Raiding Application for Mythic

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Raiding Application for Mythic

Post by Phailia » 29 Apr 2014, 11:59

Who is your character? ... uid/simple

Who are you?
Hello boys and girls, my name is Mathias, i'm 22 - I live in Denmark (Copenhagen), where i'm studying to become a teacher in Danish (language), gym and history. I've been playing world of warcraft since Vanilla, with a few breaks on board. Though I haven't been away from a complete expansion, and i've asways had interest in PvE the most.

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I'm looking to join your Mythic team, which you are recruiting for. I Should be able to raid with the 2nd team also during the rest of this expansion, as my gear is not up to date yet

Raid role
I'm most likely looking to join your guild, as either a healer or a ranged dps. I'm in a situation, where i'm willing to swap to any role / class and make it my main for the rest of my wowtime. So everything depends on what you guys need the most. I've been a stabile coreraider CR, a guild on Darksorrow progressing through expansions since TBC. As they lately merged into another 25 man guild on Darksorrow, Final Evolution I saw my time in the guild to pass. As you see, on my gear, i've been having a break since this summer, so ofc i wont be the pick for heroic raiding progress in a guild yet. Therefore i'm looking for a new home, for Mythic - and god you guys looks like the community for me. I've been watching your youtube vids, forum post etc. And I can't find one bad thing about your community, so I wanted to give it a shot :).
Anyways, back to the question - (Healer) -> If I would get the chance to join you with any healer class, i would see my raid-role to do as much positive to the team as possible, wait with my cds to be called for, always be 100% clear about what to do in which fights, so that I can get the most out of my heals. It's very situational to be a healer, and you can't say that you have a rotation, therefore you gotta be 100% sure about what to do at which encounters, and your heals might be more effective at certain fights. I keep myself updated on forums elitesjerks and more. And i'm always 200p updated on any class that I might should be playing with you guys in the next exp.

As a dps - the key to get a great dps, is to know your rotation and the encounter, if you are not one step ahead all the times, it will be shown in the meter, AND WE DONT WANT THAT :oops: !
Anyways, I've been playing ranged dps (hunter and Mage) for 2 expansions, and i loved it. But since healers are mostly a need, i've been falling back to one another at times. Anyways, i aswell here need to keep myself updated with everything about my class and encounters to maximize my deeeeepps!

When I was about 15 I think, I started to play WoW, my druid was my first to 60 - and got I hated it - I played a feral druid, and I only had "claw" WTF Blizzz.... Anyways, I cleared MC, Onyxia, ZG and that was it. The guild I was in, had a great community and one few guild that would take me in because of my age.

The burning crusade
Karazhan - Cleared
Zul'aman - Cleared also on timed, had my bear!
SSC - Cleared
Gruul's lair - Cleared
SCC - Cleared
TK - Cleared.

Through those expansions I swapped between my hunter, and my resto druid. I was here playing on Bloodhoof - guild called Gatekeepers, one of the best on the realm with a great reputation among many realms.

I did everything on Normal.
I was in CR here, at the end of ICC - my account got hacked, and perma banned. So I lost my druid and my hunter here.

BoT - Cleared Normal halfus on heroic
BwD - Cleared Normal
Totw - cleared Normal
break on Firelands
Back to Dragon Soul Cleared normal and heroic 10 and 25 man.

MSV - Cleared, 1 heroic
HoF - Cleared
Toes - Cleared
Throne - Normal Cleared 10 down in heroic. Was swapping on a mage at some of those fights aswell.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
As I said here - EVERY class / role is open. Depends on what you need the most, but as i mentioned, ranged dps or healer is what I prefer!

[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
I see myself, able to step into every role, or every character if I want to - It takes practice, but i'm a motivated guy, who doesn't like under performing. So I'll make sure to learn from my mistakes.

I've been assisting with raidleading for 4 years, so I am using my mic alot. Also i love communication ( being a part of the team ). I don't see how people can enjoy the game, without the social in it. Atleast for me, thats a big part of who I am - So yes, you will be hearing my on both chat and TS/VT whatever u use :)

World of Logs stuff
My wol are outdated and from throne on my druid. And as you see my character is not up to date to perform with any of you atm.

Guild History
Well, Gatekeepers was my first guild. The officer who I had a really good relationship with, took a break and I moved to a realm where I had a lot of friends.
CR was my 2nd guild which I wanna call "home" I'm only leaving them bcs they merged into another guild, where the guildmaster is really arrogant and most of all not that friendly to people in the guild, so the social part from me is kinda ruined there - as hes not willing to listen to anyone during raids.

Raid availability
I can make all of them.

Read your Forumpost on EU.forums, and watched your vids on youtube. None can vote for me :)

About you
Well, as you have prolly read in my application, I am a friendly guy who wants the best of hes time in world of warcraft. I've been together with my girlfriend for 5 years this summer ( god ... long time. :twisted: Gotta get rid of that chick) ... I play soccer, hang out with my friends, just enjoying life - and ofc playing wow. I'm open for alot of questions, if you want to know more about me..
And btw ...

I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER! :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :shock: :oops: :!:
Last edited by Phailia on 29 Apr 2014, 13:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Raiding Application for Mythic

Post by Jimmble » 29 Apr 2014, 12:44

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: Raiding Application for Mythic

Post by Phailia » 29 Apr 2014, 12:49

I added you on battle ID.
Phailia#2769, add me please - if you didn't get it. Id love to have a talk to you ingame :)

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Re: Raiding Application for Mythic

Post by Jimmble » 30 Apr 2014, 14:25

It was not easy, but finally the officers agreed to give you a trial membership under two conditions:
1. you change your forum avatar
2. you read Blizzard's policies for RP realms ( ... m-policies) and change your character name accordingly

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Re: Raiding Application for Mythic

Post by Phailia » 30 Apr 2014, 17:02

I'm glad to hear that, i'm gonna contact you ingame gnome about class etc.
When that is said, your conditions are too biiiig!
Nah, it's ok :)..
And I'm aware of the name, it shall be changed if its my druid youll be needing.

Looking forward to join you guys!


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Re: Raiding Application for Mythic

Post by Jimmble » 04 May 2014, 18:41

