[Raider] Jingles - level 90 warrior

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Character name: Jingles

[Raider] Jingles - level 90 warrior

Post by Jingles » 28 May 2014, 00:39

Who is your character?
Jingles is a level 90 Gnome Warrior, currently mainspec running Arms with a Protection offspec. I clock in at 556 ilvl. While I run Arms atm, I consider myself a DPS-Warrior, and could picture myself switching to Fury in the future. Though Arms provides me with most damage output and game enjoyment at the moment.

Armory link:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... les/simple

Who are you?
I'm Marco, 24 years old from Sweden. I study at university in southern Sweden and work part-time for a government agency. In my sparetime I either play computer games or hang out with friends or family.

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
To begin with I'm applying for the casual group. But if I make good progress and have a possibility to put more time into my gaming - I always enjoy the game on the highest level.

Raid role
I always turn up to raids with enthusiasm and a smile on my face. Generally I'd prepare by making sure my different raid-addons are up to date and that my character has all necessary flasks needed. I judge my own performances by comparing my damage to what an expected output would be on a certain bossfight according to the worlds general raid concensus. Also I come prepared to a raid having read up on tactics to bosses I haven't killed before. If I have a hard time understanding mechanics, I always look it up on my own a.s.a.p. on my second screen, or ask the raid if it's more experienced than me.

I have played this warrior since Vanilla, in many forms. I used to be part of a high-end progression guild back then (over at horde at Twilight's Hammer) and raided 4-5 times a week clearing around 5 or 6 bosses in old Naxxramas as the highpoint.

In BC I stuck with my guild and raided all content up to SWP, by then we felt burnt out having gone through several changes in our lineup in order to make all the hellish attunements that expansion offered.

In Wotlk I raided only Naxxramas, after that I got a job and decided to step down from high-end raiding. I still came back by the end of the expansion, enjoying Icc-pugs that generally could clear half the place.

Cataclysm and MoP provided me with raiding through LFR. My guild had quit the raiding scene and I took off on my own, browsing through different realms and several faction-changes. I have a 12/14 Normal SoO experience through oQueue raiding.

I always raided as a DPS-Warrior, though at times when needed I stepped in as protection for the sake of the guild. While I prefer Fury or Arms, I always enjoy Protection as well.

In early vanilla I raided as a hunter before changing to my warrior. In BC I had a mage-alt that made some of the early stage raiding, and also alt-raided the highend BC content with my druid. (That was probably my most active time in the game ^^)

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I always try to keep my protection gear up to day. Right now it probably adds up to around 545 ilvl or so, though it has some gear that I share with my main-dps spec.

My druid-alt is mostly for relaxation when I want to heal. It's 90 with maybe 515 ilvl. I've never really been an alt kind of guy.

Naturally I have a microphone and am used to using Ventrilo/Skype/TS3. For me it's an important part of raiding to utilize this for good communication.

World of Logs stuff
Sorry haven't recorded anything since I generally play alone.

Guild History
Nothing particular on DB. I ran a guild of my own along with some friends but it was never anything serious. I have been on this realm for maybe 3 months now and it feels like I found a realm that suits me well that I see myself playing on for WoD-exp. This is also a reason I am applying to a guild for the first time in years!

Raid availability
Usually I'd plan my schedule around the raid-times. I have a job where I select my own work-times and university is, well you know... university! It's usually chill but then once in a while comes the exams and you have to crawl under your bed and read books nonstop for two days.

Noone in particular.

About you
Except for gaming I enjoy music, movies and TV-series. I am laid back and if I'm not by my computer I'm either browsing through some 70's band B-side releases or out in the city enjoying myself.

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Re: [Raider] Jingles - level 90 warrior

Post by Jimmble » 28 May 2014, 00:45

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Raider] Jingles - level 90 warrior

Post by Jimmble » 30 May 2014, 23:16

