progress on Archi Myth

If I stay away long times like Iron reaver/Zakuun/Mannoroth(assuming tanks not using pillar), I take death siphon talent.

Hellfire Assault, I use Plague Leech/Conversion/Necrotic Plague to have some fun.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Off specs are fine, MY Os is decent and I enjoy playing it. I do have a shaman alt but she is not that strong to raid with you.

Yes I do have a working microphone and I am comfortable using voice chat for raids. I would be here to check what is going on with raids/guild since I am personally investing myself to the guilds that I am part of.

Combat Logs ... #boss=1800

Your UI

I use TMW to track my buffs, debuffs, Really helps me to analyze and decide on CD rotations and best case of survival/damage with the buffs being active or not. Aside from that, the addon you cannot see is GCD metronome, Makes me get really high amount of activity, since I am a musician, I find it extremely fun and helpful.

Guild History
My current guild, Rogue Ninjas is a placeholder guild that me and recruiters agreed in terms, I am helping them untill one of my cross server applications is accepted.

Only serious one before that is Unknown Entity. I was a bit noob when I joined, wasnt calling externals, tracking my buffs etc, but Kesther(GM) helped me to improve on these aspects. However they were never happy with my offensive approach to DK tanking and insisting me to have less spiky HP meanwhile I was trying to spike so I could get more out of my Death Strike healings. I fixed the tracking issues and began to do some serious DPS while tanking but this never got appreciated by them and I felt that I was constantly being judged, after all of this they gave my beloved XHul shoulders to a newcomer trial while I was tearing my ass of with them for 6 Xhul kills(Not the mention wipes), despite me having above 10k EP meanwhile that trial had about 1-2k. Their reasoning was I had so much GP but the truth is, If the previous issues weren’t there, I wouldn’t mind it, so I left the guild, in search of a new home, fresh start.

Raid availability
Yes, I can. Dont know about future, but currently I am able to attend close to %100

I do not know anyone sadly, I heard you from

About you

Intelligent, mature, natural born leader, high empathy, flexible but has a direction. I do not compete with others, I compete with myself. That is why I am a very succesful person in my life, both inside and outside of WoW. I do have morals, and values and I hold them up higher than anything else. I would not be pursuing something that I do not believe in, and since you are recruiting me, I feel guilds are more than a raiding tools that help people defeat some videogame bosses. It is a community, and despite the fact that I want to raid in a higher lvl of Mythic progression, this alone is nowhere near to justify staying in an enviroment that I am not comfortable/do not feel invested.


16 years of guitar, 5 years of dancing, 8 years of vocal, 3 years of psychoanalist. I have a very rich personality/spirit. You can have a chat with me about anything you can imagine, without worrying about negative atmosphere of disagreement. I seek to understand first, then help, so If you have any trouble in yourlife, I am more than happy to listen you for hours and share your burden with you.

The reason I am interested in you guys is, RP server and mythic raiding without content nerfs etc. My expectation is to have fun with a laidback atmosphere where people are mature about each other, dont get childish about mistakes, badplays but keep the constructive speech up most of the time. I literally hate RL's who yell, treat their members like poo, It doesn't affect me but other people might have their feelings hurt and I can't stand the thought of someone's day being ruined over a videogame.

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Re: Nathrizarri, the DK tank

Post by Twiki » 29 Nov 2015, 04:37

Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

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Dark Raven
Posts: 2000
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Re: Nathrizarri, the DK tank

Post by Lupo » 21 Mar 2016, 19:34

<trialled with Animosity, not recruited>
