Theysa, 90 Druid, social.

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Theysa, 90 Druid, social.

Post by Theysa » 21 Jul 2013, 21:26

Who is your character?
Theysa, Night Elf Druid.

Who are you?
Brian, 23 and I'm from Ireland.

I play mostly on horde as Disc Priest doing casual raiding and casual PvP but I recently got interested in druid again and I've just started to gear him up for PvE

Guild history
The New Expedition

I like to keep tabs on PvE progress on Defias Brotherhood and so I generally have limited knowledge on a lot of guilds on our server. Having been on this server since 2007, I have seen a lot of guilds come and go and when I saw your guild on the "Guild Finder", I decided I'd like to play my druid, albeit socially, surrounded my competent players who are passionate about the game.

About you
I'm 23 and from Ireland, as I have mentioned earlier. I've been playing WoW on and off since 2007 and I have always played on Defias Brotherhood. This character was horde until a guild I was previously in, Ubiquity, disbanded. Wanting to continue 25 man raiding, I moved to alliance where I joined The New Expedition during ICC. After Wrath, I retired Theysa and I now play predominantly on my Goblin Priest, Elytria.

When not playing WoW, I like to soak whatever days of sunshine we get in Ireland, which is not many, by loitering around town, drinking in beer gardens or displaying my incompetence with a football. Avid fan of music and film and a deep, destructive passion for all things in Nintendo. I, on occasion, dabble in table top gaming: Warhammer, Magic: The Gathering, board games and DnD.

They have nothing on Leprechauns.

Thank you for your time. If necessary, feel free to ask me any more questions.

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Re: Theysa, 90 Druid, social.

Post by Jimmble » 22 Jul 2013, 13:03

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: Theysa, 90 Druid, social.

Post by Jimmble » 22 Jul 2013, 17:28

Your application has been accepted. Please whisper an officer for a /ginvite.

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Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
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Re: Theysa, 90 Druid, social.

Post by Jimmble » 24 Jul 2013, 07:50

