[RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto Sham

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[RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto Sham

Post by Doroppu » 01 Feb 2015, 16:33

Who is your character?
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... u/advanced
Doroppu, Restoration Shaman, Other spec is for pvp - no pve gear

Who are you?
Kane, 17, UK

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I would mostly like to join RG1 since I have progression in mind, however RG2 seems like a nice bunch and I wouldn't mind progressing alongside them, as long as bosses are getting nailed, I'm happy!

So I got my first 10 day trial in the summer holidays before Wrath hit, and when i hit 55 I made a DK and got to level 80 about halfway through the Naxx/Maly/OS era, after this I proceeded to join a raiding guild at the tender age of 11 and clear my way through Ulduar before ToC hit playing as a clicker on a trackpad - oh god, why - Being young and a drama magnet at the time I got gkicked and moved on to a new guild where I cleared ToC and half cleared ToC on HC, finally I managed to blaze through ICC with what was my favourite guild where I still have friends to this day. During Cata I re-rolled to my protadin and tanked my way through the HC's when they were difficult as hell and began looking in to raiding, but no guilds were recruiting, so I eventually got bored of HC's and unsubbed until WoD. With my WoD guild - Malefice - We managed to down Imperator normal on the 2nd day of the content being released (442nd global, 112 EU and 4th on the server) - however things have taken a steep downhill turn since, HC progress was good and we have stayed competitive being rank 20 at the moment, but with a few core members leaving, and the attitude being completely wrong I feel I need to find myself a new home, and I would like to say that home is here.

Raid Role
As of the last raid my job is the "oh poo" button and raid healing god, I do this by using my cooldowns when required or as an emergency anti-wipe mechanic. I prepare for this by stacking mastery to keep the raid up when they are low, having int pots ready for massive emergencies and speccing ancestral guidance for more burst healing. I can also do an admirable job raid healing and tank healing. I used to learn most of my stuff from discussion with the guild's other shaman, but he has left now so I will probably have to stay up to date with forum discussions and reading balance changes, with a hint of common sense and guides, such as icy veins.

Your Spec
For my rotation, It's very situational as a healer. It mostly involves keeping using healing stream every 30 seconds, using rain in periods of damage where nobody is moving, using riptide on cooldown, chain heal if there is quite a bit of aoe damage going down, elemental blast wherever possible, searing totem for a bit of added dps to the raid, spam healing wave as I have enough mp5 to make it's mana cost negligible, and use surge in those situations where wave just doesn't cut it. Additionally I can use unleash life in preparation for a big burst of single target damage. As for stats I have been dumping everything in to mastery, with crit as the preferred secondary stat, however multistrike is almost equal to crit. Additionally haste is nice as it makes my stream and riptide tick more per cast, vastly improving my throughput. Other stats are welcome but not as important. My talents are as follows, Astral shift for damage I can prepare for, for instance being smacked by a spore on bracken, the cleave on butcher or needing to take a stack of fire on ogron. Next is windwalk, which is useful on many bosses, such as removing the unleash ice from koragh or any other important slowing effect we might have to deal with. Next is projection, used for fights with a spread out raid so I can position my important totems such as healing tide in the center of the raid. Ancestral swiftness gives a nice buff to my haste, increasing throughput, and also allows an instant cast ele blast if I'm tight on mana and can't take the cast time, instant heal, very useful with unleash life, or primarily I use it with chain heal, whenever I pop my ascendance I need to do as much burst healing as possibly to maximise its effectiveness. Rushing streams is simply the best on the tier, in 6.1 I may experiment with ancestral guidance as it is receiving a buff, but at the moment it is too good to pass on, even on fights where conductivity is amazing such as butcher. Ele blast gives me all the mp5 I need however on shorter fights where I need to burst heal a single target I sometimes grab unleashed fury. On the final tier, high tide is amazing, in 5 man content and at lower ilvls cloudburst is pretty good, but in a raid environment chain heal is wonderful - especially with the chain heal based set bonuses coming in 6.1. As for my gear, we used EPGP, and since I had to a lot of raids over december due to personal reasons I fell far behind, and therefore am only given gear the hunter and other shaman didn't need, so I currently just have what has dropped equipped, itemizing based on stats where I can.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I currently have a enhance off spec and second resto spec memorized for pvp purposes, both of which having a fair amount of conquest gear, in case anyone needs to cap out in arenas to grab some free 660 gear for raiding - in a raiding environment I wouldn't say either of these are viable, however I DO have a warrior with ivl 630 atm who I am slowly gearing up when i can and I am competent with him. And I am in the progress of levelling a mistweaver monk who I intend to gear out as hell, he is currently level 42 though :S
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... n/advanced

