Name: Lian
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country: Denmark
Occupation: Student
Greetings, fellow travellers!
My name is Lian and I am from the great country of danes, Denmark. I am a student, which means that I have a lot of school related responsibility to take care of once I come home. While this does consume a lot of my free time, I still have plenty of time to raid and do lots of other things in-game such as Rated Battlegrounds and Challenge Modes or even level another character.
To describe myself as a person, im a very ambitious kind of player. I strife to perform the best I can in regard to damage output and wanna be the best there is of my class and spec in the guild. While I can be quite competetive, I put my responsibility as a raider first. I very much look forward to the next expansion as well, since lorewise the Warlords of Draenor are a bunch of badass orcs. I haven't been too happy about the content ever since Wrath, hence why I had a break during the beginning of Cataclysm, Firelands and Throne of Thunder. I have only been playing - and returned to the PvE aspect of the game cause I missed the feeling of being part of a team, rather than being an individual in a PvP scenario.
In-Game Information:
Character name: Supremity
Race: Human
Class: Hunter
Specialization: Survival
Item Level: 572
Professions: Leatherworking (600) and Enchanting (600)
Economy: 34.000 Gold
Battle Tag: Merke#2379
Gameplay Information:
Tier 1: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera / Posthaste
I use Posthaste by default and switch to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera if I need to Disengage or Deterrence more often in a certain boss fight. Example: On Malkrok I use the latter one for the purpose of being able to Disengage more often out of the smash. On Dark Shamans I use it for the purpose of being able to use Deterrence more often to soak the Iron Prison.
Tier 2: Binding Shot
Great CC on the adds in the Galakras encounter for instance.
Tier 3: Aspect of the Iron Hawk
Flat 10% damage reduction
Tier 4: Thrill of the Hunt
I have always prefered this over Fervor, since I never have down time with it and the amount of Arcane/Multi-shot proccs you recieve is out of the this world. Besides, with T4 being what it is, it makes this an even stronger talent to go with.
Tier 5: A Murder of Crows / Blink Strikes
A Murder of Crows by default, since it clearly is the highest damage gain. Blink Strikes for encounters where you need to switch quite often.
Tier 6: Glaive Toss/Barrage
Glaive Toss by default. Barrage on encounters with heavy AoE as for example Fallen Protecters and Dark Shamans if you stack them up.
- Animal Bond:
You and your pet recieve 10% more healing, enough said, this is by default a mandatory glyph.
- Disengage:
Certain fights require this for example Siegecrafter where you can disengage off the belt easily while having this glyph, or even on your way to the belt even.
- Liberation:
Makes your deterrence heal you for 5% of your health. Strong glyph for overall survival.
- Deterrence:
Provides an additional 20% damage reduction to the ability. This is great for fights like Dark Shamans because you need it for the Iron Prison.
Damage Rotation:
Explosive Shot -> Black Arrow -> Glaive Toss -> Serpent Sting -> Arcane Shot -> Cobra Shot
Explosive shot is the highest damaging ability, followed by Glaive Toss. Black Arrow and Serpent Sting are damage over time spells you keep on your target. Black Arrow has a higher priority than Glaive Toss and Serpent Sting, since it provides me with Lock and Load procs. Arcane Shot is a filler spell and used to reduce the cooldown on Rapid Fire, while Cobra Shot then is used when the focus is gone or an important expensive spell is coming up.
The Lock and Load can proc once every 10 seconds. While this is off cooldown, I can force the proc by putting up either a Freezing Trap or Ice Trap which triggers.
Stat rotation is Hit (7.50%) => Expertise (7.50%) -> Agility -> Crit -> Haste -> Mastery
Red Socket Slots: Agility
Yellow Socket Slots: Agility + Crit
Blue Socket Slots: Agility + Hit
Serpent Sting = Shift + D
Arcane Shot = E
Cobra Shot = R
Black Arrow = T
Explosive Shot = F
Kill Shot = Shift + F
Glaive Toss = Shift + G
Multi-Shot = V
Misdirection = Shift + V
Master’s Call = Shift + R
Deterrence = Shift + T
Every Man For Himself = Control + Space
Disengage = Q
Camouflage = X
Burst Macro 1 (inc. Virmen’s Bite, Rapid Fire, Rapid and Stampede) = Shift + Q
Burst Macro 2 (inc. Rapid Fire and Rapid) = Shift + 5
Rapid = Control + M
Murder of Crows = Shift + M
Feign Death = Space
Virmen’s Bite = 5
Flare = Shift + C
Scare Beast = Shift + N
Snake Trap = Shift + E
Ice Trap = G
Concussive Shot = 1 / Focus: Shift + 1
Counter Shot = 3 / Focus: Shift + 3
Scattershot = Mouse Button / Focus: Mouse Button 2
Binding Shot = 6
Tranquilizing Shot = 2 / Focus: Shift + 2
Explosive Trap = 5
Freezing Trap = 4
Roar of Sacrifice = Control + 1/2/3
Aspect of the Cheetah = Shift + 4 / Pack: Control + 4
Hunter’s Mark = 8
Call Pet = K
Dismiss Pet = Shift + X
Mend Pet = Alt + E
Revive Pet = Alt + R
Burst Macro 1:
#showtooltip Stampede
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Stampede
/cast A Murder of Crows
/cast Rabid
Burst Macro 2:
#showtooltip Rapid Fire
/cast A Murder of Crows
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Rabid
Rabid Macro:
#showtooltip Rabid
/cast Rabid
Stopcast Kill Shot Macro:
#showtooltip Kill Shot
/cast Kill Shot
Stopcast Deterrence Macro:
#showtooltip Deterrence
/cast Deterrence
Stopcast Explosive Shot Macro:
#showtooltip Explosive Shot
/cast Explosive Shot
Relevant Addons:
- ElvUI:
This is the UI that I use. It had a lot of build in features that greatly benefit my playing experience, thus why I use it.
