Raid Quests in Plagueland

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Raid Quests in Plagueland

Post by Tengila » 23 May 2006, 10:14

Any one experienced on these quest? I have just hit 60 and got two quests that are Raid, never been in a raid so any input would be good.

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Re: Raid Quests in Plagueland

Post by Alikh » 23 May 2006, 17:58

Tengila wrote:Any one experienced on these quest? I have just hit 60 and got two quests that are Raid, never been in a raid so any input would be good.
Congratulations on your 60th birthday! :wink:
Well, I guess the two quests you're talking about are the blightcaller and the battle of darrowshire?

The blightcaller is slightly more difficult than darrowshire, though can take less time if done well. You'll need about 15+ level 60's to pull it off. Any less will probably be too hard depending on who participates.
You must simply nuke the blightcaller with all you've got, tanking the dogs with a few warriors and the main tank on him. Even priests should just unleash dps on him and not try to heal. The skeletons that might spawn (I heard because of healing or something) are immune to a lot, so don't bother trying to kill them. If you're lucky, you can pull out most after he's killed.

Darrowshire will point out itself, you have to defend darrowshire against hordes of undead and protect the main quest npc. It takes some time until the waves stop, so it's a bit of a weardown probably. You should be able to pull this off on the first try with enough people. I think 15 or maybe less is enough.


Thats alot of lvl 60's!

Post by Tengila » 23 May 2006, 21:57

So I guess it would be good if we all wait up for each other and do them together? Or is this something you cry out in IF for a raid?

Btw, I am preparing to go to BRD in the next week or two. So far it is me and a lvl 60 Mage(she is well equiped so I hear). Any one else that want to set aside three or more hours to do a complete BRD?

Tengila "I am plate"

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