[SWTOR+WOW] Application - Vashandris

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[SWTOR+WOW] Application - Vashandris

Post by Vashandris » 16 Feb 2012, 22:16

Greetings, kids, ladies and gentlemen!
I'd like to join <The Raven Council> in both WoW and SWTOR. So here's my application :)

1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Name is Vashandris, a Night Elf Warrior, stalwart protector of the Alliance. Maximum level, off course.
In SWTOR, my char is a Jedi Guardian, level 44. I'm trying to level it up to max this month :P

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
No, I've had a priest, a mage and a paladin before this one, however I consider this as my main char these days. My first char and former main is Sigryd, on Balnazzar horde side. With that priest I raided extensively during TBC, slowed down a bit during Wrath and now, I'm as casual as they get :D
In SWTOR, I've tried several classes during pre-launch, but nothing convinced me to change my mind about the class and spec I want to play: tank Guardian! Only one.

3. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
Mostly because of my friend that's already there, I like the name of the guild, and I've heard good things about you guys :)

4. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
From my friend, Nasur :) He told me some of you also play SWTOR, I asked him where and surprise: exactly on my server and my faction. What were the odds? :P

5. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
My name is Iulian, I'm 29 years old, I come from Romania, but live and work in Italy, as a farmer. Boring as... well, farming dailies!
I like awesome rock music, House MD, Bill Maher's "New Rules", communitychannel and good movies. I hate hippies, gods, bad music, sticky fingers, warm sweaty coins and chocolate doughnuts without chocolate. Also i really dislike T-shirts <I'm with stupid> and guild applications (:P) but despite all these curses, I believe Life is beautiful. At least for some people...

6. PS:
I usually log in after 19:30 GMT, when most raids are well underway. So, my intention is not to be a heavy raider, I'm joining mostly as a casual player. If the guild ever needs a tank or an arms warrior for an alt raid, however, I'll be ready with food, pots, flasks and a bad attitude. Or a good one, as requested! Also I am interested in PvP, since I have a tight schedule and most of the times cant make it on time for raids.
Also, at the moment I have a 7 day free pass from Blizzard, 6 days to go :P I will get a subscription later on this month or early March. The SWTOR account is active till 20th of March and I will play mostly there, then swith back to WoW.
See you guys in-gameS, and hope for an invite. Cheers!
"I hate orcs... I really do!"
Vashandris 90
Serebryn 90
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Dark Raven
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Re: [SWTOR+WOW] Application - Vashandris

Post by Nasur » 16 Feb 2012, 22:31

I will vouch for this dude, even though he's stepping on my nerves every time we try to play arenas.
But he's a good dude.
When it comes to WoW, you must remember two things: everybody that achieved less than you is a noob and everybody that achieved more than you has no life.

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Re: [SWTOR+WOW] Application - Vashandris

Post by Stukov » 17 Feb 2012, 07:40

Thanks for the application, give us a bit of time to review it and stuff.

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Re: [SWTOR+WOW] Application - Vashandris

Post by Jimmble » 17 Feb 2012, 22:39


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Re: [SWTOR+WOW] Application - Vashandris

Post by Alikh » 18 Feb 2012, 11:36

In swtor, whisper alikh/astra/inari/tythus or on imp side khila/nila/k'ila.
