[RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

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[RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Belserden » 07 Nov 2014, 00:45

Who is your character?
Belserden! And here's a link. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... den/simple

Who are you?
My name is Sam, I'm 22 and from London!

Well! Here's the thing, I've been away from raiding for a long time (Bet you hear that a lot), although I was a full time raider during BC and WOTLK. Downing both Illidian and Arthas with Cog, or The Cognitae (I think I actually remember you guys being around then). Content has of course changed a lot since then, but I have faith that I'll be able to bounce back into it no problem with a bit of help. In my time raiding I've played Warrior/Prot/Tank. And Shammy/Ele/Dps. I've only been returned a couple of weeks and so everything happening at the moment is a bit up in the air.

Raid role
WELL. Being back only recently, I'm currently guidless. *Violin* But as a combat rogue my job is to maintain high yet sustained damage on the boss in question/react to adds and or boss spells/attacks. Provide CC and interrupts as required. And don't stand in the fire.

Talent choices
IT'S THE BEST. My current page is a mess, so let me just log on quick and throw at you what I'd probably actually use.

Right, looking at these, and going off the fly, I'd say Glyph of Energy. Simply because more energy means more abilities meaning more flow. Meaning more flex.

Glyph of Evasion, because plenty of times when the tank has died, hitting evasion/then resetting the cd with cloak and hitting evasion again can give your team a rest for 30 seconds to get back into the game with combat rezzes and what have you. Also just good for general survivability and flexibility in different scenarios.

And glyph of feint, the reduction of 50% area damage and 30% direct is pretty brilliant in almost any scenario and the increased duration means you can sink more energy into keeping up the dps and or avoidance.

My chosen talents would be ; Shadowstalker, Combat Readiness, Elusiveness, Burst of Speed, Prey on the Weak and Marked for Death.

Off-specs and Alternative characters

Uh, yeah tbh, my Rogue is simply the character I applied with, I'd be happy to raid on my DK(Anivitas)/Shammy(Melonara) and or Warrior(Arleth). Of course most of them are barely geared/glyphed up as their all behind the curve. But I plan to get on the ball and gear up quickly once WoD is out.

Yup, happy to chat, happy to forum, etc etc.

Combat Logs
I can jump into a PUG if you'd like to throw down a log to show you what I'm doing? Keeping in mind I've made a desperate attempt at getting geared without raiding in the last week, and have managed to only punch up to IL 525.

Your UI
Currently my UI looks like someone punched it in the face and threw it on the ground. I've yet to download any mods needed, as I don't know which addons are best for raiding now days, and rather then just use google foo would rather use the same addons as the guild I'd be joining.

Guild History
Literally raided ICC and WoTLK with the Cog. Have not been in any other raiding guild since.

Raid availability
Yeah your times are all pretty conveniently perfect for me. So short of getting hit by something on the way home from work I should be a solid attendee.

Was looking for a raiding guild and noticed and thought I remembered you guys. And no sadly, I'm all alone.

About you
My name is..uh Sam? Yeah. This feel like a job interview. I'm always on time..and uh, professional? But yeah, I try to be very positive/chill and enjoy the content rather then flip out at it. I like to be competitive and the best at what I do (So humble right?) And get enjoyment out of doing so. As for real life me, I'm a wannabee writer/Game Tester. I play MTG, go to comic conventions etc etc. And just enjoy a general laugh.

PLEASE PICK ME! Ahem..but in all seriousness, I'm aware my application has very little to vouch for in but word of mouth, but a chance at a trial for RG2 in WoD granted I'm geared would be brilliant. I'd love to get back into the raiding scene, I just need to find a door as it were, and I hope that door is with you guys, as you seem great.

Cheers for your time, and hopefully talk to you guys/girls soon. o/

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Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Zarell » 07 Nov 2014, 05:42

Hey Belserden

Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Yogá » 07 Nov 2014, 09:08

Hi there!
You said you had three alternative characters that you'd also be comfortable raiding on, right?
Can you please tell us which specs you're planning to play on those?

- Yogá, raid leader of rg2 and shaman extraordinaire


Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Belserden » 07 Nov 2014, 11:18

Sure thing!

DK is blood, Shammy is Elemental, and my Warrior is Fury, but planning on most likely switching him to Prot for WoD.

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Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Yogá » 07 Nov 2014, 13:15

I'm rather interested in that Shaman, as it's the one class we're currently missing for WoD, would there be any chance that you can go OS resto, if you were to main it??


Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Belserden » 07 Nov 2014, 16:18

That would be no problem at all. Have no plans for it besides.

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Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Yogá » 08 Nov 2014, 20:16

Alright, I think we'll be good to have you trial on any of the characters you want, since we just lost a member.
I will talk to the officers about having you as a social until then.

- Yogá

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Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Jimmble » 08 Nov 2014, 20:18

I already poked the longlegs and they stamped your application! Whee! \o/

Contact an officer for a /ginvite.


Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Belserden » 09 Nov 2014, 18:17

Nice! I'll contact someone shortly. My PC decided to pop a blood vessel and the CPU fan is broken at the moment. But I'll fix it monday :)

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Re: [RG2/Social?] Belserden - Combat Rogue for WoD

Post by Jimmble » 11 Nov 2014, 22:41

