[Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

A safe place for closed application.

[Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Mingser » 28 Aug 2014, 21:34

Who is your character?
Mingser, Balance druid, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ser/simple

Who are you?
My name is Marcus[18] and I come from Norway. Currently working as IT-apprentice 5 days a week 08:00 - 15:30.

I started raiding in WotLK as a restoration shaman, cleared entire naxxramas when it was current. Also did Ulduar full clear and ICC (4 bosses > PC too bad so had to step out). Had a break from PvE until MoP where my brother and I started our own guild on a dead guild (spoiler: didn't turn out well). We did 5 bosses in MSV and 3 bosses in HoF. This was with a hunter. Rerolled protection paladin when I changed server to defias and joined Nova Initia where we did 6/13 HC ToT. Since GM didn't want to kick our crappy hunter holding us back I left in frustration and joined TYD. We cleared 11/13 HC before 5.4. When TYD kept dying on Thok normal due to being eaten I left and got an offer from Paradise Lost as a restoration/balance druid. We did 13/14 HC before I left the raiding team and eventuelly tried my own luck as GM on stormscale (full Norwegian guild: spoiler, bad idea). After quite bad progress with the folks, and people leaving (9/14HC after 1-2 months) I rejoined Paradise Lost, but raiding with Katie&Keon seems more fun imo.
Dark Animus HC as Prot Paladin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WN_xpvuJLk

Raid role
I help out where I can > clutch tranqs/displacer beasts/nitro boosts etc. I'm always updated on the upcoming bosses from plain patch text to youtube video kills. I learn things mostly from myself (dummys, duels, soloing stuff) and proving grounds I suppose.

Talent choices
Displacer Beast - blinking from him chasing you or getting out of the way from a yeti.
Ysera's Gift - extra raid utility, no better choice for anything.
Typhoon - Dead talent (can be used to push back bats)
Incarnation - Purely DPS increase, no better option.
Ursol's Vortex - Dead talent (can be used to push back bats)
Nature's Vigil - Pure DPS increase, 25 man doesn't need extra heals.

Grace - Saves falling dmg on any boss.

Rebirth - Ressed players aren't as vulnerable.
Stampede - Saves a global cooldown
Stampeding Roar - Raid utility

Same as Thok

Same as Thok

Wild Charge - Only requires one global cooldown (2 for displacer beast), and does the same thing.
Same as Thok

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I started raiding with a restoration druid so switching to it doesn't mind me at all, I'm currently rank 12 resto druid in PG (west) and best on server. (I'm competitive.)
Got my protection paladin 555 ilvl, but don't like playing him as it's too easy for my likings.

I was a GM on stormscale so I don't mind speaking. However I have adapted to the "Don't talk unless absolutely needed" that top end guilds have to let voice coms stay clean. Don't mind using forums for discussion, no.

Haven't raided since I transfered except with you guys. They are expired now.
http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qtf ... &source=68

Your UI
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2u3vaxt ... _9_KmPQqHs
TMW procs are on the left and right side of the raid groups. My target is on the same position as my personal frame except on the right side of the raid groups.

Guild History
Merged with experience.

Raid availability
Available from 16:30>00:00. (later if needed)

Keon&Katie I suppose.

About you
Extremely competitive, don't like slow progress due to dying in fire and a secretly tactician. Other boomies:


Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: [Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Jimmble » 28 Aug 2014, 21:53

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Posts: 1298
Character name: Beastaly
WoW character race: Blood Elf
WoW character class: Death Knight

Re: [Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Beastaly » 29 Aug 2014, 14:11

Look it's a chicken!


Re: [Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Mingser » 30 Aug 2014, 00:30

Using Bash on Garrosh to interrupt intermission adds.
Using modifiers on a lot of my keybinds, for example barkskin or rebirth are keybinded, you just don't see it cause it's on ctrl f and shift nagabutton7.
Just upgraded my soundcard, haven't tested the mic on mumble, but on skype it seems very low. (Blowing air onto mic, barely any noise). Will look at it tomorrow.

(Anyana, Katrixia)
Dark Raven
Posts: 88
Character name: Anyana, Katrixia

Re: [Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Echoette » 30 Aug 2014, 17:39

Very strong on multiple specs/classes. Would be a good addition. Performed well on our garrosh 25hc kill last week as well!

Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: [Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Jimmble » 31 Aug 2014, 23:35

Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.


Re: [Raider] Mingser, Lvl 90 Balance Druid

Post by Mingser » 10 Sep 2014, 23:29

Can't seem to have the heart to leave Paradise Lost again. I withdraw my application. Sorry. :(
