Here follows my application for RG2. I'm already a member in Raven Council, I got accepted as trial during SOO (link to the original app: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4874&p=44983&hilit=palladox#p44983). Unfortunately, I never got to raid with the Ravens because at the start of WoD a lot of my friends from ages-long-past returned to the game, and I decided to raid with them during Highmaul. We cleared 7/7 HC pretty fast, but struggled to recruit for Mythic progression so before long members started bleeding away and the guild ceased raiding altogether.
Who is your character?
Xonos, Arcane Mage
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
You'll notice not all my gear is enchanted (and a sneaky spirit ring), that is because I've just leveled this character to 100 two weeks ago. I will sort him out before first non-pug run though.
Who are you?
My name is Alan, I'm 31 and coming from Zagreb, Croatia.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm applying to RG2.
I've spent Vanilla and TBC being a careless newbie, discovering the game and MMO genre as such. I skipped WOTLK completely and started raiding in tier 11 in Cata. I cleared T11 normal 10 man as an enhancement shaman and 10 normal + up to Blackhorn heroic (pre-nerfs) as affliction warlock. During MOP I focused mostly on RBGs, but I've cleared SOO normal 25 up to Garrosh and 10 man Garrosh in oqueue pugs. During WoD I've been an officer and raid leader for my guild (Tunnel Vision on Defias) through 7/7 HC Highmaul on my disc priest Brutallus (we got credited with 6/7 HC on Wowprogress because we killed Imp HC with too many pugs - we'd already started bleeding members by then).
Raid Role
I mostly play healers so what I wrote in Palladox application still applies. Regarding mage, he's my first "serious" dps character since TBC. I make sure to understand tactics for each fight and pay attention (apart from mechanics) to priority targets and effective dps. I don't care for padding meters, so I try to focus on providing useful dps. My entry point to learning Arcane were Icy Veins and Noxxic, but after getting basics sorted I turn to Altered Time for specifics. I use Warcraftlogs to assess my performance compared to my peers (class and ilvl). After mastering arcane I plan to learn and master frost and fire.
Your Spec
Rotation - I follow the recommended arcane rotation, trying to stay around 93% mana during conservation phase. For burn phase I still play around with when to evocate, although sims claim most effective evocation is at 50%. Eg. during Hero 2 ticks of evocate bring me to 95% mana even if I start evocating at 35% (whether it's a dps gain I still haven't confirmed yet). Another thing I am actively trying to master is my crystal usage. I started saving POM for when the crystal is about to expire to squeeze out as many casts out of it as I can.
Talents - I'd by default take Ice Floes to allow for more uptime during movement. I'd take Greater Invisibility as a damage mitigation CD, and switch between Incanter's and Rune depending on fight requirement. I'd also switch between T75 talents depending on fight requirement (Supernova for non-add fights).
Glyphs - my must-have glyph for raids is Glyph of Rapid Displacement for 2 stacks of Blink. More often than not I'll also take Glyph of Arcane Power because in most cases it provides dps increase.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm not yet confortable with neither frost nor fire specs - I intend to learn and master them after having arcane down to muscle memory.
I am very confortable playing discipline and shadow priest (Brutallus, armory link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced)
I do have a microphone and I'm not shy to speak when there's the need to.
Combat Logs
I haven't logged my mage yet, but I can provide Highmaul logs for my priest:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 991457/6/#
Your UI
I try to keep everything as tidy as possible. I configured my own WeakAuras (middle of the screen) to track my mana percentage, number of Arcane Charge stacks (blue squares), Arcane Missiles! procs (red squares) and Arcane Power duration (red progress bar below mana percentage). I use DBM, Skada and Bartender4.
Guild History
Tunnel Vision on Defias Brotherhood - I moved to Tunnel Vision when a couple of my real life friends returned to WoW at the beginning of WoD. I've been an officer and raid leader for Tunnel Vision. Guild stopped raiding after being unable to recruit enough members to enter mythic progression.
Lavovi Hrvatske on Dentarg - Croatian-only guild I've raided with during Dragon Soul. Guild fell apart along with the demise of the realm in late Cata.
Dominion on Xavius - I've raided tier 11 with them and have been an officer. Guild fell apart shortly after release of Firelands, after Method moved away from Xavius. The realm went dead shortly after.
I decided to join The Raven Council late in SOO, but I really wanted to raid with my long time friends so I went to Tunnel Vision at the start of WoD. What attracts me most about TRC is the fact the guild is very stable, long standing and with plenty of players. The fact that the guild sports 2 raid groups at a time when other guilds on the realm die on an almost weekly basis is a statement of stability. During my stay with the guild in SOO I also saw the members were friendly and social which is the second most important factor I look for in a guild.
Raid availability
I can commit to RG2 raid times.
About you
As you might see from my application, I'm chatty. I like theorycrafting and lore. I love to PvP, especially RBGs. I consider myself easy going and relaxed. My internet connection is stable (you can see the latencies in the UI screenshot), and my computer is good enough to run WoW without any stutters.
Yet again I've managed to produce a wall of text. Kudos if you've reached this point!
If you have any questions or comments, please fire away!
[RG2] Xonos, Lvl 100 Arcane Mage
Re: [RG2] Xonos, Lvl 100 Arcane Mage
Hi there!
Thanks for your application, please give me some time to read through it!
Also sorry for the slow reply, i've been a bit sick today, so checking this forum hasn't exactly been my priority
Can you possibly try giving me a screenshot in a raid environment? LFR/Alterac Valley or something like that would suffice.
Yogá, Raid leader of RG2 and Crab extraordinaire.
Thanks for your application, please give me some time to read through it!
Also sorry for the slow reply, i've been a bit sick today, so checking this forum hasn't exactly been my priority
Can you possibly try giving me a screenshot in a raid environment? LFR/Alterac Valley or something like that would suffice.
Yogá, Raid leader of RG2 and Crab extraordinaire.
Re: [RG2] Xonos, Lvl 100 Arcane Mage
Hey Yogá,
hope you get well soon!
Here's the ui screenshot you asked for:
hope you get well soon!
Here's the ui screenshot you asked for:
Re: [RG2] Xonos, Lvl 100 Arcane Mage
Well, you seem to know what you're doing, so I don't see why not to take you on as a trial. Be prepared for monday (Or wednesday, if you can't make it tomorrow), make sure you're enchanted, gemmed and have flasks/pots.