Raider's App (Monk dps)

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Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by McPanda » 15 Jul 2014, 15:02

Who is your character?
Mcpanda, Pandaren Windwalker Monk

Who are you?
My name is Kristoffer, and i am 18 years old and come from Denmark,

I don't have alot of Experience during the older Expansions, because i joined World of Warcarft in the beginning of the Mist of Pandaria Expansion, but i always strive to be one of the best. I started raiding in 5.2 i think when Throne of Thunder got out and cleared the raid on normal and only started on Heroic. In this content Siege of Ogrimmar i have killed 9 out of 14 bosses on Heroic.

Raid role
I would describe my role flexible,

Talent choices
Talents on Thok.
Lvl 15: Tiger's Lust - i always go with Tiger's Lust because it gives a nice speed boost for a short time to get to a specific place really quick, and it also gets me out of immobilizing and movement impairing things which is awesome!
Lvl 30: Chi wave - because Thok is a fight with no AoE need there is really nothing else to choose but Chi wave, because it gives a dps increase, and gives friendly players or myself some healing too.
Lvl 45: Chi Brew - It is an incredible dps increase so i wouldnt take any of the other 2 talents for this fight.
Lvl 60: Leg Sweap - i can't really use any of these 3 talents so it's just on my default Leg Sweap
Lvl 75: Diffuse - I use this because it a nice Defensive against Thok's Deafening Screeh.
Lvl 90: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger - It's a very good single target Dps increase.

Talents for Siegecrafter is the same for me right now, because i haven't killed him on Hc, but i don't think i would change from my normal setup.
And the same goes for Paragons really, since its also single target fight.
For Garrosh im normally going with the same setupp as the other three but i am going to try out using Chi Burst to see if it is awesome in the first part of Garrosh with the adds and check if it is more affective than using Chi wave after the fight.

For the Glyph part i have 2 Major and 1 Minor glyph i am always using.
My major glyphs is:
Glyph of Touch of Karma.
Glyph of Zen Meditation.
Glyph of Spinning Crane Kick (on Aoe fights where i ain't using Rushing Jade Wind) or Glyph of Sparring on AoE fights where i use Rushing Jade Wind or in single target fights.

The only minor i use for raiding is: Glyph of Blackout kick, for the extra dps increase.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have no problem in switching to my OS as a Brewmaster tank its fine by me, i have not tanked any bosses on Hc yet, only on normal, and flex.
And yes i have my Destro Warlock, but as i can see you don't need warlocks :P ... s/advanced - My warlock

I do have a microphone, and i am using it in raids and stuff, but im a little shy when speaking english because im not the best, in speeking english, so im not the one who is speaking alot as a social after the boss and other stuff. It's fine using the forums i did it in another guild i was in so its cool :)

I don't have any :-/

Your UI
I hope this pic is good enough :)

Guild History
current: High Definiton
Tactical Magic

I have always want to progress and kill as much as i can, but in my last to guilds we got abit stuck on few bosses and it stopped the progression, and i have always wanted to join you, because you where the first guild i replied to when i got in 90 with my first character, ofc i didn't get in because i had no experience or gear, but i still wants to join you :)

Raid availability
I am still in school so, i can't promise that i have to cancel 1 raid from time time, but other than that it's fine with me about the raid times :)

When i started playing wow, and when i got to lvl 90 I was just going through some of the raiding guilds and i read about you and did apply but got rejected (ofcause) and i have followed you'r progression since :)

About you
I live in Denmark, where i go in College in an International Buisness Class, i like sports and to work out in my spare time other than playing World of Warcraft.

Good day - Mcpanda

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Re: Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by Jimmble » 15 Jul 2014, 18:28

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by Jimmble » 17 Jul 2014, 10:59

Hello, McPanda!

Unfortunately we will have to reject you again. In short, we feel you wouldn't contribute enough to our raid group. Your application is simply not convincing. Not posting an armory link and/or logs didn't help your case either. Our 25-man raidgroup is working on Garrosh HC and on farm days we are gearing up the current team so there would be no opportunity for you to prove us wrong.

Normally we would offer you a reserve/social spot, but we feel your character name is against Blizzard's policy for RP realms which our guild is trying to enforce.

We wish you good luck finding a suitable raid team!


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Re: Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by McPanda » 17 Jul 2014, 16:08

Since you only asked for my alt's link to armory i'd think you had enough brain to look for yourself but thats just me.

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Re: Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by Alikh » 17 Jul 2014, 17:02

McPanda wrote:Since you only asked for my alt's link to armory i'd think you had enough brain to look for yourself but thats just me.
Obviously, that was not the only reason to reject your application and we were looking at your armory already, but you've just given another reason with that insulting post.

If you take a look at your own armory link: ... a/advanced

You see that you have 1 item unenchanted and your professions are not maxed out so you're not using your profession boosts (gems/tinkers). I'm afraid this is totally unacceptable for us to be considered as a serious application. If you took the time to get your cloak, you should've had ample time to also get your professions up, let alone forgetting to enchant an item while applying to a guild.

You also didn't read the raider app template about posting an armory link for your main character:
Who is your character?
[Your character name, class, specs, and Armory link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]
So, the armory link is in fact asked for as opposed to what you said. Please read more carefully next time you apply to a(nother) guild.

Use that information as you see fit and good luck finding another guild.

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Re: Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by McPanda » 17 Jul 2014, 20:14

Since i just started on engineering and jewelcrafting today, i think i would be acceptable since i logged off as soon as i was done, but ofc you couldn't see that my mistake

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Re: Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by Alikh » 18 Jul 2014, 09:52

You started them today, while we saw it days ago? Nice back to the future time travelling! You're also a very selective reader, ignoring all the other points.

Anyway, no use dwelling on it as it wasn't the only reason, good luck in your search for a suitable guild!

Posts: 10887
Character name: Aliqh
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Night Elf
WoW character class: Demon Hunter character avatar: Aliqh

Re: Raider's App (Monk dps)

Post by Alikh » 18 Jul 2014, 09:53

<not recruited>
