Who is your character?
Lolzy, druid , restoration.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... lzy/simple
Who are you?
My name is Alexander, I'm 23 and I'm from Belgium.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
ToC 5/5 10m normal.
Onixia’s Lair 10m.
12/12 10m normal ICC. (Before the "nerfs" / the 30% buff)
4/12 10m hardmode.
As a holy priest.
I have been absent during the whole expansion, I only came back at the end of cata so I haven’t done any real raiding.
---Mist Of Pandaria---
6/6 MSV 10m normal. As disc priest.
3/6 MSV 10m HC. As disc priest.
6/6 HoF 10m normal.As disc priest.
4/4 ToeS 10m normal. As disc priest.
7/12 ToT 10 normal. As hunter.
14/14 10m normal. (Before they changed gear upgrades from 2/2 to 4/4)
As a disc priest.
12/14 10m HC SoO. Killed Thok HC exactly one week before the prepatch
As a disc priest.
7/7HC as holy priest.
7/7HC as Restoration druid
1/7M as restoration druid.
Raid Role
My role in the raid is "healer". My goal is to keep everyone alive and to prevent people from dieing.
Usually I prepair myself by studying the tactics for the fight. I open up the raid journal and I study each ability the boss does. I try to memorise each of those abilities and then during the raid I only have to watch my dbm and react.
I also use icy veins and mmochampion to follow the updates. Otherwise I check out some high end players on armory ( for example Alzu from Paragon) to see what pieces, enchants, talents they are using. Also I watch video's of those players and I pay attention to how they play, what they do , when and which ability they use.
I only use video's of "fatboss" etc just to get a general impression of the fight.
Your Spec
For my gear I'm stacking mastery. Because of Harmony.
For my talents I use:
lvl 30: Cenarion Ward because I prefer to have an extra healing ability which I like to use on the tanks for when they take heavy demage. It's also something you can control, while ysera's gift is a brainless passive which does it's own thing. It's not like these talents do so much healing ,so I prefer to take cenarion ward mostly. On some fights where there's a lot of raidwide demage I'd usually switch to ysera's gift.
lvl 60: Incarnation for obvious reasons. Big burst on demand. For some fight I would consider sould of the forest.
lvl 90: I usually take heart of the wilds because I like the buff it gives to the healing. My choice #2 for this line is dream of cenarius, mana free healing and very useful in some situations.
lvl 100: Germination... default choice, only viable option here.
Wild mushroom, with Glyph of the sprouting mushroom, is a very nice spell. Good for situations where players have to stack a lot during the fights. It’s not as good as it used to be in mop when you could “explode” and get some big burst out of it, but still pretty good.
I like the glyph of regrowth, which makes your regrowth a 100% crit, which is like a boost for your healing = profit.
I think warcraftlogs is the best way to check someone's rotation. I'll do my best explain my rotation in my own words.
So I always start by throwing some Lifebloom on the tanque, some rejuvenation and some cenarion ward.
During the phases where only tank take medium demage I use healing touch to top the tank as it is a very mana efficient heal.
Ocasionally I use regrowth with clearcasting procs.Well... Because free Regrowth !
Always keeping up my mastery buff up.
Now here it comes... When the other members of the raid finally start taking demage, a typical rotation would go like this :
rejuvenation > target x (is at 80-85% health for example, takes low to medium demage)
rejuvenation > target x
rejuvenation > target y (is at 80-85% health for example, takes low to medium demage)
rejuvenation > target y
rejuvenation > target z (is at 50-60% , takes heavy demage)
healing touch > target z
healing touch > target z
If I proc Clearcasting during that process I would use it to a target with low health , like target z for example.
AND while doing all that, keeping an eye on the tanks and keeping Lifebloem + Réjuvenation + CW up there.
Big cooldowns
I use my big CD's during the phases when the raid requires urgent burst healing.
For example Tranquilité I would use during Tectonic upheaval on Tectus.
Incarnation I use more like an emergency CD... Mostly in the situations when I feel the emergency.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Besided restoration I can also play ( I love playing) balance. Unfortunately I have been gearing for resto, so I don't have the right stats on my gear to perform well in a raid as balance.
I still have my holy priest on the horde which is also nicely geared. I know both disc and holy like my own neighbourhood
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ggy/simple
Combat Logs
This is the most recent log I have: I have been trying to get into soem pugs and get some new logs but unfortunately I ended up losing time with shitpugs... So yea this is all I have atm :
Some logs from a week or two ago here below, not sure if they are still actual / representative because my gearsituation was very different back then.
These logs represent my behaviour pretty well for situations where not many things go wrong and where everything goes according the tactict. So I guess you could say that those logs represent some clean kills.
Your UI
http://s1254.photobucket.com/user/MIIKU ... 2.jpg.html
Guild History
The last guild I have truly been a member of was <Reversus>, a horde guild on DB. I joined them in February 2014. I had been raiding with them for almost a year, until I left them about two weeks ago when I decided to stop raiding with them. I just got tired of hearing “dicks and vaginas” jokes during the raids all the time. The guild is being run by completely wrong people who have absolutely no clue how to organise or manage a raid team. Also the guild has hit a brick wall in progression when they were not able to kill imp HC for two weeks, which caused an even more negative atmosphere in the guild. That is not what “fun” means to me and that is not why I play this game. Since a real life friend of me has quit playing (who also was a member of that guild) I thought there was no more reason for me to stay there so I decided to search for a new guild to raid with.
My druid was acctually my only character on the alliance, I have always been horde since I started playing this game. I wanted to swtich to alliance for a while now and explore the "ally" side of life and hopefully find a guild to raid here with.
It seems to me like the raven council is a serious guild that has a good focus on progression. I hope that the racen council can offer me an opportunity to develop myself further as a player.
Raid availability
I don't know anybody in this guild. Not that I know of at least.
About you
I consider myself as a friendly person. I’m calm and timid. I am someone who doesn’t talk much. I prefer to talk less and to do more I used be a huge fan of Nintendo games and consoles back when I was in high school, but nowadays wow is the only game left I am still interested in. Besides wow I have a huge passion for electronic music. I spend a lot time messing around in FL Studio making hardcore beats. I also do a lot of jogging to stay sexy
Lolzy restoration druid
- Beastaly
- Ancient
- Posts: 1298
- Character name: Beastaly
- WoW character race: Blood Elf
- WoW character class: Death Knight
- Contact:
Re: Lolzy restoration druid
Hello Lolzy!
Thank you for your application, please give us some time to review your application
Kind regards,
Thank you for your application, please give us some time to review your application
Kind regards,
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: Lolzy restoration druid
Hi Lolzy,
I'm afraid RG1 is not looking for more healers at the moment, and in particular we have 3 Resto Druids already! So we simply cannot offer you a trial at this time unfortunately.
However, I believe RG2 is looking for healers! I'm not 100% sure of their current recruitment needs exactly - but if you might be interested, then Yoga can swing by and give you some up to date info?
I'm afraid RG1 is not looking for more healers at the moment, and in particular we have 3 Resto Druids already! So we simply cannot offer you a trial at this time unfortunately.
However, I believe RG2 is looking for healers! I'm not 100% sure of their current recruitment needs exactly - but if you might be interested, then Yoga can swing by and give you some up to date info?
Re: Lolzy restoration druid
Hi guys,
I'd like to cancel this app, I got accepted into another guild in the meanwhile.
thank for the reply
I'd like to cancel this app, I got accepted into another guild in the meanwhile.
thank for the reply
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: Lolzy restoration druid
No problem, good luck with your new guild!
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
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Re: Lolzy restoration druid
<not recruited>