[Social] Stonestrike, lvl 90 monk

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[Social] Stonestrike, lvl 90 monk

Post by Stonestrike » 16 Feb 2014, 21:03

Who is your character?
Stonestrike, lvl 90 dwarf monk (WW/BM).

Who are you?
My name is Johan, I'm 28 years old and currently living in Stockholm, Sweden.

I think many agree that the social aspect of WoW has always been why the game can be so captivating. Even though the changes made to the game since vanilla has made the game a bit less social, doing things in groups is still what I personally like most about the game. Group activities such as dungeons, BGs or quests is what I enjoy most. And even though I'm not aspiring to be a progression raider, I like to do the occasional raid and see new content for the same reason. I'm currently gearing my monk to be a casual flex tank.

On the same subject, MoP challenge modes are something I very much would like to get into before it's too late. Hopefully there are some alts or socials late to the party like me who are willing to work towards the gold achievements.

Guild history
Since moving to Defias in early BC, I've been a member of only two guilds – both which I have been very pleased with.

The first was The New Expedition whom which I raided some T4 & T5 content with before I had to stop raiding altogether due to university commitments. Since then, I've been playing on and off sporadically. Late WotLK I lost interest in PvE and wanted to get into PvP more. I applied to Bloodwind, and have been there as a social member ever since.

You have a good reputation, which is important to me. That means from what I've picked up though trade channel and whenever personally running into your memebers, they have always given a mature impression. I also recognise TRC as an old DB guild from the earlier days of WoW, which I see as sign of stability. I'm afraid I do not know anyone in the guild, but the again, I haven't been very active. If there are still any old-schoolers around who were/are familiar with TNE/Bloodwind, my druid (BC main) was named Eladriél and my main has up until recently been my dwarf rogue, Fibben.

I enjoy my questing, achievement-hunting and the occasional PvP and raid. As Bloodwind is a strictly PvP-oriented guild, I feel that to get the most out of the limited time I play, I'm best off in another guild.

About you
Having just recently got my masters degree, I am now applying for jobs. Since I at the moment have a bit more spare time I've started playing again to experience Mists of Pandaria. So right now, my activity is quite high. But when I do get a job, my playing hours are bound to drop back to the casual level where they've pretty much been the last six years. However, I still do very much enjoy WoW, its story and world so even if I'm playing less, I don't see myself quitting anytime soon (though who really quits, eh?).

You can say what you want about gnomes, but for me they are very associated with the great days of Karazhan raiding. Our guild leader in The New Expedition and his lovely wife happened to both be gnomes. They unfortunately had to stop playing when they had another kid but they were very nice people and made up like a gnomish love story. Very cute. Other than that? Foot support and cannon fodder.

Hopefully that answers it. If you have any questions or want to know more about me, ask here or grab me in-game.

Thanks for reading.

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Re: [Social] Stonestrike, lvl 90 monk

Post by Jimmble » 16 Feb 2014, 21:35

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Social] Stonestrike, lvl 90 monk

Post by Jimmble » 17 Feb 2014, 22:33

Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.

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Re: [Social] Stonestrike, lvl 90 monk

Post by Jimmble » 18 Feb 2014, 19:35