If the forums are used, I will get involved. I am also willing to be very vocal over voice chat, talking about relevant topics and will probably hang around and get to know you guys outside of raids!

Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/reportslist/22022/ - I appear in most of these logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ta ... pe=healing - Our HC run, Imp got cut from it for some reason
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/MF ... g&fight=32 - Mythic to Bracken
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/nA ... pe=healing - More Bracken

Your UI
http://imgur.com/a/kieKj The 2nd image is my UI, the 1st image is to show why I use a viewport - you can see my Ui obstructing the game itself, where as in my current UI only has healbot, player hp and target hp are on screen. Hidden is my TMW which shouts when I don't have a totem up spewing healing everywhere. Things to note are my macros, such as for targeting shrooms on bracken and stopcast for my silence as well as the fact I have tremor bound, so have no fear ;)

Guild History
I pretty much covered this under experience, my bad ^^

Raid availability
I can be available any day from 4pm onwards

I was looking through wowprogress for a guild where I wouldn't be carried, and at the same time wouldn't be carrying. You guys said you needed a resto shaman and fitted the bill quite well! As for a reference I can't think of anyone in particular but I can tell you that I've never had complaints or been kicked from a pug for under-performing ^^

About you
17, Currently in 6th form (college) studying chemistry, IT, business and engineering. I've played wow since I was 10, I took a long break from firelands-wod playing dota competitively and I am quite good with general knowledge and odd facts that I've picked up here and there.

Please notice me raven-senpai <3

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Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Beastaly » 01 Feb 2015, 17:31

Hello Doroppu,
Thanks for you application. Please give us some time to review it :)



Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Guest » 01 Feb 2015, 18:31

Good to know, hope to hear back soon!

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Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Bowick » 02 Feb 2015, 14:07

Hi Doroppu,

RG1 is unfortunately kinda overflowing with healers at the moment, so we're not considering new ones right now.
I believe RG2 is indeed searching for a good healer however, and your app looks great, so lets get Yogá in here for a chat, or you can catch him in game/add his btag. :)

Good luck!
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Yogá » 02 Feb 2015, 14:10

I've already spoken to him, mr. Panda, in fact he contacted me before this app, trialing him on Wednesday would not be a problem

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Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Bowick » 02 Feb 2015, 14:12

Alright! Then whisper an officer in game for a guild invite whenever you're ready. :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai


Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Guest » 02 Feb 2015, 22:02

Awesome, will be there Wednesday!


Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Doroppu » 04 Feb 2015, 23:48

hey again, sorry for not coming along, thought I'd give my guild another chance but after the GM goes awol shortly before the raid and having leavers after 2 wipes with very little normal progress I'd like to request to join you guys for either your next raid or lockout - please get back to me and I apologise for wasting some time! I will also understand if the spot is now taken.

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Re: [RG1or2, wherever needed most] Doroppu, Level 100 Resto

Post by Beastaly » 08 Feb 2015, 01:08

[01:06] [Doroppu]: Hello, I just wanted to send a message to say that I've had an invite to join a guild's main raid team on trial (whereas here I am only in RG2), I am going to grab this opportunity while I can and see where it takes me! Thansk for the raid and shelter!
[01:06] [Doroppu]: I had a great time so far, but need more progression! Please pass this on to yoga and thanks again!

<not recruited>
