[Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

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[Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Kharnix » 06 Aug 2015, 01:07

Who is your character?

Tymiara - Warrior - Fury: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... a/advanced

Who are you?

Hi there! My name is John (Jan), I am 21 years old, living in Czech Republic on countryside/in city, depends if I'm studying or not.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

Would like to join R1 group, since there is nothig to do except 3 kills in HC. Or clear M BRF/HM finaly so I'm ready to help in G2.


In my fisrt raid days, I got only normal SoO till Malkorok. (in MoP)
Currently I'm 10/13HC HFC, only 2/10 Mythic BRF since I didn't find any good guild on DB and their CRs and Mythic queues are almost all time empty.

Currently sitting on same bosses in HFC and boosting combat logs.

Raid Role

DPS, DPS, DPS. Preparation? Grab drink, sit down, find inspiration for next run and go half-robo! I don't have any special rituals, no dead goats etc., most of time sit and play. HFC was cool, i had 2x A4 full of strats, but I like more to watch clean kills and learn from them if they are avaiable.

My performance is fair enough. Lacking only from start on new encounters, trying to find the right problems if they comes out, trying to fix them fast, and most of the time it is working properly.
Main problem in decreasing my performance are people around. If they are goofing off, I'm starting to be annoyed. But before that I'm trying to push them, if they aren't ignoring every possitive attitude. Pug experiences, priceless! :3

And all about my class? Well jump down! Most of time I like to finding right combinations and timers using my own head. But sometimes is good to check sims for their results of priorities. (only for stats).

Your Spec

Huh, really? How to...m'kay. Prepot n1. Life was so better, after I start with macro with every usefull cooldown for burst. But ring remains on second shortcut. Prio is save rage if cd's are goin up, right, but that's probelm from start, can't do anything with that so popping out everything on start.

The main thing, chose right talrnts. If possible, Avatar with AngerM. since I'm on 1h strat atm. And Bloodbath is less usefull because Avatar works on meele attacks. That's for st fights. TBolt yeah, forgot. Most of tiem on STarget. If Dragon won't be usefull, as it is for Killrog in my last strat. I'm glad I'm not boosting my dps anymore with Bladestorm inside vision >_>.

Multitarget fights are tricky, everyone knows. 2, 3, 4 more? Stable/burst. More time burst, automaticaly picking BS + AngM. + Dragon, slower fights, tight, ravenger if I can hangle the 1min CD. I like the Siegebreaker, with Bloodbath rotation and 2H where WW + RBlow are anough.
Now I'm lost on Mannoroth. but I will fix that! Not enough time for BS on normal!

WW + RBlow on 2(3) targets rotation, or WW + WW + RBLow on 4+ if main talents are on CD or more adds will spawn in few sec (then I'm saving cd's). Usualy trying to burst with main CD's on really important AoE (Reck etc if avaiable or delayable for few seconds (f.e. Kormrok is kewl on that, sadly ppl don't know how to delay ring, I do! DONT USE IT, I WILL AFTER REAP and 10s on hands, OH CMON!),
and start with Ravenger before spawns for 1sec GCD and faster brust. + Fel Cleave hell.

ATM waiting for trinkets, Manno/Archi, damn this combination! Otherwise I was changing BHands with proc trinket, depends on timers, overall trying to change then if it will help. Now stucked at Felcleave, that's why I have better stats on multi :(
As for stats.... trying to slowly change enchants for more mastery, but crit looks still too important :/ proc dps are hell, or heaven! O:-) don't like multistrike that much. But since I got multistrike trinket with 2min, and AngerM in combination with reckelnest and Avatar works so good... (oh yeah, Gorfiend cry everytime). Still pref main stats as Mastery>Crit, if it not breaks many procs of BL. And both enchants on weapons. Love burst!

Ok, now glyphs. Sadly there isn't much to do. % after interupts are best right. Sometimes silence on HThrow works too, but who want dps lost. I'm not a big fan of +4 on WW, speed and rage are active so long!

*Oh, and ignore some Bladestorms on ST fights if you saw them, talking too much, forgettign change talents ._. why not spin to win then ;_;

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I like fury, I was Arms, but now it's boring and I prefer to play enjoyable class, but sacrifice is sacrifice. WIll see if I got finaly 4piece. Know how to save rage for executes, don't worry.
Alt as Rogue, but I forgot how to play them almost, but I can practice 4 hrs like with warrior, on target dummy! ...yeey! If you want to check him, yeah why not, here! http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... x/advanced


Have a good headphones with mic, most of the time boosting leaders and configuring voice clients/voice chat for the best results.
About using forum - I'm not big fan of guild forums, better chatting in game. But that's mostly because I don't have stable and active guild. If you convice me, I have no problem with that. But it's slow than chat for real-time discuss.