- Deadly Boss Mods:
Boss Mod, not that much to be said.
- ExtraCD:
This shows me when my trinket procc is up and when it's on cooldown and for how long. Very useful for knowing when to pop burst.
- Recount:
Meter for damage, healing, interrupts etc.
- ReforgeLite:
Saves custom setup reforge values so that I am one click away from each spec
Technical Information:
I have a very fast internet connection at the time being. Solid headset, mouse, keyboard etc. graphic card could be better. I will get a new and better soon, but it works fine, seeing as I dont get too high FPS in 25-man raids.
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.10 GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
Upload Speed: 70 Upload Speed
Download Speed: 80 Download Speed
Ping: 30 MS
Headset: SteelSeries Siberia V2
Keyboard: Razor Black Widow Ultimate
Mouse: Razor Naga 2014
Voice coms: Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrilo, Skype inc.
List of Alt-Characters:
Death Knight: ... k/advanced
Rogue: ... e/advanced
Priest: ... e/advanced
As you can see, my other characters are either on Outland or Stormscale. They were all created for the purpose of PvP. Except for my Death Knight of course, which was my past PvE main, but now my current PvP main since of the boring playstyle Death Knights have at this point. I might return to it in the future, but can't imagine it any time soon, since I enjoy playing my Hunter and if I had to reroll for Warlords of Draenor, it be as a Retribution Paladin, which bare in mind, I am considering.
Raid History:
I started playing World of Warcraft in the Burning Crusade on my Warrior. At the time I was twelve years old, so I didn't play it competetively. As soon as Wrath of the Lich King came out, I created my Death Knight, which I have played ever since. During Wrath I managed to clear all content on heroic/hard mode. However, the most notable experience I have from that expansion is killing Lich King Heroic. The rest I did not achieve during the respectable patches, therefor making it less impressive. When Cataclysm came out, I raided with a new guild at first, but after a very short time, I realized I was burnt out from the game, so I toke a break that lasted until the end of Firelands. It was then I met Smacker, who played his Hunter back then as well. At first, we were planning to make a guild ourselves, but then we ended up moving to the server, Bladefist, instead to join the guild Sanity. This was a top300-400 guild worldwide at the time, and we did very well there, clearing Dragon Soul heroic, eventually achieving core raider rank and becoming a part of the main team, that was gonna merge with a guild on the opposing faction, since we had a mass guild quit of six core people. At first, we were in on this idea of merging with a 10-man guild to stabilize ourselves again as a 25-man guild, but since we didn’t agree with the terms of the merge (like who was gonna change faction etc.) and also counting in the fact that some of the best players in the guild was either transferring or quitting the game entirely, we ended up leaving instead.
This time it was to Silvermoon, in a guild which name I don’t quite recall. It didn’t end very well, in short words the raid leading officer didn’t particularly like me as a person. A few days later, we were contacted by the guild master of a guild named Balance on Grim Batol which was top100 worldwide at the time, which was during Dragon Soul. He had seen our logs and very much encouraged us to submit an application. We did so, joined the guild and stayed there for a few months until the release of Mist of Pandaria. It didn’t really work out between us and one of the officers. After that, Smacker toke a break and I joined a guild called Clarity that disbanded two weeks after I joined. The next guild I went to was Winds of Creation, which I was in for around half a year and achieved my 3x Cutting Edge with in T14. I toke a break from just PvE this time, and started focusing on getting Hero of the Alliance, which I will this season as it seem. I came back a few months ago to Siege of Orgrimmar as a Hunter this time though, since I am quite unhappy with current state of Death Knights damage- and gameplay wise.
What are your goals in World of Warcraft? Why do you like raiding? Both in raids and outside of raids
My goals use to be in a world class guild and play with them, which I believe I could have. As things would happen though, I would get more busy and thus be forced to quit raiding. As it would then turn out however, I now have time to raid again but only at a 3-day raid schedule. Despite my limitations, it is still important to me that I be in a guild that takes themselves serious as a guild, enough to at least maintain a decent world rank and keep improving it tier after tier. I play quite a lot of PvP as well, especially RBGs, in which I am in Hero of the Alliance range on my Death Knight this season. I plan to play more RBGs on my Hunter as well next season in Warlords of Draenor, as this is something I very much enjoy. However, I wont prioritize it over a raid night of course. As to why I like raiding, is the same reason that I began again, because I miss the community, the feeling of finaly getting down the boss you have been progressing on for such a long time, and with the Warlords of Draenor coming up as content, I simply cannot wait to progress through it with a bunch of likeminded players.
Ultimate Question: Why do you want to join this guild and why should we accept you?
I know about The Raven Council because an officer named Kowick replied to my forum thread on the forums. I read through his message and the guild's thread on the forums and I was convinced to say the least, however after I had a chat with Kowick himself I was a lot more excited about the whole thing. Your raid times and amount of days you raid suit us perfectly, the level of guild activity is high, especially now that you have a secondary raiding group that means higher numbers, which means a lot to me since I like to be in a guild thats alive outside of raid times as well during raid nights. From what I hear as well you have several guild activities such as Challenge Mode runs, Flex/Alt raids. While these things dosen't mean the world to us necessarely, it's still lovely to hear that you do arange these kind of events so to speak. I know for a fact that at least I will be going for realm best times for the next challenge modes next expansion.
Another thing that I very much look forward to, should you accept us into your guild, is to experience a roleplaying environment once again. It use to be a lot of fun to do some late night roleplaying when you had nothing better to do, and the populate of the realm and the horde-alliance ratio are completely optimal as well. All in all, it all just goes along perfectly when I imagine Smacker and myself in The Raven Council.