RG1 shaman enhancement

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RG1 shaman enhancement

Post by Syfy » 11 Nov 2014, 21:43

Who is your character?
Pornich, shaman, enhancement, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ich/simple

Who are you?
My name is Klemen I'm 22 years old and I live in Slovenia (central EU).

WOTLK: killed everything on hc if it was possible.
CATA: I didn't do sinestra, and rag on hc in firelands, did everything in DS.
MoP: did 2 first 2 bosses on hc in MSV then I quit game mainly because of uni (I was from 12:00 to 19:30 at lectures and raid started at 20:00 it just wasn't happening)

Raid role
I was melee officer that meant I had to coordinate melee in raid that basically mean explaining en melee specified tactic and setting orders who's taking debuffs etc, I was also main boss ability callers. That basically meant disusing whit other officers what tactic we are going to do.

Talent choices
Since Wod is knocking on the door I will list my priority system and stats weight:
here is priority:
1. Searing Totem
2. Lightning Bolt if 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon( you want to hard cast it before 5 stacks to avoid losing charges since it hits so hard)
3. Stormstrike
4. Lava Lash.
5. Flame Shock if less than 9 seconds remaining and Unleash Flame Icon Unleash Flame is up.
6. Unleash Elements.
7. Frost Shock.
8. Lightning Bolt with 1 or more stacks of Maelstrom Weapon.

As for stats weight it goes like this agility, multistrike, haste (to about 50%), mastery = critical strike, versatility then haste.
In a sentence or two, describe what it is that makes you stand out of the crowd of casual/average players:

Skill, ability to predict what/how other people are going to reacting to boss ability, in depth knowledge of my class (been playing en shamy for 6+ years) overview of situation and being able to think on my feet and sovle problem.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I can play it but I found ele extremely boring, resto is just to dam stressful for my taste(I mean healing role in general ;)
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
I have alt's for professions ;).
I believe its must have part of serious raiding. I have syberia v2
Combat Logs
I do not have logs because they are not relevant, but when I was raiding I was ranking almost 80% on all bosses for enh shamans
Your UI

Guild History
I joined guild named Gehenna back in WoTLK when Icc dropped, I transferred server and faction. I did some raiding before that, I was in top guild on server Bronze Dragonflight but PVE scene was pure poo (top guild on server was like 1800k ish world) and our guild master left to join world first guild on another server, so guild died whit that and that made me transfer and faction change , so that's how I found new home on server stormreaver in guild gehenna. I made instant connection whit some amazing people there were mostly raiders few officers and guild master. We made good progress in Icc on heroic version but then we hit brick was professor putricide 25HC, we spend like 1 month wiping on him but when we finally killed him it was one of the best moments for me, nerd screams, one dude crying it was pure gold, then we hit ice berg and a lot of people just stopped playing game so we where forced into 10man, we where making really good progress one night then I heard it a storm of all storms brewing in my stomach I had to take a huge,long dump and when I came back those bastards killed Lich king, basically I missed first kill of LK hc because I had to take a dump >.> . Then Cata happened and we where still 10man and bastion and blackwing where that fun on 10man hc there where almost impossible to do, around that time officers noticed that I have really good overview what everyone was doing ,especially melee and they asked me if I would like to try and help leading raid and handing all melee people in raid I said I would like to try and I will do my best and got promoted to melee officer. Firelands came and we got a few more people and we where back to 25man, Firelands where fun to raid, the whole progress went okay. I was loosing interest in game it wasn't felling as fun thing to do but as "job" , I was in charge of dps applications and since I only played enh shaman ever.(I have alt's for professions) I had to do a lot of research for different specs (it took me atleast 100mins every day just to evaluate applications and to responds) that just burned me off and my baccalaureate was coming up, so announced that I will have to take a break in few months. When I came back I found that that one of my best friends who was also GM and rl almost died because he refused to stop raidleading that night I was in pure shock, I called him on skype and told "dude stop being retarded retire and pass GM role and take a break from game so you can heal" at that point was finished whit game. I tried raiding when MOP came out but I just started my first year at law school I knew it wasn't happening and the guild changed so much I didn't want to spoil my memories and decided to change servers and come back to alliance that happened about 3 months ago. Started from scratch. Sorry about a ranting for so long but I wouldn't be comfortable if I didn't tell all the mayor points of story about gehenna. Current guild is just social guild for Slovenian.

Raid availability
I'm on quite a bit throughout the week, and making raids is not a problem.

I found out about guild through wowproggress

About you
Here it goes, My name is Klemen, I come from Slovenia in studying at European law school, I was supposed to be 3rd year but I took 1 year off from school to relax. I like snowboarding, old rock, hard techno, I love to joke( JImmy Carr, Dave chapelle, are some of my fav standup guys) if I can make someone's day I will take my time and do it.

Skill, ability to predict what/how other people are going to reacting to boss ability, in depth knowledge of my class (been playing en shamy for 6+ years) overview of situation and being able to think on my feet and solve problem.
Here is link to previous guild http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/sto ... .tier16_25

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Re: RG1 shaman enhancement

Post by Jimmble » 11 Nov 2014, 22:22

Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: RG1 shaman enhancement

Post by Jimmble » 15 Nov 2014, 18:14

<recruited for trial>
