[Raiding] RG1 - Beastaly - Deathknight

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Posts: 1298
Character name: Beastaly
WoW character race: Blood Elf
WoW character class: Death Knight

[Raiding] RG1 - Beastaly - Deathknight

Post by Beastaly » 11 Nov 2013, 01:58

Who is your character?
Beastly, a lvl 90 worgen deathknight.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... y/advanced

Who are you?
Maarten, 21 years old, from the Netherlands and currently live in Sweden.

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?

Raid role:
*Melee DPS
*Provide a raid cooldown (Anti-Magic Zone) only if needed for fights where it's actually usefull, stacking fights with high magic damage. I.E. Iron Qon, both HC and normal mode.
*Provide attack power and Melee/ranged haste buffs
*And in some situations soaking magical effects with Anti-Magic Shell which could kill another raid member. Puddles on Malkorok.
*I judge my own preformence using Skada and a pew plugs-ins for it, knowing how much dps i'm doing per fight, my survivability (standing in poo), which skills i'm using, avoidence/medigation, using world of logs if provided by the guild. And compare the dps done by people in similar ilvls on world of logs to see if i'm maximizing my dps.
*I keep myself updated on my class through patch-notes, concosionally popping on to the PTR and checking out what's going on over there, different forums like icy-veins.com and mmo-champion. As well as talking to other dks on my real-id when changes are posted on the blizzard webpage.

All experience pre nerfs are as a Blood DK, although some of the fights i have dpsed aswell. Now Thok i've been dpsing on a weekly basis on normal and the occasional Fallen Protectors/Immerseus.
I've dpsed all LFRs/Flex modes. Except SoO LFR.

All progression has been in a 10 man raiding group.
Cleared tier 13 pre nerf 8/8
Cleared tier 13 HC pre nerf 5/8

Cleared tier 14 pre nerf. 16/16
Cleared tier 14 HC after nerf. 16/16
Cleared tier 15 pre nerf. 12/12
Cleared tier 15 after nerf. 13/13
Cleared tier 16 pre nerf. 14/14

Off-specs and Alternative characters:
*I'm very comfortable to either DPS or Tank depending on what the raid group needs. Always look up both tactics to make sure if there is anythng that applies for both roles. For example certain debuffs or extra buffs that you may aquire in a fight (Paragons of The Klaxxi)
*I have a Warlock Alt newly transfered to an other server to a friends guild so it would only be availble for x-realm event.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... n/advanced
-Raid progression during current content was only ToT and 3 fights in SoO. I've done Sha of Pride, Galakras, Iron Jourgernaut, and Paragons of the Klaxxi.
-1750 raiting in 2s, 1400 raiting in RBGs (not that it matters, but that's basically what i've done on that alt)
*I have a Shaman alt on this server, very badly geared, with no current content progression.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... h/advanced

Yes, as you might have heard during the discussion we've had on mumble before i posted this appliction. I've previously used the forum to discuss tactics for certain bosses, but it was officer-only posts.

World of Logs stuff:
As a blood DK: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-w ... 573&e=7353 From the first Garrosh kill
As a frost DK: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-v ... 26&e=10011 (missing meta gem and enchants) from todays Thok kill.

Guild History
*Muppets in Uniform was my first guild i ever joined, raided only once or twice and was forced into the tanking role after i stoped leveling my mage. Was benched every week as i didn't know tactics or the propper rotation for dps. I was a real noob. Server tranfered to Defias Brotherhood to quest with my girlfriend at the time.
*Joined Exploding Sheep Inc as i was guildless and they needed a tank for DS 10. After the first raid they invited me into the guild to join as thier main tank and been there tanking since Throne of Thunder. Worked my way up to raidleader and leader of the second raid team for alts and new comers. Since people where leaving to join other and better guilds i got fed up with providing the high end guilds with new talents so decided to start looking for a new guild. After getting dumped by my ex and finished Throne of Thunder on normal i decided it was time for a fresh start, started raiding with my warlock and found Prime shouting for a new tank.
*Joined Prime to start doing SoO normal and progress on HC, thier gm and officers had previously helped us out during progression when we were missing DPS and they had time/alts to spare. With high hopes i joined them and progressed to the point i'm now. Since our one of the healers and main tank no longer feel that Prime is the guild for them to do HC progression they left and formed thier own guild, which now is still recruiting people.
*I contacted you guys since you are looking for a DK to help progress in HC content and i don't feel like i wanna give up raiding on my DK. I strongly feel that i could be of great use as a melee dps. Since it's known that there is stready progress and a better attitute towards raiding in The Raven Council i also want to give it a shot. With my knowledge and experience as both DPS and tank i feel that i'm a good adition to your raid team.

Raid availability
I can raid on the days dicussed during the mumble interview, Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday. On other days it may varry depending on what i'm doing with university.

Found out that you were recruiting via wow-progress. Panthaselia (GM of Exploding Sheep) can vouche for me as a tank and dps. And i'm pretty sure that the GM from Prime can do the same.

About you:
Born in the Netherlands, lived in spain for 4 years and currently live in Sweden, have a huge intrest in computer games (kinda obvious when i'm playing WoW most of my spare time), i like metal music and the ocasional drum and base/dubstep/hardstyle mixes. Play drums and guitar :) I also study computer game development at Stockholm University.

Pretty much summed everything up, if there are any questions feel free to ask me, don't mind answering any question :) and yeah, i mean any, don't feel unconfortable discussing any type of topic.

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Re: [Raiding] RG1 - Beastaly - Deathknight

Post by Jimmble » 11 Nov 2013, 09:27

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Raiding] RG1 - Beastaly - Deathknight

Post by Jimmble » 11 Nov 2013, 11:56

Your application has been accepted, please /w an officer for an invite.

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Re: [Raiding] RG1 - Beastaly - Deathknight

Post by Jimmble » 13 Nov 2013, 18:01

