[RG2] - Ishilien lvl 100 Huntard

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[RG2] - Ishilien lvl 100 Huntard

Post by Ishilien » 20 Nov 2014, 12:45

Who is your character?
[Your character name, class, specs, and Armory link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]

My character is Ishilien Moonarrow (<-- armory link), or Ishi for short, a former Sentinel of Ashenvale and currently Adventurer extraordinaire!! She has honed her skills in Marksmanship, Survival and Beast Mastery and longs for more adventures in this new, savage world called Draenor.

Currently I'm mane spec MM and secondary BM. I used to be SV/BM in MoP but they buffed MM and I always wanted to check it out so now was the best time :)

Here's her story: (with spoiler because long post)
Ishilien was born in the lush forests of Ashenvale on a night with the full moon. Her parents were both well respected members of Night Elf society. Her father was a member of the druidic order and her mother was a Sentinel serving under Shandris Feathermoon. Even though both her parents were busy with their duties in society, they would always make time for their little girl. Ishilien’s lifelong dream was to become a Sentinel and serve under the command of Shandris just like her mother. Luckily for Ishilien, she had natural skill in handling bow and arrow and her wish could become a reality.

In her teens she trained to hone her skills with the help of her parents. Her father also contributed by teaching her the ability to become closer to nature. This combination made Ishilien choose to be the combination of her parent’s their skills: A hunter, charging in combat with bow and arrow and an animal companion alongside her. This way she’ll have a piece of her parents with her during her training, and later in battle. One night tracking a lost stag, an assignment given to her by her father, deeper into Ashenvale, Ishilien stumbled upon a clearing. When she took a closer look to see if the stag was anywhere to be seen, her eyes crossed yellow feline ones. She was startled at first but recovered quickly and prepared to be attacked by the Nightsaber grabbing her bow and keeping an arrow ready to be drawn! But the attack never came. The giant cat instead walked towards Ishilien and to her surprise, with retracted claws. When it reached Ishilien it sat down right beside her and looked at her again. When Ishilien looked back at the giant dark cat she saw the reflection of the Moon in its eyes and knew that Elune herself had sent the cat to be Ishilien’s animal companion. The rest of the night was uneventful as she was quickly able to recover the lost stag and return it to its mother.

Training and service as a Sentinel
When she was old enough to join the Sentinels she immediate applied. By this time she was among the best hunters of their village. After an agonizing wait for an answer she finally got it and was accepted to serve in the Sentinels. She left her village after an emotional farewell with her parents. Her training was hard and most of her peers dropped out of the program because they weren’t able to keep up. She, along with a few fellow trainees, was able to complete her training to become a true Sentinel. She requested to be assigned to the same division as her mother. Her request was granted by the General and she went back to her hometown to serve alongside her mother for a decent amount of time. Her tasks involved guarding the border of Ashenvale against invaders and keeping order in her hometown. There wasn’t that much action involved and she spend most her time sharpening her skills by training with her mother. She was also taking care of her still growing feline companion. Ishilien and the cat had become inseparable since that night at the clearing. Anyone who came too close to Ishilien without her permission had to watch out for Ishilien’s guardian and her claws. Then everything she knew came crashing down when the day every night elf feared came to be: the day The Burning Legion returned! She served as Shandris’ Elite guards with a select few, one of them being her mother, and together with the General they fought against the might of the Burning Legion. Luckily both Ishilien and her mother survived the conflict and went back to living their day to day duties.
Who are you?
Who am I? I am Thijs Cramer, currently 22 years young, nice to make your acquaintance *tips the edge of the stetson*. I live in a small town called Epe in the Netherlands. I come from quite a big family, we were with 7 when I still lived at my parents. I got two little brothers, age 20 and 15, (although they are both taller than me, damn you genes...) and two little sisters, age 12(not taller than me, yay!). I currently work at a law firm here in Epe as a management assistant. I'll have a busy time ahead of me because I am planning to move from the Netherlands to the UK to move in with my girlfriend. I've always been a cat person so if I ever get a pet it'll either be a Poni (see below) or a kitty :3.

Hmm what else is there to tell about me. Well I used to have hair similar to Carles Puyol, a former defender of Barcelona so I still carry the nickname Puyol around. I play field-hockey in my free time with my friends. We are absolutely amazing at winning the third half but also know how to play a good game of hockey. When I'm not working or on the hockey field I usually play some WoW, skype with friends or go out with them, or a combination of that. Maybe some of you already knew but I am a Brony (linked it for those who don't know what it is). I got some plushies and a few T-shirts, but I do not own any extreme things. ;D

My previous raiding experience is not that ample. I have cleared all MoP raids on normal/heroic. I cleared SoO 13/14 HC pre mythic. I cleared ToT and SoO when they were current content and we went back to 5.0 raids for the achievements when ToT hit. I played BM and SV on my hunter and I lead the social raids of my old guild on my shaman, on which I healed and DPS'ed.

