RG1 Application - Belserden

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RG1 Application - Belserden

Post by Belserden » 30 Nov 2014, 00:44

Who is your character?
Belserden, Rogue, Combat/Assassination.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... den/simple

Who are you?
Sam, 21, London!


I raided during BC and WOTLK. Clearing both Illidan and LK. LK in 10 man HC although not 25man. During actual patch rather then returning when they added the easy mode buff to ICC. During BC I played my warrior tank horde side. And during WOTLK I played a DPS Elemental Shaman.

Raid role
Not currently in a raid team, currently in limbo with you guys, I previously applied to RG2 knowing I was returning to the game after some absence. But I feel like in the last few weeks I've got a hold of the ropes again and am ready to go for RG1.

As for the raid itself, I judge myself not only on dps alone, but on what part I played in the fight itself, as a combat rogue you bring a decent amount of utility and survivability to a fight. If I don't make use of that, then I'm doing something wrong. (Obviously on a case by case viewpoint) Also. Dps. Gotta do the deeps.

Preparing for a raid, I'll look up videos/content of the raid and bosses we'll be facing if possible, and as for keeping up with my class, I check for updates and upcoming patches on the official site.

Talent choices
Shadow Focus - 75% less energy for abilities while in stealth. This pretty much opens up for an almost free Ambush/Cheap Shot at the start of a fight, and once again every minute with Vanish. Ambush dealing out some nice deeps, and Cheap Shot's stun helping when it needs to. Other then that it means you come out of stealth with more energy during your rotation, and more energy means more utility/dps.

Combat Readiness - This is a personal choice, but really none of the three choices in this tier are especially effective for a combat rogue. No real reason behind this one other then added utility and I believe it to be the better choice of the three. I would probably switch to Nerve Strike in any encounter that required me to stun an add, but either then that, Combat Readiness.

Cheat Death - Because man this ability is beautiful. A lot of conflict in the CR community about if this or elusiveness is better suited. But most of the time it simply comes down to personal choice. Cheat Death for me, is a life saver. Where as elusiveness causes feint to reduce incoming damage by 30% it costs energy, rather then being a passive ability. And can save you from the unexpected in a raid environment.

Burst of Speed - Now this is a personal one, as most people would jump straight to Shadowstep in this tier. Personally I -love- burst of speed. It lets you get out of aoe/spells/focus quickly. It lets you get back to the boss quickly if you get knocked back. It lets you get to the adds that you need to dps down on a timer quicker. All for the cost of 8 energy. It's in my opinion brilliant, especially considering the lack of any cooldown. Where as Shadowstep is used to engage. Burst of Speed can be used for engaging and getting away. Plus...I just gotta go fast!

Internal Bleeding/Prey on the Weak - Really depends on the encounter. A 6 second stun with a 12 second bleed with 6.5k ticks is brilliant. And great for use if the encounter has adds that can actually be stunned. However in the scenario that they can't, I'll always switch to Prey on the Weak for added raid dps. Dirty Tricks has no place in a raid scene.

Marked for Death - Once again a personal one, while many like anticipation for the saved combo dots, Marked for Death has a small increase on single target dps over Anticipation. And the way I see it, if I'm using my combo dots correctly, I shouldn't be going over five anyway.

Venom Rush - As you might notice, I have DFA active on my tier list. And I enjoy using it in CM's. But the truth is its not that great. The positive side is it does massive dps and dosen't share a cooldown with Eviscerate. Also it looks cool. The bad side? It's slow, buggy, and expensive in energy cost. As much as I want DFA to be good, its sadly not. It's just fun. In any real competitive environment I'll switch to Venom Rush. With an increase in energy and an increase in energy regen up to a total of a possible 15% its beefy to say the least. The other alternative is Shadow Reflection becoming a part of my rotation, but its always going to be VR at this stage. More energy means more dps.


Feint - Increases duration by two seconds. Making a grand total of seven seconds. In some fights its good to maintain feint up for a large duration. In which case this saves me energy otherwise spent on dps.

Glyph of Energy - More dps for the dps gods. More utlity, energy = actions.

Glyph of Disappearance - Reduces the cooldown to 1min, effectively doubling the damage you would otherwise get out of it.

Minor Glyphs - Safefall, Blurred Speed, Poisons.

Safefall/Blurred Speed are completely situation but may come in handy in some raid encounters.

Posions, is just a default choice in the lack of anything better.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'll be honest here, I've spent all my time in WoD learning my Combat Rogue, and so I don't really have any exp in my secondary spec yet. I am willing to learn if required.

As for secondary slots. I've got a fury warrior (He's old) A blood DK, and a Elemental Shaman. And soon a WW monk. But I've not geared any of them yet as I've been focusing on Belse.

Yap yap and yap. I'll even talk to Gnomes.

Combat Logs

Just did Grimrail CM. Hope this will suffice.


Your UI
Shadows gather! Behold its glory!
That's my UI. I've got a G1-18 keyboard along with a six button mouse. But I've yet to download any of my raiding addons, as if I get into the RG I was actually going to ask what you guys what addons you thought were best.


Guild History
The Cognitae were my serious raiding guild during BC and WOTLK. I was also in a raiding guild early BC called the Dogs of War that tried and failed to raid Kara..but...we don't talk about that. We all make mistakes >_>

Raid availability
Leading up between now and Christmas, there will be sometimes where I don't get in from work till 20:00-20:30 server time, mainly thursday's. Although this changes week by week, I can give a more detailed answer/times if needed. But come January I'm starting a new job and will be able to attend all raid times without issue.

I actually just used google and looked up some raiding guilds on Defias. And I did a bit of research on you and liked what I saw. And I am already in the guild, so I guess you can decide if I'm an ass or not!

About you
Damn gnomes! You guys mostly know me already. So it would feel weird to fill this in again.

I already made an application earlier before WoD. But now having explored WoW again and actually having more understanding of my class. I feel a lot more confident and my application looks less poo. I think?!

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Re: RG1 Application - Belserden

Post by Jimmble » 30 Nov 2014, 19:45

App forwarded to the longlegs.

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Re: RG1 Application - Belserden

Post by Belserden » 01 Dec 2014, 22:53

EDIT : Seems I can make all the raid times this month! \o/
