[Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

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[Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Murion » 05 Oct 2014, 21:45

Who is your character?
Murion, enhancement shaman.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... od/Murion/

Who are you?
Joel, 18, Sweden.

I've not cleared or done anything notable progression raiding until SoO, where I managed to clear it fully during the summer. Played and raided on and off since beginning of WotLK, where during current content I did most of the content on normal. During Cata I didn't raid, except for maybe a week or two on my warrior tank.

Raid role
I don't see myself as an outstanding member of the raid. I know this doesn't sell me well but I'd rather be honest than exaggerate about what I do. But that does not mean I don't know what I do, and what my role in the encounters is. I am the damage dealer, I hit my buttons hard and do the damage. I don't stand in fire or goo and kite the adds.
That's what I do, it sounds really stupid now that I've written it out but frog it. On a more serious note, I'm not afraid to speak my mind, I try play my class well and I'm not afraid to speak my mind about the encounter or my fellow raiders.

Talent choices
Thok: I'd go with standard talent choice, the one which you will propably see on my armory. For glyphs I go with Lightning Shield, Flame Shock and Spirit walk, for better mobility to handle kiting Thok better, some passive self-healing which is helpful for the entire fight, and to reduce damage during shout/roar phase.

Blackfuse: Standard talents, spirit walk, flame shock, and 3rd glyph optional. I'd either go with FE or flame shock depending if I'm doing belt. Usage of glyphs is for movement, raid dmg reduction and, well, already explained 3rd choice.

Klaxxi: Standard talents, flame shock, fire elemental and capacitor totem. Sick self healing, frequent burst periods and stunning bloods.

Garrosh: During my hc attempts (and kill), I used standard talents, fire elemental, flame shock and capacitor totem. I was in charge of controlling one group of adds during 1st intermission, and had to have fire elemental and capacitor to control and kill them. Also helped with better dps for all burst phases. Flame shock was helpful in p1 with warbringer damage.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I plan to be better at playing elemental in WoD, right now I have it geared but I do feel less comfortable with it than enhancement.
I have a few alts I plan on playing semi-seriously in WoD, right now they're only fit for doing normal and I don't really have much experience playing them in a serious PvE environment.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... y/advanced
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... n/advanced
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... o/advanced

I am comfortable with talking on voice chat, and I would be very happy to be able to talk poo and be serious on guild forums.

This is getting an update with the last 4 bosses on normal later tonight. Sadly didn't log anything on heroic.

Your UI

I think I use Raven for some spell tracking, but otherwise it's the realui and weakauras.

Guild History
I am currently in A New Hope, but sadly we lost some core members and now I'm looking for something where I'm slightly more guaranteed to be able to raid with a good group.
I want to join TRC because you have good rankings, and the members I've met are very nice!

Raid availability
I can normally come on every raid. Thursdays might be a bit iffy now during the autumn, but should mostly be available.

I've seen you around, recruiting, hounding wowprogress. I sadly don't know anyone in the guild!

About you
Eh, yeah, I don't know. I play a lot of games. I study theatre. I've played WoW for the last 7 years of my life and there is no question that I've spent too much time infront of a computer screen, which has resulted in near-blindness. I'm a bit of a nerd, a pragmatic, and an introvert.
I think that covers the basics of who I am.

My battletag is Ninjalick#2813 if you want to hit me up, I don't play much WoW atm except raiding but I can be reached through the battle.net app.

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Re: [Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Beastaly » 06 Oct 2014, 00:03

Thank you for your application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Beastaly » 06 Oct 2014, 11:14

Hello Murion!
I've got a few question which you've hopefully got a nice answer for; regarding enhacementy/general raiding stuff.

*) The standard talent choices you keep mentioning, EM/PE. What's your resoning behind them?
*) Have you considered switching it up with PE/UF and EM/EoTE on longer fights?
*) As we don't raid normals anymore it's hard to get propper information from normal logs; Would it be possible to get your hands on HC logs? I've tried looking up logs for your current guild but found nothing so far.
*) Lastly, do you have a working microphone and are able to access mumble?


Re: [Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Murion » 06 Oct 2014, 12:50

Beastaly wrote:Hello Murion!
I've got a few question which you've hopefully got a nice answer for; regarding enhacementy/general raiding stuff.

*) The standard talent choices you keep mentioning, EM/PE. What's your resoning behind them?
*) Have you considered switching it up with PE/UF and EM/EoTE on longer fights?
*) As we don't raid normals anymore it's hard to get propper information from normal logs; Would it be possible to get your hands on HC logs? I've tried looking up logs for your current guild but found nothing so far.
*) Lastly, do you have a working microphone and are able to access mumble?
I do highest dps with EM/PE, and I feel most comfortable with that bursty playstyle. On most fights slightly lower average dps (which I think PE/UF provides) has no significant benefit. I have tried it a bit and I've found it useful for spoils and Galakras. And with HCWF AoC I get a lot of uses of PE.

As I said I have used a bit of UF/EotE but I don't see myself switching until WoD or someone shows me that my dps would be higher with it.

I sadly don't have HC logs, noone bothered with it in A New Hope. I could maybe get some in pugs but I'd rather not pug heroic.

Yes and yes.

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Re: [Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Bowick » 06 Oct 2014, 13:04

Wow, a guild killing 14/14 HC without ever utilising logs! Seems crazy to me.. So much in-depth information and learning can be gotten from them, eg exactly what wiped the raid. :O
It's not just about dps ranks.. :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai


Re: [Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Murion » 06 Oct 2014, 15:30

We put a lot of importance in being honest and describing how you died, and there was a team mentality, there was never one person screwing up, it was the whole teams responsibility to do better. It's something that worked out, but not necessarily something I've always agreed with, more so the second part than the first, I believe admitting and recognizing your faults is the first and biggest step in improving.

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Re: [Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Bowick » 06 Oct 2014, 16:41

Well sure, no use trying to hide something you're aware of doing wrong. But sometimes you miss exactly what happened, or you assume it's one thing - turns out it was another. :>
And of course, logs can help you improve your own play - your dps/healing/tanking by comparing your ability use, buff uptimes, overall numbers, etc with others.

Anyways, not really relevant to the topic. Just boggled my mind!
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [Raider] Murion, enhancement shaman.

Post by Beastaly » 10 Oct 2014, 13:49

Hello Murion!
We've come to a conclusion about your application. We've had long discussion with our resident shamans, officer and gnomes; we're sorry to say that we have to decline your application as raider.
*Not aware of potential between talent swapping.
*Not aware of the offhealing/hybridity of the class.
*Not exceptional.

However if you still want to join us we'll gladly offer you a spot in the guild as a social member.