Raid role
Uhm, my current role in a raid team would be that I am there to do my part. If the RL needs me to CC this add, I will CC this add. I'll do whatever I have to do to get the most DPS out of my class without dying.

Talent choices
Thok HC - pre Mythic
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera: lower CD on disengage to use it multiple times during chase or to get into position for being chased. So for our raid it was the best choice.
Binding Shot: We used my binding shot to stun the bats when they came down to stay alive longer.
Iron Hawk: Best choice of the three, with constant stress on the healers a 10% flat dmg reduction is good for them, they can focus on the rest more than on me.
Thrill of the Hunt: I liked having low cost Multishots when the bats came down, so I could max my AoE dmg.
Barrage: We needed as much AoE as possible on our team because the bats were our bottleneck, so I went with Barrage because of the three talents, it does the most AoE damage.

Siegecrafter HC - pre Mythic and nerf:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera: I run with this talent base line because this talents allows more disengages and Deterrences, which translates is more ways to avoid things and damage.
Binding Shot: useless tier for a hunter on Siegecrafter. I was on belt duty so I didn't leave the belt. I had this because I have it base line.
Spirit Bond: Because I don't have a healer with me and don't take damage on the belt, I took this talent to heal back up on the belt, ready for damage as soon as I got down.
Thrill of the Hunt: still the best talent for burst dmg, especially if combined with Bestial Wrath for free Arcane Shots.
A Murder of Crows: I use this talent because it gives the biggest burst of the three. Which is needed on the belt.

Paragons HC - pre Mythic:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera: Same as Siegecrafter
Binding Shot: Used to stun the blob adds before they get to the Paragon.
Iron Hawk: My go to talent when it came to most fights. This too here.
Thrill of the Hunt: still the best talent for burst dmg, especially if combined with Bestial Wrath for free Arcane Shots.
A Murder of Crows: I use this talent because it gives the biggest burst of the three. Which is needed for bursting the Paragons down one at the time. It has a high uptime too, which is nice.

Hellscream HC - pre Mythic:
Posthaste: For the first transition, to get to the adds in the back quicker
Binding Shot: Used to stun the adds at the temple of the Jade Serpent
Iron Hawk: overall best choice given the high amount of raid wide dmg.
Thrill of the Hunt: still the best talent for burst dmg, especially if combined with Bestial Wrath for free Arcane Shots.
A Murder of Crows: I use this talent because it gives the biggest overall dmg of the three choices.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
I will switch to whatever spec is best for the encounter. I do intend to level up some of my alts to get them ready for raiding too. I have had 3 SoO normal/heroic characters all between ilvl 540-580
Applejack and Cenya

I have a headset with a working mic. I will use the forums regularly since we also did that on my old guild. So should be ok :)

Combat Logs
I had some logs on ToT and SoO, but those were back on World of Logs and are long gone since they were from beginning 2014 or earlier. So unfortunately I got nothing here. I can post screenshots of my dmg done if you want?

Your UI
Here's my UI for DPS: http://i.imgur.com/dguZKKx.jpg
Here's my UI for healing: http://i.imgur.com/3bmXmi4.jpg

Guild History
I've been mostly in the Circle of Justice, from 2012 to 2014. I was removed because of IRL reasons. I would rather not go and deeper on a public board, but it had nothing to do with ingame performance or things.

Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.]
I was told your raid days are Wednesday and Fridays. I can make those days so that's no problem at all. I'm moving to England soon and I will see how it looks then, but that's in 5 weeks or so.

I've been around for quite a while and I saw you guys running around in Cata and Mists through leveling. I am trying to find Ishi a good home and I hope that The Raven Council can be that home.

About you
Uhm, see the Who are you part :)

Ponies all the way! I could literally fill this entire thread with MLP. Gnomes are Draenei food. (no offense)

I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope to be speaking to everyone in-game soon (if the queues will allow it ofc)

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Re: [RG2] - Ishilien lvl 100 Huntard

Post by Yogá » 20 Nov 2014, 15:21

Hi there!

Thanks for your application, please give us some time to read through it.


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Re: [RG2] - Ishilien lvl 100 Huntard

Post by Yogá » 20 Nov 2014, 22:34

Hi there, after reading your application, I have decided to accept you as a trial once we get to raiding with RG2, I will talk to the officers about having you as a social until then.

-Yogá, raid leader of RG2 and shaman extraordinaire.

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Re: [RG2] - Ishilien lvl 100 Huntard

Post by Jimmble » 21 Nov 2014, 16:11

Your application has been accepted, please poke an officer for a guild invite.

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Re: [RG2] - Ishilien lvl 100 Huntard

Post by Beastaly » 22 Nov 2014, 20:05