Combat Logs

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... est#boss=0
*since i'm raiding in normal with stable group, the results are simply better than rpg in hc + I'm little bit lazy try to find pug hc groups for hours

and hours of decline messages.

Your UI

Prefer clean UI, can improve it with CD!s and uptimes on cd!s but I'm fine looking to the corner.

*sorry for quality forgot set 10 after reinstall AND for the misstiming when someone else use ring.

Guild History

So, started in SoO in Defenders of Azeroth, and prgoressing with them, but it was slower and slower due to not enough ppl, at end I was about to change guild on my roughly new warrior, but didn't find any so I stop my sub there.
WoD, as a new fresh start, was asked to join some newly formed guilds so i accept. They were nice until few of them start trashtalking about "how this is bad, how old times was the best" and mostly after few weeks of nice progressing guild disband - or all stop their sub. SO I was without guild again, bored of pugs I stop after ~3 weeks in BRF.

When they annouced new raid, i resub again, 6 weeks before HFC clear everything in BRF except Mythic, since I joined different realm guild, where I am raiding and helping them till now. Last 2 weeks, newly formed guild As... nah, they moved to another realm since "we" didn't find enough ppl (and half of guild didn't know what raiding means >_>)
I'm outsider, like to punishing myself in pug groups, and want to changed that!

Raid availability

Avaiable all time, almost. If something happend, it's mainly because of unexpected situation. I would like to raid till morning but... so many players want to sleep :/ ^^


I start to watch wolrd scene at BRF cames out, and it will be shame not to include my main realm. And since I was in few (ye 2) newly formed guilds I started to check bigger groups, and foun you (because you need meele :3)

About you

Well, atm I'm starting to be pesimistic. Sometimes happends! I live on countryside or in city, so my view is wide. When I saw interresting game and I can't stop staring at it, I'm going full-nerd. Spending lot of time behind keyboard. Interrested in new HW/SW/Games, watching ProGaming (CS:GO, LoL atm, SC2 few years ago, when Korea starts to rule in EU), trying to elarn new stuffs sometime.

My english, I hope is good enough, but sometimes really doesn't make any sense. But I like to improve. Hope you enjoyed and understand "to my talking"! Is that right? Nvm let's check on google.


DAMN IT, I lost half of my essey cuz I press backspace or mouse back button >_< :evil: It will be little bit short now.... or not? Hope it isn't that long and not messy, at least I can copy that for future uses hmm. Kharnix#2789
Last edited by Kharnix on 06 Aug 2015, 10:07, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Zarell » 06 Aug 2015, 07:56

Hey Tymiara

Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Jimmble » 06 Aug 2015, 09:05

Kharnix wrote:Currently I'm 10/13HC BRF, only 2/10 Mythic HFC since I didn't find any good guild on DB
...and by that you mean 10/13HC HFC and 2/10 Mythic BRF.

Posts: 5
Character name: Tymiara
Location: Czech Republic

Re: [Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Kharnix » 06 Aug 2015, 10:10

@Jimmble: whoah, of course! Thanks, fixed :)

@Zarell: Hey! If I forgot any of important thing, feel free to ask and I will answer.

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Re: [Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Zarell » 06 Aug 2015, 11:33

Hi there Tymiara

We would like to offer you a trial in our RG1 raid group, RG1 Raid days are Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday, invites starts exactly 19:45 (Raid times 20:00 - 23:00 server time). We would like to include you from tonight’s raid. Please add Yoga [Yoggles#2502] for raid invite. (Zarell#2670 as backup)

Please make sure you have the following ready for tonight:

Chat client:
Mumble (Must be installed)

Required Addons:
- Angry Assignments
- EPGPLootMaster
- AskMrRobot
- Exorsus Raid Tools

If you are unsure about anything please contact any officer or just post any needed questions on the forum.

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Re: [Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Yogá » 06 Aug 2015, 12:16

As I wrote on the other app, please make sure to have Exorsus Raid Tools installed as well.

Posts: 5
Character name: Tymiara
Location: Czech Republic

Re: [Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Kharnix » 06 Aug 2015, 12:23

Right, everything should be ready now.

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Re: [Raider] Tymiara, lvl 100 Fury Warrior

Post by Jimmble » 27 Aug 2015, 08:38

