Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

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Character name: Aléstia
Location: Latvia

Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Aléstia » 28 Feb 2013, 14:01

1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?

My main character is Aléstia - max level Human death knight.

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?

Yes, this is my main character and the first one. Though I have 3 other lvl90 alts on defias.

3. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?

Why not? :) I'm homeless now and only raiding on my shammy at the moment, but with 5.2 coming 0I want to be a part of raiding team with my DK again so I had to look for a guild to raid with. This character isn't currently on defias because I transferred away at the start of MoP to raid together with a friend but that didn't worked out really well.. I even promised my DK before that defias is her real home and she can't live on any other realm but still transferred her away :( now I regret that and I'm bringing her back. Why your guild? Because noone really needed a dps DK

4. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?

Found about you on wowprogress, saw that you might be interested in dps DK applying.

5. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).

I'm 25 years old guy from Latvia, working at state revenue service as an IT technician/admin. Nothing much to tell about me. Living my boring life and just getting older :(

I'm interested in raiding. Oh and here's my armory btw ... C3%A9stia/

P.S I had to google the answer of confirmation question. Thought it's deathknell or something...

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Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Jimmble » 28 Feb 2013, 14:02

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.
Alestia wrote: Yes, this is my main character and the first one.
Gnomes know that a first character cannot be a death knight. Because gnomes are smart. *nod*


Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Aléstia » 28 Feb 2013, 14:10

I was smart too by leveling a gnome warlock to lvl55 before creating the death knight :p

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Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Jimmble » 28 Feb 2013, 14:12

And what's with the gnome now? Is he alright? Don't forget to feed him regularly.


Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Guest » 28 Feb 2013, 14:25

I'm sending him different herbs so he's fine. He's smart enough to mill them into paper which should earn him some food to survive.
Or maybe he's into raw herbs and consumes them himself. Who knows.
What does a gnome need anyways? It's not like he's deserved more than a gentle pat once in a week or two.

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Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Jimmble » 28 Feb 2013, 14:36

Send him carrots! Gnomes love carrots! And turnips. And cookies! OMG cookies! And cakes. Just don't feed him paper, you silly smelly knight.

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Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Jimmble » 28 Feb 2013, 15:05

We had a short discussion with the (raiding) longlegs and we haven't found anything what would make you not suitable for the raiding spot.

The next step would be trying you out in action. We are having a raid today, and we are missing a few guys, so we will do a bit of farming content (MSV HC and HoF HC). If you can manage to transfer back to Defias until then, you could join us. Starting at 20:00.

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Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Stukov » 28 Feb 2013, 18:47

Just *dont* feed the gnomes.

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Re: Aléstia, the mighty death knight.

Post by Jimmble » 03 Mar 2013, 23:14

