[RG2] Voltmeter, Lvl 100 Resto Shaman

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[RG2] Voltmeter, Lvl 100 Resto Shaman

Post by Elorya » 13 Jan 2015, 06:24

Who is your character?
Voltmeter, shaman, resto
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ter/simple

Who are you?
My name is Ester, I am 25 years old and I am from Slovenia. I am curently studing Management on Faculty of Management in Koper.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying to RG2.

Shaman=> Voltmeter-resto shaman
Druid=> Elorya-Ravenholdt- balance druid
Hunter=> Yili-dragonblight-survival hunter
I just listed thoes that I did in requiered expension:
Naxx 15/15 Druid
Sartharion Druid
Malygos Druid
Ulduar 14/14 Druid
Onyxia Druid
ToC 5/5 HC Druid
ICC 10/12 HC Druid
Halion Druid
ToFW 2/2 Druid
BWD 6/6 Druid
BoT 5/5 Druid
Fireland 7/7 Druid
Dragon Soul 5/8 HC Druid
Mogu'shan Vaults 6/6 normal Druid
Heart of Fear 1/6 normal Druid
Siege of Orgrimmar 5/14 hc Hunter (with shaman I downed first 2 bosses hc beffore prepatch)
Highmaul 1/7 mythic Shaman

Raid Role
I am currently resto shaman so my role is healer. I always bring flasks, pots and food, once I see fight few times I am able to pick the talents that I benefit the most in that fight.
I am judging my own performance based on how fast I was at avoiding stuff, did I react on sudden/unexpected damage fast enough or could i do it faster, was my reaction the right one or could i do something different and that way optimise my healing.
I read a lot of different forums, reading patch notes, Noxxic, checking shaman healers that I know they are good on armory, also going true warcraft logs to see what other healers are using during specific fight, and of course console with fallow shaman healer.

Your Spec
Well obviously I equipe what I get since cant really be much picky in WoD. But I am trying to get as much items with spirit as I can since there are still times that I strugle with mana.
Stats wise I go for mastery because I see it as useful stat during progression since it increases healing the lower hp the target is. I believe I have the right amount of hast so I am trying to avoid it if posible but for exemple the second trinket I have is better then what I had before although it gives me hast on use. Crit and mastery are the 2 secondary stats im focusing on at the moment also some multistrike. Mostly only have versatility if it comes with the gear that has other stat I need more. But as i said not really a lot of choices atm.
Talents that I use all the time are Ancestral Swiftness because of the insta heal, which saved me quite a few times, High Tide because I find it the most useful from all 3, it also increases aoe healing and Elemental Blast for mana regen and those extra stats come in handy. But I started to use Primal Elementalist on first boss to get some extra damage out since he is not really mana intense fight. Depending on the fight I use either Rushing Streams or Conductivity, it all depends if there is a lot of stacking on the boss fight or are people mostly spreaded around.
Glyphs that I use are Glyph of Healing Stream Totem, Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace and Glyph of Healing Wave. Not really sure if that needs any extra explanation I just found them useful healing wise, reducing some damage taken or helps me to focus a bit more on healing others if not a lot of damage on raid, well some free healers are always nice.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
My off spec is Elemental, I use it for questing so would have no problems using it. Not having Elemental specific gear thoe except trinkets.
I am also playing Elorya, Balance Druid http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... rya/simple
I am raiding with RG3 with my druid and few times help my old guild that went to Sylvanas so I am playing that char almost as much as my Shaman.

Yes I have a microphone and I have no trouble using it, I am also used to call out when I pop some big cds and stuff. Also have no problems calling out special abilities or something like that since I know it is needed if you want good progression.

Combat Logs
This are logs from my last raid. You can chack more of them on A New Hope defias-Defias Brotherhood.

Your UI


Guild History
I am a member of A New Hope atm. I joined them in MoP and been with them ever since. I enjoyed raiding with them, but since the merge atmosfere started to change and it now came so far that I only log my shaman for raids and some garrison things. In the end this is a game and I wanna look forward in spending those 3 or 4 h in raid with fallow guildies and I dont want to not play a char when the solution is obvious.
Well my druid is a social member in your guild and I went to few raids with you guys and I really enjoyed it so I decided to try my luck with applying to RG2 with my main :)

Raid availability
Yes I can make on all thoes raid days. If there is ever something in RL preventing me joining i always notify raid leader infront.

As i said before I already am a member with my alt.

About you
Well some of you already know me a bit, some even readed my social aplication so not really sure if there is anything new I can tell you about my self :)

If there is anything I missed just ask and I will gladly answer all your questions :)

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Re: [RG2] Voltmeter, Lvl 100 Resto Shaman

Post by Zarell » 13 Jan 2015, 06:38

Hey Voltmeter

Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [RG2] Voltmeter, Lvl 100 Resto Shaman

Post by Yogá » 15 Jan 2015, 18:15


Your name isn't corresponding with the guild rules of naming, but otherwise I like this app, more healers aren't bad, I'd like to offer a trial!

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Re: [RG2] Voltmeter, Lvl 100 Resto Shaman

Post by Jimmble » 19 Jan 2015, 10:20

<recruited after a namechange>
