[Social]Kinasära, 90 Priest

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[Social]Kinasära, 90 Priest

Post by grooyoung » 06 Oct 2013, 01:21

Who is your character?
Kinasära, Level 90 Priest, Gnome

Who are you?
Hi, my name's Ke, 26 years old. A guy comes from China, and currently lives in Sweden.

first thing to do in wow: experience the story line (quests and dungeons and world events)
second thing to do in wow: fight by friends' side in both world PVP events and battle grounds.

Guild history
Was in a leveling guild called Natural Selection, but soon the guild became kinda collapsed. After all, it was not a guild built to last long. I knew it was just a temporary stay in Defias Brotherhood.

I know no one in The Raven Council. However, a good loads of guild achievement points and high guild population, as well as early established date suggest me this place is what I should put my char in.. Legacies and Server histories, are withhold in a guild like this.

About you
I started wow in the year 2005, it began in the Chinese server, I spend two days exploring Elwynn Forest only to find the revealed part of the map was nothing comparing the huge silhouette world map. I battled in MC, BWL, TAQ (no NAXX because it was very hard for me to meet the raid standard), I traveled long enough to the Outland and Northrend. I battled in ICC. However, I was AFK all most during the whole CTM. When I began my life in Sweden, I decided to give the new expansion a try. Working and Study pressure don't allow me to play at my best, so when MOP begin, I was away from the game. However, when I heard the new contents in 5.4 was to take Garrosh down, for the Alliance and for Theramore, I have to come back and know what's going on in the world of warcraft by myself!

In real life, I am a biology researcher. Think and talk like an engineer if I may say so.

I love gnomes and the way they live, that's why I play as a gnome priest with a engineering major.

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Re: [Social]Kinasära, 90 Priest

Post by Jimmble » 06 Oct 2013, 02:12

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Social]Kinasära, 90 Priest

Post by Jimmble » 08 Oct 2013, 17:48

Your application has been accepted, please /w an officer for an invite.

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Re: [Social]Kinasära, 90 Priest

Post by Bowick » 13 Oct 2013, 15:18

Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
