[RG2] Tommel, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin

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Character name: Tommel
Location: Norway

[RG2] Tommel, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin

Post by Tommel » 07 Oct 2015, 15:39

Who is your character?
Tommel, Paladin, Ret MS and Prot OS, armory

Who are you?
Tommy, 27, from Norway and currently studying to become a real life gnomish engineer.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

Started WoW in 5.4, got Ahead of the Curve from SoO (10 man), Highmaul and BRF.

Raid Role
Melee DPS, read up on Icy-Veins, Summon Stone (RIP) and mmo-champion for up-to-date stats weigths rotation changes with different sets and so on. I always bring flasks, pots and 125 stat food to raids. I also check out Fatboss guilds for normal/HC bosses and Method for Mythic bosses. I try to adapt to what the boss require, it be burst aoe, interupts, prio targets or other things. I dont mind trying other stuff if a boss require it, i.e. runing bombs on assult, soaking fissures on fellord. I'm prefectly happy being below tanks on DPS if I do anoter job, and the boss die.

Your Spec
Retribution Talents;
T7 - Final Verdict - I'm a mediocre player, and cant get 100% out of Seraphim, so stick with what I can.
T6 - Ligths Hammer - for 2 targets and more, else - Execution Sentence -
T5 - Sanctified Wrath - because 3 charges on wings with 30 sec each is too good to ignore
T4 - Depending on raid setup and boss requirement - Clemency - default for raids
T3 - Selfless Healer - For on demand spot healing
T2 - Depending on raid setup, non very usefull for bossfights as far as I know
T1 - Long Arm of the Law - Personal Preference
Retribution Glyphs;
Glyph of Hand of Sacrifice - Always use
Glyph of Templar's Verdict - Always use
Glyph of Mass Exorcism - Use for Aoe
Glyph of Divine Protection - Use for Physical dmg reduction and no AoE needed
Execution Sentence/Light's Hammer>Final Verdict/Divine Storm>Hammer of Wrath>Crusader Strike>Others
LIning up Avenging Wrath with ring use and Execution Sentence/LIgths Hammer

Off-specs and Alternative characters
If I'm a mediocre DPS, and a bad tank (by my standards anyway). Have tanked most bosses in HFC/BRF/HM as current content. have a lvl 100 monk and a lvl 10 warlock, both on different realms and I never raid on them, or do much on them at all.

Have a headset and working mic, check forums 2-3 times a day usualy.

Combat Logs

Your UI
ElvUI, also use NeedToKnow to track personal cooldowns/buffs, also use WA and DBM

Guild History
Started out in 5.4 and joined a guild that had Normal on farm and progressed on Heroic (pre6.0), transfered with the guild to Sylvanas and joined them in HM Heroic and BRF Heroic, Guild died before HFC, and I applyed to SoD and moved to Defias Brotherhood, been here since end of April.
As many other SoD members have moved on or quit the game, raiding there will be near to imposible with current numbers, so I am looking to a place to kill HC Archimonde, and maybe look at some Mythic bosses.

Raid availability
Sun-Thurs evenings untill 10:00 server time - 11:00 if I push it
Fri-Sat evenings untill 01:00 server time

Spoke to Ethøs, and he told me that your group 2 might suit my time restraint.
Other SoDs might have seen me.

About you
Started WoW as I where unemployed for a longer period and just needed something to fill my days. Started studying again this summer, and love it. I do however start uni early every day, so that why I dont want to raid for too late. In game I like to dabble in pet battles/collecting, and general achievement hunting, altho I dont have much to brag about yet, compared to most long term players.
Thanks for taking the time to read my application, and I'll check back regurlary to answear any questions.
Last edited by Tommel on 07 Oct 2015, 16:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [RG2] Tommel, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin

Post by Shayden » 07 Oct 2015, 15:59

hey Tommel, its Shiaza the warrior- Kiovra the priest from SoD here. Good luck.

Posts: 3
Character name: Tommel
Location: Norway

Re: [RG2] Tommel, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin

Post by Tommel » 07 Oct 2015, 16:03

Shayden wrote:hey Tommel, its Shiaza the warrior- Kiovra the priest from SoD here. Good luck.
Thank you :)

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Re: [RG2] Tommel, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin

Post by Jimmble » 07 Oct 2015, 16:05

Hey Tommel, it's Jimmble the gnome from... umm... TRC here.

Posts: 3
Character name: Tommel
Location: Norway

Re: [RG2] Tommel, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin

Post by Tommel » 07 Oct 2015, 16:53

Jimmble wrote:Hey Tommel, it's Jimmble the gnome from... umm... TRC here.
Hello there, Jimmble from TRC :P

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Re: [RG2] Tommel, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin

Post by Jimmble » 12 Oct 2015, 17:07

