Who is your character?
Elènea, retribution paladin since MoP. Originally holy and still has possibilities, as well as a shy protection spec when needed.
Since I PvP a lot, my armory link is not to be trusted, although I do have a pve-set at the ready (lfr & normal pieces, no heroics) with full hit- and expertise cap and whatnot. I'll post it anyway, you never know: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... nea/simple
Who are you?
Just call me Elly (everyone does), 20 years old and born in Belgium. Currently residing in Scotland though, which is partially the fault of WoW. Not complaining, it's enjoyable to make fun of silly Scottish things, the people are very friendly and easy going (they curse a lot though) and the environment is beautiful.
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
Group one, and also for 5.4. It's a bit late for 5.3. =D
Raid role
Well, Retribution is a hybrid spec.. Means some decent dps and whenever the rotation allows (which is often enough), a quick Flash of Light. Various cooldowns help a lot as well, most noticably stuff like Hand of Protection (for example on a healer during Garalon's Crush attack), Aura Mastery (f.e. during Megaera's Rampage), Hand of Purity (f.e. on Touch of Sha from Protectors of the Endless), Hand of Salvation (f.e. pre-emptively before bursting to avoid getting threat), ... Y'know all the good stuff.
I check various of the sweet sites (elitistjerks, icy veins, arenajunkies, skillcapped) to make sure I'm doing things right, use AskMrRobot for convenience on reforges, and then theorycraft and experiment to do a little better. Also daily check MMO champion to see what's up, and finally in-game I check recount to make sure the numbers match.
Cleared MSV, HoF and ToeS in a hardcore raiding guild at the very start of MoP. Goshie, those guys were rough! But the results were there I suppose, they taught me how to get better and clean/quick kills followed soonishly.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I don't mind changing specs in the raid, keeps it fresh. I mean, doing your dps rotation 4 hours in a row can get rather dull. It's nice to switch to tanking or healing every now and then.
I do have a couple of other characters as well, but all of them are in full pvp gear without the slightest pve item, and the paladin is prefered since she's my main.
Edit: I could offer my shadowpriest since I really enjoy the spec.
There was a time when I was shy, but not so much anymore. ^_^ Maybe at the start when I don't know people, but if all goes well I loosen up quickly. Either way, I say what has to be said, and after the raid, a little bit more! Using Skype, Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrillo or whatever is necessary. Awesome headphones of which you are jealous, altho a rather crappy microphone. Then again, maybe I just really dislike hearing my own voice and the mic is fine.
As for scheming, if for some reason the date of raidings are changed, I don't check the forums every 30 minutes so I might miss that.. I hope that sudden changes are mentioned either in-game or via Skype/cellphone or something.
World of Logs stuff
Ehnay, dun have that. It's been a while. However, the target dummy says I currently have 126-144k dps with an itemlevel of 516, with a peak at 180k. A bit misleading since ret is a rather bursty spec, but a steady 100k can definitely be assured. To be improved in SoO of course, as I will be getting more pve gear and actually use flasks, raidbuffs, pre-pots and whatnot - the target dummy didn't receive anything fancy.
Guild History
Shrike for wpvp and Bloodwind for high rating. Still in Shrike with my alts to help them out, but I'd like to raid again with my main.
Raid availability
Available whenever, really.
WoWprogress, that is all.
About you
Shy at first, bouncy later. I like to talk, blabber and gossip, and I do so a lot. I skip around the house singing terrible songs and laughing at bad humor, occasionally stumbling over a vacuum cleaner that should not have been there. I then make food while thinking of the next chapter in my book, since I like to write (and obv. read), or I think of one of the many silly projects I'm working on. When I'm done cooking, I'll sit down and read through the long mails from my mom about the dogs, the childrens, the hollidays, the new job and whatnot. My bf comes in, mutters there's not enough butter on his potatoes (seriousely, butter on potatoes?), we make out and then play games together. He recently forced me into Dead Space 3 (which is not only horribly scary, I also suck 100% at it, I can't aim!), but there are also clasics like Minecraft, Dota, Borderlands, Terraria, Smite, Guildwars and a whole lot of others, really.
Knowing myself, I better stop here before I write down my complete diary.
Meese is the plurar of Moose.
[raider] Elènea, Lvl 90 Retribution Paladin
[raider] Elènea, Lvl 90 Retribution Paladin
Last edited by Elenea on 22 Aug 2013, 01:49, edited 1 time in total.
- Bowick
- Ancient
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- Character name: Bowick
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- WoW character class: Monk
Re: [raider] Elènea, Lvl 90 Retribution Paladin
Thank you for the application, we'll review and get back to you asap. :)
Thank you for the application, we'll review and get back to you asap. :)
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: [raider] Elènea, Lvl 90 Retribution Paladin
Hi Elenea,
As discussed, you are offered a trial in RG1, please contact an officer for a guild invite when ready!
As discussed, you are offered a trial in RG1, please contact an officer for a guild invite when ready!
- Jimmble
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Re: [raider] Elènea, Lvl 90 Retribution Paladin
<application suspended>